Tuesday, February 27, 2018


We were warned yesterday that severe winter weather was headed our way. People are calling the storm "the beast from the east." The train companies told people to get home by 6 p.m., and the government weather office issued warnings for heavy snow (up to 15 centimeters!) and temperatures well below freezing.

I lugged the fig tree inside last night, not even trusting it to its normal protected place in our garden shed. (I'm still not sure I really need to protect that tree at all.)

And yet, this is what our garden looks like this morning. Hardly the stuff of nightmares.

The daffodils look a bit shocked, but I've seen daffodils survive snow before so I doubt they'll have too much trouble. It is cold out there -- something around 25ยบ F, according to the online weather report.

And more snow is coming today and toward the end of the week -- but today's snow, at least, will come with temperatures right around freezing so I doubt it will even stick.

I'm not in PANIC MODE! At least, not yet.


  1. I hope you both and the dog will stay warm!

  2. Have you got your thermal long johns on and your bearskin coat? Trust the Russians to send us such bitter weather!

  3. You could build snow mice! Igloos for voles! The hedgehogs can have an itty bitty snow ball fight! And at least one runway at Heathrow is closed down while the maintenance crew gets out the snow removal broom.

  4. Sometimes February likes to go out with a bang. But spring is right around the corner.

  5. I think you got the same Snowpocalypse that we got in Florida this year.

  6. This media hysteria about the weather is really getting on my tits

  7. That's quite a storm you had there! LOL! I am so looking forward to spring.

  8. After some nice weather this is hard to take. Some plants are very hardy and can take a lot of frost before suffering any damage.Yyes , I would take my fig tree in.

  9. Those poor daffodils. They do look a little sad. On the news last night they had pictures from of all places Rome with not just a little snow but quite a lot of snow. The kind that needs snow plows. I didn't hear London mentioned but they did talk about a cold front sweeping across Europe. Stay warm!

  10. Looks like one of our snowfalls in Arizona!

  11. That's pitiful! :)

    I think if it snows here again I might cry.

  12. I've read that the same system that brought you your weather is also responsible for pushing very warm air northward - the North Pole has been way above average temperature. It's not looking good for poor old Earth. Here's the link if you're interested: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/north-pole-surges-above-freezing-in-the-dead-of-winter-stunning-scientists/ar-BBJDIuv?li=AAggFp5&ocid=mailsignout

    Then again I wish I hadn't read this particular piece; it's pretty depressing as I believe it's bearing out the climate change predictions. Our winter has been so unlike our usual winters - mild and hardly any snow. We usually get quite a bit.
