Saturday, June 16, 2018

Je Suis Libre!

Well, that's it! Finito! Finis! No more teachers, no more books, etc. I am now a free agent until mid-August.

I have lots of plans for my time. I've got several projects I really want to finish, such as the seemingly endless journal transcription and photo archiving. I have a probably unrealistic stack of books to read. There are some short trips I'd like to make. And there's one big trip, in July, that Dave and I have planned to Vietnam and Cambodia. I'm surprised I haven't mentioned it before now, but I think I've been trying to convince myself that it's really going to happen. And it is -- the tickets have been bought, the plans made.

So this will be a full summer, and yet hopefully a summer in which I wrap some things up.

The last day of school went well enough, although I still have the remnants of my cold and didn't feel so great. I got through first aid training (thank goodness that's over) and did you know that when you do CPR, you're supposed to press the person's chest firmly enough to go 3/4 of the way into their body? The instructors said if you don't break any ribs, you're probably not doing it right. Good lord! I hope I never have to go there.

I also got through the recognition ceremony for departing staff members, including my colleague Lindsey, who's been at the school 16 years. She and her husband and dog helped introduce us (and Olga!) to Hampstead Heath years ago, and she's been a lot of fun to work with. I'll miss her.

I did not go to the after-work cocktail hour because I had some errands to run, including picking up Dave's repaired sandals (which look great). And last night, sitting in the garden -- where I counted five ladybirds remaining on our cardoon -- I felt so relaxed knowing that there are no demands on my time for the next eight weeks!

(Photo: Street art along the Regent's Canal near Camden.)


  1. Enjoy your holidays, especially the stack of books. Olga will be pleased to have your company every day...


  2. The Angkor temple zone is one of the wonders of the world. I expect that you and Dave will enjoy wandering around the ruins. Ask your hotel reception if they can arrange a reliable tuk tuk driver for you. You will each need to pay a fee of £48 for a three day national park pass at the entrance to the temple zone. I hope the weather is kind to you. It can be very rainy in July but I am sure you will have done your research on this.

  3. Make the most of your break and take lots of pics in Cambodia, it's supposed to be a beautiful place. As for the books, I'd like some more recommendations.

  4. I hope you enjoy your plans, especially your travels!

  5. what a relief! two months of free time!

  6. This is the joy of being a teacher, or a school librarian. Have a wonderful summer!

  7. It's odd that I recommended you watch some of Anthony Bourdain's episodes where he visits Viet Nam right before he died. He may have some filmed in Cambodia, too. I can't remember but one can google anything. I still recommend that.
    Gosh. You're just going to have an amazing summer! I hope you enjoy every moment of it!

  8. An eight week vacation is about just right. with little five day vacations interspersed throughout the year makes it all do-able. You trip in July sounds intriguing, Anthony Bourdain's visits make it seem enticing...except for some of the edibles, not edibles. Exciting! How long will you be gone?

  9. Vietnam, Cambodia, noodles, noodles, lots of noodles. Anthony and Obama both attested to their wonderfulness. And the cold beer. Yes, I would have liked to seen the ruins and the temples in those countries myself. Now about the CPR: SWMBO said your instructor may have been exaggerating a bit but I think it was done to make sure the "students" were not too delicate. Still, I'd hate to be revived from a heart incident only to find I have broken ribs!

  10. There's little to compare with that feeling of freedom at the start of vacation!

  11. What a grand thing it is to have the whole summer off! Sounds like you have wonderful plans to fill all that time. I love knowing that Dave's sandals look great. I remember going to the shoemaker when I was little to have heals replaced on shoes. I'm glad that there are people who still do that stuff. Enjoy every moment of freedom!

  12. Well done, you! :-) Good luck with all those projects in the pipeline.

    Greetings from London.

  13. I would just crash at the end of the school year. It would take three or four days for me to recover.
