Sunday, July 29, 2018

Back Home Again

Well, we're back home in London, where we returned to rain (yay!) and a rather beaten-down garden. We seem to have had some windstorms that left the top-heavy zinnias standing on their heads and knocked around some other plants, too. I can tell already that tomorrow we'll be out there staking things up!

The trip home went smoothly enough, but it was LONG. (I feel like I say that every time I fly, but in this case, it's true!) We left our hotel in Nha Trang at 6 p.m. (12 p.m. London time) yesterday and got to our flat at 9:45 this morning. So that's just about 22 hours of traveling.

The hardest part was getting through immigration at Heathrow. There must have been multiple large flights coming in from Asia because it was packed. We stood in line for about an hour.

Somebody asked whether I kept that mask I found on the beach in Nha Trang. The answer is, yes. I propped it up on a windowsill with our Zimbabwean bead creatures for now. Not sure I'll leave it there. It's a little creepy, isn't it?!

Olga, meanwhile, is spending her last evening in her luxury pet hotel, which is a good thing. I pulled up this picture a few days ago and it looked like she'd literally been knocking her head against the door:

We're looking forward to getting her back tomorrow!


  1. I love the fact that you brought the beach mask back. A free souvenir that will make you think of Vietnam and of the mask's unknown back story. Welcome home.

  2. Thanks for all the lovely photos but I'm sure its nice to be home.
    Poor Olga will be soooo excited to see you.
    I would hide that mask, but then I've never like those african masks people have on their wall.

  3. Glad you made it back to London safely. I always bring back from my travels that cost me nothing. Pebbles from a beach in Iceland, rocks from a mountain in Peru. These are the best souvenirs!

  4. your garden looks like it did get some wind,, but it looks lovely and alive,, I wondered if you would keep that mask,, its very intriguing, I wonder what it was for,, it is a bit scary,, I hope it was used in the spirit of fun lol,, your pup looks quite comfy and I love that you can check on her! Now that is cool!! Never ever saw that before,,thats a fancy pup hotel for sure, glad you're home safe and sound, but looking forward to the next adventure,

  5. I'm glad you brought the mask home. I had wondered if you would. It's an interesting souvenir. I love seeing your garden. Ah, it must feel so good to be home, and tomorrow... Olga! Yay!

  6. I wonder if there is any way to find out where that mask originally came from. What a story that would be. Happy you will be getting Olga back soon.

  7. So glad you are home safe and sound. 22 hours is a very long trip. The last time I flew to London, the custom's and passport control hall was the same way. I stood in line for an hour just to get my passport stamped. There must be a lot more international flights coming in these days.
    I bet Olga will be so glad to see you and you her.

  8. I have been thinking that , if you travel frequently throughout the year, it might be nice to just pay for the expedited pass through customs, last I checked it was was eighty bucks. Heathrow is a problem, especially after long flight weariness. Glad to hear you made it home in good shape. Olga will need a good long hug and a walk in the woods, probably. Welcome home!
    Appreciated your photos and adventure from my chair!

  9. Your garden may look droopy but it is beautiful with all that color.

    I'm glad you are home safe and soon Olga will be too. Also hope that London is over its' heat wave.

  10. A memorable trip and souvenir! Olga looks pretty chill there. She'll be happy to see you, I bet.

  11. This was such a fabulous trip. I hope we get to chat about it in person sometime, but I'm glad you're both home and I know Olga will be so happy to see you.

  12. your garden looks great! I love that pic. and that was me asking if you picked up the mask. it just looked like something you would retrieve. welcome home.

  13. 22 hours is a long time.I try to nap as much as I can.

  14. Nothing quite like being back in your own bed after a long trip. Or sometimes even a short one!
    I like the mask and I would have kept it too. A little creepy can be good.
    Give Olga a little kiss on the head for me.
