Monday, July 16, 2018

A Backward Glance

I'm posting this updated garden photo both to show you how different it looks now compared to about a month ago, and to remind myself while I'm traveling what's going on at home. It always seems a mixed blessing to leave the garden in summer.

The purple flowers in front are loosestrife, which came into bloom a week or two ago, and you can see behind that our big hydrangea. The pink butterfly bush and blue globe thistles are to the right. The roses, behind the butterfly bush, are almost entirely done -- only one bush is still blooming.

Here's the front porch. I can't complain at all about our zinnias -- they're looking great! And on the right is an African marigold and a dianthus I bought in the early spring that has lasted far, far longer than I ever expected it to. (Did you know, by the way, that the name "marigold" derives from the Virgin Mary? I just read that online somewhere, and since it's on the Internet, it must be true.)

We have a friend who will tend the garden in our absence, so hopefully everything will continue to look good.

Back on June 6, I posted a picture of some random shoes scattered on a concrete step near the high street. Well, the shoe pile is not only still there -- it's GROWN! And there's still only one of each shoe. What is going on here?!

Ponder that mystery. Meanwhile, Dave and I are taking off in a matter of hours on our new adventure.

Someone asked if I will be blogging from Southeast Asia. I intend to, but I have no idea what our Internet connectivity is going to be like -- and obviously we'll be on a completely different timetable. So I can't tell you when a new post will appear. I hope to post daily as usual!


  1. Have a fantastic trip of a lifetime.

  2. I hope you have a wonderful time in South East Asia. Please take lots of great pictures and make lots of wonderful memories.

  3. One part of me likes the quirky idea of people adding to the heap of shoes, but on the other hand it did remind me of the piles of shoes in the concentration camps. Maybe its just morbid old me. lol.
    Enjoy your hols and lets hope it rains while you are gone to keep your garden going.

  4. Just have a wonderful time and do not feel beholden to anything that might interfere with your enjoyment of such a trip! Of course we'll love to see anything you give you us.

  5. I never post when I'm on vacation so don't feel obligated. just have a great time. your garden looks great. I tried to grow hydrangeas but wasn't successful.

  6. That top photo of the garden is so inviting. The garden looks wonderful. Have a great time on your trip.

  7. Have a great tip and yes I look forward to posts on your trip. Now that puts the pressure on you.

  8. I hope you have a wonderful time! Don't worry about blogging....we'll be happy to see any photos and hear about your adventures once you get back! Safe travels, my friend...

  9. Have a wonderful journey and a grand time. Safe travels to you and Dave.

  10. That strange shoe pile makes me think of a pair of sneakers, tied together by their laces and often seen hanging from an overhead telephone or power line.

  11. We NEED to know about the pile of shoes (without any of the work of finding out, of course) :)

    I was reading about purple loosestrife and was interested to find out it is considered an invasive alien species in Canada, and is banned outright in a couple of provinces. Apparently it takes over in wetlands and renders them uninhabitable for many of the creatures that live there. Who knew? It's very pretty. Sometimes I wonder if there is any reasonable way to keep species from travelling wherever they want to go. It's all one big earth, and I'm thinking that eventually things will all reach a plateau. It will change a lot of habitats, but that has been going on since the beginning of time, if a person stands back and looks at it.

    Looking forward to travel tales when and if you get the chance to blog about them!

  12. have a wonderful journey and hopefully someone will find out what the heck the one shoe shoe collection is all about!

  13. In Washington state, purple loosestrife is classified as an invasive, as is English Ivy. Ivy is pretty much the kudzu of the Pacific NW.

  14. Thanks, everybody, for all the good wishes for the trip! Believe me, I want to post each day -- it helps me remember things later and also gives me a way to "process" what I've seen, and it motivates me to pay attention to all that's going on around me.

    Loosestrife in England is not a problem, though I know it is in North America. For some reason it doesn't run rampant in the UK. Maybe there are natural pests that keep it in check.

    If I ever get to the bottom of the shoe thing, I will definitely let you all know!
