Thursday, October 11, 2018

Early Morning and Early Life

I took this at sunrise on Tuesday, as I was walking Olga. I liked the balance between the two light sources -- the colorful morning sky and the street light casting its orangey glow. It was an interesting moment. We're getting to the time of year when we'll be taking our morning walks in darkness.

At work, I'm thinning out our DVD collection. There's a plan to remove the cabinet where all our DVDs are filed, and when we relocate them they're moving to much smaller quarters. Since we're streaming more video (like everyone else) we're going to take the opportunity to get rid of a lot of them. My standard is, if it hasn't been checked out in five years, we don't need it.

You'd be amazed at how many DVDs that is. Looks like we'll be keeping about a third of what we've got. I wish I could get Dave to help me thin out the DVDs we have here at home -- I think we could cut back just as much, if not more!

Here's a photo my mom gave me when I visited her in August. That's me as a two-year-old. (I was very into flowers as a little kid -- hence my enthusiasm for gardening, I suppose.) My parents were living in Adelphi, Md., that year while my father finished his doctorate at the University of Maryland. They rented a modern house and I have very faint, scattered memories of that period -- losing a toy in a drain pipe in the yard, for example, and going to a nearby park with my father. Funny what sticks in our minds. And look -- I had the same hair then as I do now!


  1. Same hair as I had at age two! You well remember the things that are most important, a toy in the drain pipe had to be traumatic. Could be the title of your book that you will be day.

  2. You are looking very serious......perhaps you had just lost that toy down the drainpipe?

  3. You've got to be kidding! That's not you - it's a garden gnome!

  4. Ha -- that's funny, Mr. Pudding.

    And it looks to me that you are wearing a bib in that photo. Were you grazing?

  5. that's a sweet photo of you as a flower child. my husband likes to say, fire in the hearth, no snow on the roof. it's only naughty if you think it so. ;)

  6. my sister is going through all her photos parsing them out to whoever they are of. now and then she hands me a few of me or my kids. the days are definitely getting shorter. last night after I got back from yoga class I walked the dog in twilight. won't be long before I have to start walking her before I head out.

  7. We are walking in the same morning light these days, before the sun has come up over the coast range. Soon it will be dark at that hour, and then we'll play around with our clocks and time. Voila! Morning will be bright again. Lovely to see your two-year old self.

  8. I went through two purges of audio visual material before DVD's. We got rid of the old projector reels. and then all the video stuff.

  9. When I moved about four years ago I got rid of my DVD's and the player. I don't think I have any left. What a great photo of you as a little kid! I remember my first year of working in Chicago what a shock it was when daylight savings time ended and it was completely dark when I left work at 5:00 PM. I grew up in Illinois. You'd think I would have remembered that.

  10. I was thinking up a snarky hair line until I came to your final line and realized you STOLE it from me! I like the early mornings just as the sky begins to lighten up.

  11. I love that time of the morning and also the twilight. The light has a very special feel to it. Interesting picture. Love the childhood picture!

  12. It's not hard to see the man you grew up to be in this picture of you at age two. And I'm not referring to the top of your head! Something about the eyes and mouth.

  13. What a sweet and precious little boy you were.
    And now you are a sweet and precious man.
