Saturday, October 6, 2018

Pub Outing

I went out last night with some co-workers to a pub in Maida Vale. I had three pints over a couple of hours and we talked about everything from gender fluidity in Renaissance theater to the ridiculous cost of London rents. It was very fun. I don't often get a chance to hang out with people from work, so it was a refreshing change. Dave didn't want to come, so he went home to care for Olga...

...who, by the way, seems to be doing well since her stitches were removed. Last night we let her sleep without the Tudor donut. I think I may see if she can do without it entirely from here on out, especially at night. Having that thing in the bed is like having a second dog.

It's supposed to rain today so I think it's going to be a day for lying around!

(Photo: Near the London Museum, last weekend.)


  1. I hope you all enjoy the day...We could use some rain. Very hot here.

  2. Sleeping with that donut around the neck can't be easy. I bet she's glad to have it off. Speaking of rain, we are supposed to get some more tomorrow. I have a friend whose house flooded in the rain last weekend so I'm hoping she has it under control if another storm arrives.

  3. There HAS to be a better way to keep dogs and cats from biting at their wounds and stitches. Sounds like a good science project for one of those genius twelve-year olds. I'm thinking they should start with Super Glue.
    Glad you had a good night out. Sounds like fun.
    Hope you get rain for all of the reasons.

  4. Sounds like a lovely night out with co-workers. Really glad that Olga is doing well. I think she'd love to have that donut gone for good!

  5. why should Olga need the donut if her stitches are out? and it is fun to get out with friends or co-workers as the case may be and have a pint or two.

  6. I used to work with very smart people and I miss it. The other day I was at my volunteer job at the library's used book and an old guy came in and saw me working all alone so he mansplained World War I to me.

  7. I remember many instances of going to a bar with friends from work but I can't remember any truly stimulating conversations.

  8. It's always nice when co-workers are nice enough to spend an evening with!

    Whatever happened to the idea of Olga wearing a T-shirt? I was really hoping that would happen :)
