Monday, January 28, 2019

Cirque and Shard

I took this photo when I was down near London Bridge a couple of weeks ago -- it's the top of the Shard (right) with the moon and a pointy bit of sculpture. In case you're wondering.

I went to see Cirque du Soleil's "Totem" show last night at Royal Albert Hall. One of Dave's colleagues in the music department had box seats, through the generosity of some parents at the school, and invited us to attend. Dave stayed home because he's been battling a cold, but I went with several others from school and some of their kids.

I've never seen Cirque du Soleil before, and it was intriguing. I love the way it updates the traditional circus forms -- there are acrobats and clowns but they look nothing like the old Ringling Brothers model. The costumes are amazing, brightly colored and stretchy and spangly, and there were colored lights and video projections as well as thumpy music with indecipherable lyrics. We saw juggling with bright balls of light inside a clear plastic funnel, and aerialists -- professional gymnasts, really --  on rings and trapeze bars. There's something balletic about watching incredibly fit human beings flowing gracefully through a series of unbelievable poses. Not unlike going to see "Swan Lake" last week.

Some of the show seemed suspect from a political correctness point of view -- what was up with the Native Americans on roller skates, for example? And why does the clown speak Italian? I am not the first person to ask these questions.

Still, it was fabulous. I'd go again.

This morning Dave and I had to muscle our saggy, broken loveseat down the front steps and out to the street. Sadly, we are not as fit as gymnasts, but we managed. It's supposed to be picked up by the council later today, by pre-arrangement. Fingers crossed!


  1. Those "amazing, brightly coloured and stretchy and spangly" costumes must have given you some good ideas for updating your own wardrobe. After all historical faded T-shirts and comfortable chinos are so passé.

  2. LOVE Cirque de Soleil. I saw one that was all about water - people diving from a great height into a wooden stage that at the last minute opened to reveal a pool of water. Can't remember the theme of the 2nd one I've seen, but your comparison of the show to ballet is apt. I remember coming away happy that there was a venue for such talent.

  3. I've never seen a Cirque de Soleil either but I imagine that it's got to be even more fantastic live than I could believe. Can you imagine being part of such a group?

  4. Great job on the photo today. I like it. I haven't been to a Cirque de Soleil performance in a few years but, I remember enjoying them very much. I think the last one I saw was called Cavalia and had beautiful and well trained horses in it. Back in the mid-90's, I was working a temporary assignment in Las Vegas and the apartments where I stayed was also where the Cirque de Soleil actors/acrobats lived. Try going to the pool for dip when it's full of people with sculpted and perfect bodies. Very intimidating.

  5. I've never seen it either but lucky you for getting to go.

  6. I love this photo. What a grand perspective it is. I've never been to see Cirque de Soleil but I have seen some of their performances on youtube. Pretty amazing stuff they do.

  7. I think I saw an early Cirque de Soleil show that was performed in a tent. In Phoenix, perhaps? Must have been a long time ago as I can't remember much about it. That photo today is great!

  8. I've only ever seen Cirque du Soleil on tv, but it's always spellbinding! And I really appreciate the fact that they don't use animals.

  9. I'm ashamed to say I've never seen a live Cirque performance even though it's a Canadian company (out of Quebec, though, so very few performances anywhere close to me). It's really been successful, considering it only began in the early 1980s. I've seen clips on TV, though, enough to be blown away! And like Jennifer, I like the fact that they don't rely on animals to be a draw.

    I love the photo of the moon between two points!

  10. Cirque is not my clip of tea but that photo is!

  11. That’s great that you enjoyed the show. I’ve followed Cirque de Soleil from the early eighties when living in Quebec and seeing them perform at the Old Port in Montreal. They were extremely talented street performers back then. They sure have come a long way :)

  12. I love your are living my bucket list...
