Thursday, March 14, 2019

Bedroom, 6:14 a.m.

Here's what's going on right now. I'm lying in bed and this is my view. The yellow forsythia is blooming outside our window, in the blue light of dawn. The dog is snoring next to me, showing no inclination to go outside, where it's gray and rainy. Another day begins.


  1. Another wonderful photo...Enjoy your day.

  2. It's like the beginning of a novel that starts in present tenses...

    "Steve showers, breakfasts, dresses and steps out into a blustery London morning. Little does he know that he is being followed.

    She lingers behind lamp posts, darts into doorways just in case Steve looks back.

    Her eyes are bloodshot and wild. She has been up all night contemplating this definitive morning. She pants, her hand closing upon the cudgel in her capacious handbag.

    A red London bus passes by - untypical of English buses in general - and for a moment her vengeful features are reflected in the exit door. It is none other than The Hampstead Harridan - Cruella Kravitz. She still has her unsuspecting prey in sight

    It's payback time. Nobody messes with Mrs Kravitz."

  3. YP: OK, you are basically my guest blogger for the day. Your comment is much better than my post! LOL

  4. What did Steve have for breakfast? Has he kept his American ways, or has he gone native? Pop Tarts or beans on toast with a broiled tomato half?

  5. Gorgeous photo! There is something mysterious about it.

  6. I love this glimpse of the start of your day - but YP wins the post. Ha!

  7. Lovely windows. You make me want to take a picture looking out our window every morning here... now that we're at the beach house. YP is very funny.

  8. Those windows make a nice way to wake up in the morning. That leaded glass looks great there.

  9. OMG, just read YP's comment. It had me on the edge of my seat.

  10. YP never fails to be the most clever blogger in the room!

  11. A beautiful wall of windows and flora to wake up to. Forsythia is like a cloud of sunshine in the spring, isn't it?

  12. And then what happened, Yorkshire Pudding? Can't wait for the rest of the story... LOL.

  13. Looks high rent tropical ,there, in your bedroom. I would stay there until afternoon! YP has a great story going, I am afraid for you!

  14. I hope it was a good day for you. Isn't it lovely to wake up to daylight again?

  15. Wow! All those windows and the plants and that blue light! That is a beautiful view!

  16. I'd be hard pressed to get out of bed.

  17. Gorgeous window. Watch your back with that Mrs Kravitz!

  18. What a nice view to wake up to!
