Monday, March 4, 2019

Snail Evacuation

Remember that niche in the garden wall where I found approximately 17 snails bedded down for the winter? Well, we've had a couple of days of rain, and when I looked at the niche yesterday nearly all the snails had vanished. It's as if one of them sent a telepathic snail message that said "Evacuate!" and they all slithered for the hills. Only four laggards are still hanging around.

Amazing what a little moisture will do.

I guess I missed my chance to relocate them to the Heath. Remind me of this when I'm complaining about snails later this summer.

Yesterday I got a visit from my friend Carolyn, who I haven't seen for more than 20 years! We were in the Peace Corps together in Morocco in the early '90s. She's passing through London on the way to India, and she came up to West Hampstead for the day. We took Olga to Hampstead Heath -- thank goodness Carolyn likes a long walk and doesn't mind damp British weather -- and then had lunch with Dave at our local pub. It was terrific to see her. We last saw each other in 1997, I think, when we went hiking with two other friends in the Adirondacks. A lot has happened since then -- she's got a partner and a child and is adopting another child, and meanwhile has held a variety of jobs in conservation and ecology. It was interesting to walk with her and talk about how we can better care for the planet (and to vent our frustrations at our politicians).

Another Peace Corps friend, Dina, is coming to London at the end of this month. She went home early during our Morocco experience, so I haven't seen her for even longer -- approximately 27 years! That will be interesting!


  1. It's always great to catch up with old friends. Perhaps that's what the snails were doing before they moved on.

  2. Oooh, what is that noise? It's 13 snails munching on your newly sprouting garden!!

  3. I echo David's comment exactly and Frances's comment made me chuckle!

  4. My heart missed a beat when I read the title of this post, I thought you'd done away with them. lol

  5. Nothing in this world sweeter than seeing old friends you haven't seen in forever and realizing that the relationship has never faltered, despite time and distance.

  6. I was trying to decide if I'm the kind of person who enjoys a long walk & doesn't mind damp weather. Sadly, I'm afraid that I am not. I might not mind either of them, but together? I'll meet you in the pub! :)

  7. nothing but damp weather down here! so glad you had a nice visit. and don't worry, the snails will come back. just keep checking the niche.

  8. Good that you keep in contact with friends from long ago.

  9. It's always nice to catch up with old friends. When you say or write "20 years" it seems like a very, very long time but it doesn't really feel that way to me at least. Twenty years ago, I was working in Chicago and on some days it feels like yesterday.

  10. So nice to visit with an old friend. It's always such a lovely thing to reconnect.

  11. I had lunch a while back with a friend and his wife I hadn't seen since the 1960's! It's hard to keep up with our separate lives through all those years.

  12. I had lunch with a friend recently who I hadn't seen in person for 28 years, and it was just like we'd seen each the day before. We had kept in touch by mail and then email, sporadically, but I was surprised at how easy it was to resume the in-person relationship! I guess that's how you know what a good friend you actually have.

  13. Let's hope the snails are all off to some other gardens and will not nibble on your spring growth.

    I find that every conversation these days eventually touches on "how we can take better care of our planet" (I like that phrase a lot) and although we don't come up with magic answrs, at least we are talking!

  14. It is always so wonderful to meet up again with long lost kindred spirits! What area of Morocco were you living/working in? It's a marvelous country and I'd like to return someday.

  15. There is no planet B...Have fun catching up!

  16. Steve, I buy the bags for the thistle seed here in the feed store. But they have them on Amazon - they're called thistle seed socks. oh - I just looked them up on Amazon UK and they are horribly expensive on your side of the pond. If you send me your address I would love to send you a couple. They're very reasonable here!

  17. I always find that when I see friends from such a long time past it's like reconnecting with the self I used to be. We live so many different lives in one lifetime.
