Monday, June 17, 2019

More iPhone Photos

I was pretty domestic yesterday, doing errands around the house. So I don't have a lot of news for you. Let's catch up on photos from the ol' iPhone!

First, I liked these dramatic jet trails, with that big shaggy pollarded tree in the foreground. The council trims street trees like that to keep the root systems stunted so they're not as destructive to sidewalks and roads.

I found a German math textbook in the library a week or two before school ended. No idea whose it was or why it was there, but it was falling apart. I just left it and someone came and claimed it.

The takeaway restaurant with the dying plants near the tube station now appears to have closed completely. I never went to this place -- I saw somewhere online that it had dubious food hygiene ratings. Hopefully whatever replaces it will be better!

Another view of my neighbor's hugging frogs.

Olga and I found this can yesterday morning. Someone had tossed it onto the sidewalk from the nearby railroad tracks. I never drink Coke, much less Cherry Coke, but I had a hunch this was an old can. Sure enough...

...if the copyright is any indication, it's been lying around for as long as 17 years. And it's in Polish! (I think it was originally black-on-red, but the red has faded away entirely.)

Then we walked to the cemetery, where Olga lolled in the long grass -- her favorite thing to do. (Well, besides eat and sleep and chase squirrels.)

At the cemetery I saw this amazing geranium. Isn't that a beautiful variegated leaf? I've got to get some of these!


  1. Great mix of photos -- weird how old that can is!

  2. As always, I love your iPhone pictures.
    Can you root a geranium with some leaves? I have no idea, just wondering. I've never seen one like that.

  3. Love the can that Olga found= And the geranium AND the almost anarchy symbol in the sky. I wondered why those trees always looked like arthritic knuckles. Thanks for posting the answer.
    That is such a sad looking burger joint, with it's sad plants, There may be more of that sadness once Brexit gets established and Boris , oh BORIS!!, starts being trump at number ten. Oh dear.

  4. When I see the vapor trails, I always wonder how much bad stuff is being added to the atmosphere.

  5. I can't believe that Coke can made it's way to London and hung around for all those years. Those geranium leaves are indeed very colorful.

  6. Cool collection of your iPhone photos. That variegated leaf is really beautiful. Interesting contrails in the sky and Olga's smile is the best!

  7. those poor trees! really what good are they like that, don't provide shade, can't provide much oxygen, aren't aesthetically pleasing, they must be in constant pain and stress struggling to survive. but that's a great picture of Olga.

  8. I didn't realize that trimming trees would reduce the root systems but it makes sense now that you say it.

    Great pictures, full of colour and contrast. Olga is her usual photogenic self! She looks SO happy :)

  9. I love the blissed out expression from Olga!

  10. It looks to me like Olga is missing a few teeth. Or is that the way her jawline is naturally?

  11. Olga looks like she was singing. I wonder what the song was. Perhaps "A Dog's Life" by Donovan Tucker.

  12. That's the happiest looking dog I've ever seen! Great shot.
