Sunday, June 23, 2019


This is the stupa, a ceremonial tower, at the Buddhist Center where I’m staying. Like the mosaics I posted about a few days ago, this structure has connections with the center’s Nazi-era past. The columns were meant to be part of a grand entrance portico for the Nazi hotel. They were brought to the site, but the portico was never built. The columns were stored here and when the Buddhists took over the property, they were used for the stupa. This is meant to be symbolic of transformation.

This bell is located in the base of the stupa and is used ceremonially.

This is our last day here. We depart around 3 pm (after several more sessions!) and I’ll arrive in London about 9:30 pm. This has been a good experience but I’ll be glad to get home. Maybe I’ll write more about it when I’m not on my phone.

But let’s take advantage of phone blogging one more time! Here are some farm animals, because I can:šŸ„ šŸ– šŸ‘ šŸ šŸ“ šŸ‡


  1. I will be happier to see your posts from London. I hope you and Dave do something cool for his birthday.

  2. The Result:-

    "Excuse me Mr Reed, may I borrow a computer charger?"

    "Of course my child. I am here to serve you. Peace be with you. Please taketh the charger with my blessing."

  3. How lovely to see the Nazi columns transformed into such an opposite use.
    Safe travels!

  4. I can't wait to hear more about all of this in more detail.
    And happy birthday (a few days late) to Dave!
    I know you'll be glad to be home again.

  5. a beautiful structure on elephant leg-like columns

  6. loving the because you can signoffs. safe travels home,

  7. That really is a transformation for the good. Safe travels!

  8. if you're like me you won't really absorb the experience until you get home. or perhaps, not absorb but notice the effect, try to hang on to some of it after you transition back to your real life.

  9. I have been loving your phone sign offs. Have a safe journey home.

  10. Transformation is good for all of us.

  11. Such a positive act to use those columns for a better purpose. I'd love to hear that bell.

    I'm late commenting so I imagine you're home - hope you had a good trip. Did Dave have a birthday? Others seem to be saying so. Best wishes to him!

  12. I can't wait to get more in-depths report of this experience you've had. I'm wanting some silence and serenity or contemplativeness right about now.
