Thursday, June 13, 2019

Wine and More Wine

Yesterday was our last day with students, and the library was surprisingly busy through the morning. (The girl with six overdue books returned them, by the way. Whew!) But school ended at noon, and business dropped off by 1 p.m., so I closed up shop and walked with a colleague to Little Venice, where our department held its end-of-year party on a canal boat in the Paddington Basin.

It was an interesting venue -- a colorful bar and restaurant docked canalside. It would have been a lot nicer if the weather had cooperated. The door was open onto the boat's deck, and though there was an awning it was pouring rain and not very warm out. But I drank enough wine that I eventually didn't care. The party started at 2 p.m., and I wound up staying well into the evening.

I feel like a zombie this morning. Fortunately, although I have to go in an hour early, I don't think much will be expected of me today. And I'll get to leave earlier in the afternoon. Maybe by then my headache will be gone.

(Photo: Isleworth, West London.)


  1. You feel like a zombie? May we then assume that Dave is not a zombie?


  2. "Wine, Dine, Dance"
    That would make an excellent book title.
    I love it when teachers and librarians day-drink. It confirms everything I've ever believed about how hard y'all have to work! I hope your last day goes sweet and easy.

  3. Now that sounds like a fun way to spend an afternoon. It sounds like your coworkers are very collegial.

  4. Sounds like a lovely way to spend the afternoon with co-workers.

  5. That sounds like and interesting venue for your wrap-up party. Too bad about the rain. It sounds like a place that would lend well to sunshine. I hope your day is going well.

  6. Prost! Salud! To your health! (Well, maybe not that last one.) Hope your hangover blows over soon.

  7. If only your students knew! lol Sounds like a good venue for a get-together on a nicer day.

    I hope your headache went away quickly. I can't stand being hungover so my limit is two drinks twice a year, haha

  8. Sounds like a fun time we all need to let loose once in a while.

  9. it may have been 2 there but it was 5 somewhere. what a cool little barge bar.
