Saturday, August 24, 2019

Checking Up on the Carlton

Here's the latest update on the Carlton Tavern, the historic pub demolished without permission and then ordered rebuilt by local government. It seems almost finished and it looks pretty good, I must say. The signage looks very accurate and you'd almost never know that it's not the same building.

You can see the change in color between the surviving bricks of the older structure, at right, and the new ones at left. But even that will fade over time, I suppose.

The developers are significantly behind the time frame imposed by the council for completion of the project, and apparently the building is for sale, although I didn't see any obvious signs while I was there. When I posted these pictures to the Facebook group dedicated to rebuilding the Carlton, several people speculated it wouldn't reopen at all -- that although the rebuilding was required, reopening it as a pub was not. I don't know whether that's true, but I guess time will tell. Hopefully we'll all be able to get a pint there soon.

At least there's no longer a big hole in the streetscape, like a jagged missing tooth.

You'll be glad to know that Olga appears to have recovered from her bout of stomach illness. She seems more or less back to normal. We took her to the vet yesterday afternoon -- coincidentally we'd already planned the visit for another reason, because she tore her dew claw on her right front foot. The vet snipped off the torn nail and otherwise Olga seemed fine. She downed several salmon treats and we didn't even get charged!


  1. It is most excellent and heart-warming that the greedy developers - CLTX - have been made to rebuild the old pub. I hope that this constituted a hefty blow to CLTX's finances. They will surely think twice next time and do things by the book.

  2. Hooray for the court for ordering the re-build and for your vet being kind to your dog and your wallet!

  3. Good to see the result.Hopefully it will end up as something for the community.

  4. The tavern is looking good. Here's hoping it actually does open for business again.
    Glad to hear Olga is doing good.

  5. Yay, Olga! And truly- that rebuild is amazing-looking. Yes, may you be able to raise a pint there once again.

  6. I amazed that they could rebuild it at all! and it wouldn't surprise me at all if it never opened, at least not by the people who tore it down, if for no other reason than spite.

  7. Great news about Olga! And the new building looks lovely. Well done.

  8. What a great building. I'm so happy the powers that be forced the issue in having it rebuilt. I can't imagine that would happen in Central Florida. At least not yet.

  9. I can't believed that beautifully restored building would go wanting for an owner and a pub operator. Cheers!

  10. YP: The government definitely sent a message that this kind of outlaw development behavior will not be tolerated. Which they HAD to do, or everyone would be flouting the law. Bravo to them!

    E: Hooray indeed!

    GZ: I imagine it will eventually open, but who knows when.

    Sharon: Isn't it? They did a great job with the restoration.

    Ms Moon: I'm so glad they restored the signs as they looked before.

    Ellen: I thought there was a good chance the rebuild would never happen -- so I'm amazed it did.

    Robin: It does look great, doesn't it?

    Colette: Very few places in Central Florida have enough history behind them to justify that kind of an order, and the historic preservation laws definitely aren't as strong as they are here.

    Catalyst: I know! It seems like someone would be thrilled to take it on, although of course it all depends on how much rent the landlords charge. If the building is bought by someone who isn't charging an extortionate rent, it seems perfectly conceivable that a pub could prosper there once again.

  11. What a lovely old building. I do hope it opens as a pub. I can just imagine sitting inside there and enjoying a cool drink. I'm so glad that Olga is feeling much better. For what Vets charge, treats should always be included. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  12. What a gorgeous building. I do hope that it reopens again. They could even turn it into a mini museum type of thing. Give the history, etc. I wonder if they saved any of the original bar or stools, tables and things like that. Probably not. Was those kind of things also ordered in the rebuild? I hope that it opens up as a pub. It is a gorgeous building.

    I am so very glad that Olga is feeling better and her little claw is not bothering her any longer. It is even better that they didn't charge you for the visit! We can take all that we can get when it comes to saving money.
    Take care and I am off to read your other posts.
