Monday, August 19, 2019


Just a short post today -- Dave and I have to get to school for a faculty-and-staff meeting to kick off the new academic year.

Thanks for all your well wishes on my post yesterday! As soon as I have anything new to report I'll let you know. I'm supposed to see one doctor for a consultation this evening, and another tomorrow.

Meanwhile, life goes on...I spent some time in the garden with the camera yesterday. I was trying to photograph our last remaining caterpillar, but he was in an awkward position behind several leaves so I didn't get any good, clear shots. A bee on the inula was much more cooperative!

I dead-headed some of our other flowers, including most of the ragwort, which has gone to seed and frankly, the last thing we need are a million fertile ragwort seeds blowing around. I don't mind a few ragwort plants, but that stuff is pretty prolific. We have to exert some control.

Our purple heart plant is blooming, just inside the back door.

In the afternoon, Dave and I went to see Quentin Tarantino's new movie, "Once Upon a Hollywood." I really enjoyed it. It's like a 1969 time capsule, with every little detail appropriate to the time period. The story is built around the Manson killings, which ended the sixties both chronologically and psychologically -- but it's also about the period when the old Hollywood of Westerns and gunslingers was giving way to new styles and genres of filmmaking. Of course, it's Tarantino, so there's some brutal violence and dark humor, too. Overall, thumbs up!


  1. I'm looking forward to this film especially now that you have said it is good.
    I well remember the old gunslinger films, I was there when John Wayne and the like were popular. As kids we would go straight home and play out the film in the street.
    I feel so old, lol


  2. Please imagine the sound of Chopin's "Funeral March" as the new school year begins. It will help to lighten the mood. Thanks for the heads up about that film. If I get a chance I shall go to see it.

  3. I saw "Once Upon a Time" the other day and really liked it. As someone who lived through that period, I loved the ending.

  4. I imagine we'll rent it or maybe if it's playing at the little theater in the next little town over we might go see it there. still too hot here to do anything out in the gardens.

  5. I love your purple hearts. My best thoughts and hopes for your medical appointments.

  6. Love seeing your garden flowers. Hope all goes well at your medical appointments.

  7. You bring back memories of the many school years I started with that long boring first staff meeting.

  8. I will go and see the movie on your recommendation xx

  9. Two wonderful flower shots! Thanks for the tip on the movie. I was wondering how it was and so far haven't talked to anyone who's seen it.

  10. Sorry to hear about your medical issues - as a veteran of "we need to do that again" (except in my case it's mammograms, not colonoscopies) I will wish you well! You'll just be nervous - no avoiding it!

    I've been loving your bee pictures!

  11. Thank you for your post I know that your busy right now. I look forward to reading about your adventures and love your photos. It is really a great blog you have.

    I think that I am going to have to wipe my computer clean and I am worried about passwords to my favorite things.. It always never lets me use the passwords I already have. I need a IT guy lol.

    Wishing you good news at the doctor tonight and again tomorrow. Big Hugs, Beth

  12. I just caught up with yesterday's post, Steve, and I'm sorry for your health worries. I'm wishing you a speedy resolution to your worries and a clean bill of health. You have lots of friends who love you here. ❤

  13. I agree about the film. It was much better than I had expected. And didn't you love the dog.
