Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Autumn and the iPhone

Time for another collection of miscellaneous photos from my iPhone!

Here's what autumn is looking like around here. This is the next street over from our own, where I often walk Olga in the mornings.

This is a residential high-rise on the Chalcots Estate near Swiss Cottage. It used to be covered in white cladding, but after the Grenfell Tower fire -- which was fueled by inappropriate cladding -- the council stripped it from the buildings. People are still living there, and I believe there's an ongoing refurbishment project. I'm not sure why the floor numbers are spray-painted on the facade.

I've heard of sticking playing cards in the spokes of a bike wheel -- but apples?

A colorful fall leaf. I always wind up photographing random leaves.

Saw this near the playground in Fortune Green -- a chair strapped inside a shopping cart. Was this someone's creative way of taking their kid to the park?

This bag was lying on our street. I was initially intrigued because it's from a record shop -- and you don't see many record shops any more, do you? But it's also interesting because it's all the way from Wales. Apparently Cob Records is quite an institution.

This is a mural under the train tracks on the high road in Kilburn. It's been there for years. I've never been able to figure out exactly what's going on in this scene. Maybe it's supposed to encourage kids to get outside and away from their computers? I like the iguana at far right.

Oranges and pineapples -- a tropical fruit salad!

This is somewhat clumsy graffiti, but I like the atomic theme. It's very '50s.


  1. I wonder if the spray-painted numbers are historical - i.e. before the original cladding - or more recent - connected with refurbishment. I would hate to have to live in a high-rise building like that one.

  2. I love the tree-lined street. And I laughed out loud at the chair in the shopping cart. I had this vision of some kid strapping another kid in & then racing down the street going "wheeeee!" Ha!

  3. The mural under the bridge reminds me of a similar one under a bridge in Asheville, NC near where Jessie and Vergil used to live. What's the deal with murals under bridges?
    That street scene is lovely.
    I'm with Mr. P. about being so grateful not to live in a high rise like that one.

  4. Your iphone has been very busy You have some bright colors...even tha bag from the record shop is bright.

  5. I love the first photo of the street scene. It makes me wish I was there so I could walk down streets that look like that. Those numbers on the side of that building really have me puzzled. I realize they were hidden under the cladding before it was removed but, I wonder why they are there at all. The record store bag made me think of the old Tower Records store at Piccadilly Circus. That used to be a must-see stop for me back in the 80's and 90's. I got some great CD's there like Kate Bush and Black. I always wanted to see Black (Colin Vearncombe) perform live so when I was planning one of my trips, I contacted him to see if by chance he was going to perform anywhere around London. He wasn't but, because of that contact, I was put on his mailing list and received new music from time to time. Then about 3 years ago, I got an email saying he was seriously injured in an auto accident and a few days later another saying he passed away. That saddened me but, his music survives. I have his songs on almost every playlist I've created.

  6. I love the photo of the street lined with the beautiful Fall coloring of the trees. That
    record shop bag really intrigues me. We still have a record shop here. Needless to say, I love that little shop. I love music. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  7. Here Colorado, Its Quite Popular To Collect Aluminum Cans In Shopping Carts. Apparently, The Real Money In In Furniture Over There.

    P.S. Extra Treats For Olga Please

  8. A beautiful street, especially this time of year. As always, Steve, you have created a wonderful pastiche with your photos. Thanks.

  9. beautiful street scene -- walking the neighborhood with the iphone is always a good thing! The image of the apples in the spokes has been wondering what apples would sound like, riding down the road thusly. Squish squish squish.

  10. The chair in the shopping cart cracks me up! It doesn't look all that safe, though - it might crack up soomebody's head if they got jolted out of it.

  11. Lovely photos, especially that first street view. A gorgeous season there.
