Friday, October 25, 2019

Competence Like Mine

I have a real feeling I might be late to work today, since it's 7:30 a.m. and I'm not even out of bed -- and I'm only just now blogging! I woke up at 7:15. How did this happen?! Olga is usually a very reliable alarm clock, but this morning she hasn't budged.

Part of the problem is, we haven't yet gone off British Summer Time, so 7 a.m. -- when she normally gets her morning walk -- is pitch dark outside. That will change this weekend when the clocks fall back an hour.

Anyway, I guess I can't entirely blame the dog for my own lethargy, can I?

I wound up not shifting books yesterday as I expected -- I had way too many customers in the library. Turns out a lot of visiting parents want to check items out or have questions about accessing e-books, audio books and periodicals online and that kind of thing. Probably more of the same today. We'll see.

Dave is battling a cold, so last night we had leftovers for dinner (thus relieving him of cooking responsibilities). We usually have chocolate McVitie's biscuits for dessert, but we were out -- so I wound up eating three sad fortune cookies left over from one of our Chinese take-away meals. No one really likes fortune cookies, do they?

That top one seems a little creepy and stalkerish. The middle one is completely false, especially today, when I'm running late! And as for the bottom -- notice it doesn't specify how competent (or incompetent) I am.

(Top photo: Olga in front of some pyracantha at Fortune Green, last weekend.)


  1. I'm surprised you took the time to post. I hope you have a great day despite your rushing around this morning.

  2. "You will live long enough to open many fortune cookies."
    "That wasn't chicken"
    "Some fortune cookies contain no fortune"
    "Help! I am being held prisoner in a fortune cookie factory"
    - All real fortune cookie messages.

  3. Actually I do like fortune cookies, but only American fortune cookies. They taste vaguely of oranges. I don't know what they put in British fortune cookies. Vegemite?

  4. I like fortune cookies too. In fact, I had one last night. The fortune was something about me giving a small gift to someone & them really appreciating it. So now I'm stressing about what to give & to whom (who?).

  5. that last one borders on insult.

    so did you confront the parents of the boy with the delinquent book?

  6. I'm one of those people who have to be early. Being late completely freaks me out.

  7. I actually do like fortune cookies, although it appears they're different here than there. Do you enjoy dealing with parents when they stop in?

  8. We don't go on daylight savings time but, I'm still finding it harder to get up in the morning because it keeps getting darker and darker each morning. I'll adjust but, it takes a while. I don't think I know anyone who actually likes fortune cookies but, it seems we always take at least one bite when we crack one open.

  9. I don't like the fortune cookies either. However, I do love that gorgeous photo of Olga by the tall shrubs. The colors are just so pretty. My Pogo only wakes me up if he is hungry. So, I guess it's good that I'm retired. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  10. Ack! Were you late??

    Fortune cookies taste like paper to me!

  11. My favorite fortune cookie fortune is: Help! I'm being held prisoner in a fortune cookie factory! Oh, I just read back in the comments and see YP already reported that. Well, it's worth repeating. As for the cookies, they're ok but they could use some more sugar, I think.

  12. Fortune cookies are charming in my opinion. The taste of them is nothing special but I still enjoy everything about them.

  13. Many years ago I went for Chinese dinner with the guy I had been dating for a year. My fortune cookie said "your friend has something to tell you". Sure enough he was breaking up with me. I saved that fortune for years.
