Monday, October 7, 2019

Chestnut Angel

It was supposed to rain all day yesterday, at least according to the weather gremlins living in my iPhone. Imagine our surprise when the sun came out instead and the day turned out to be pretty nice. We opened the windows to get some fresh air in the house, and I took Olga to the cemetery in the afternoon.

Someone left a little autumnal offering on one of the gravestones, tucked neatly into the folds of an angel's cloak. I think it's a horse chestnut as opposed to a sweet chestnut, but I know Mr. Pudding will correct me if I am wrong.

A bouquet of sunflowers and gladioli was planted directly into the ground -- an interesting method for displaying flowers among the topsy-turvy tombstones. Maybe there's a vase down there somewhere.

I did not see or hear the turaco this time. Has it finally moved on, with the weather becoming cooler? Poor cold turaco.

Otherwise, it was a day for small tasks. I did some trimming in the garden, cutting back the dead overgrowth in the wildflower area. I organized and archived pictures, I finalized some plans for an upcoming trip, and I caught up on all my New Yorkers. I also have Demi Moore's new autobiography to read -- having grown up with all those "Brat Pack" actors, I'm curious about her life. It could be completely vapid, but it could be substantial too. I don't know enough about her to have a good sense of that. I'll let you know when I finally get around to cracking the cover.


  1. I will indeed correct you when you are wrong Steve! And I am not just talking about chestnuts!

  2. Pretty photos, Steve.
    I'm so behind in my New Yorkers. It becomes almost a source of guilt for me.
    Let us know how the Demi Moore book is. It's been getting a lot of attention.

  3. this is a cemetery connected to a church, right? both active? I wonder why they allow the headstones to lean so precariously and eventually fall. you'd think the caretaker would straighten them back up.

  4. I'm glad you got another good day to walk and work in the garden. Those flowers planted into the ground are quite unusual. You will have to see if hey are still there next time you go.
    I did finally fall asleep Saturday night and I made it home safe and sound yesterday afternoon. Needless to say, I slept like a log last night.

  5. This looks like quite a fascinating cemetary with all the old stones. I miss the chestnuts from my childhood. Every weekend while my brother and I were walking to and from the movies, we would pass a huge old chestnut tree. There were always chestnuts on the ground to be picked up. I believe they were horse chestnuts, but I could be wrong. You have a wonderful day and enjoy your book. Hugs, Edna B.

  6. Glad the sun came out and you could open the windows for that wonderful fresh air. Hope the Turaco has found a safe new home. Lovely photos.

  7. This may sound and odd thing to say but we have a lovely cemetery near us, it's almost like a wildlife park. I always find it relaxing to walk around.

  8. Those tombstones about to fall over are sad to see. But perhaps that's why I've planned cremation and scattering.

  9. I love old cemeteries. I should look around here to see what we have. The one where my mother's ashes are interred is one of those modern looking boring ones. No fun tombstones at all!

  10. Old cemeteries are quite picturesque, aren't they? Great photos. We are having a nice mild day here as well, although it's colder than the same temperature was in the summer - the earth has cooled off underfoot and the wind is brisk. Our fall came in with a bang at the end of August and has hardly let up.
