Saturday, November 30, 2019

A Photography Exhibit

Did I shop for Black Friday, you may be wondering? The answer is no. In fact, I purposely didn't buy anything yesterday. I do shop for Christmas -- moderately -- but the whole Black Friday thing has gotten so out of hand that I make an effort not to acknowledge it. Dave bought himself some shoes online, I think.

Instead, Olga and I took a long morning walk, starting with our standard route through the nearby housing estate (above) and then winding out toward Kilburn and up into Cricklewood. We could have visited the B&Q shopping cart!

I took my big camera with me. I really need to carry it more often. My phone takes good pictures, for a phone, but they don't have the resolution and depth of the ones produced by the camera. If only it didn't weigh 10 pounds. (That's a guesstimate.)

We found that someone gave the Antony Gormley sculpture in Maygrove Peace Park a hat for the winter.

After our walk, I went down to Trafalgar Square to the National Portrait Gallery to see the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize exhibition. I don't do much portrait photography, but I'm always interested in what people achieve with a camera. I think my favorite photo is the third-prize winner here -- the colors are so beautiful (richer in person than online) and I love the joyful expression on the girl's face and her wildly windblown red hair.

I took my camera with me and afterwards walked around Soho for a while, shooting lots of pictures. You know how I've been complaining about the weather lately? Well, the weather gods heard me, because yesterday was beautiful -- clear and sunny. No doubt you'll be seeing some of the pictures over the coming week.

I got home around 2 p.m., about the time some extremist lunatic was attacking people near London Bridge. The world is insane. There are questions to be answered about why this guy was out of prison and how he was able to do what he did, given his criminal history and the fact that he was being electronically monitored.

Dave and I spent yesterday evening watching the new season of "The Crown," which we love. I've also been on a Pink Panther movie binge -- we watched "The Return of the Pink Panther" on Thursday and "The Pink Panther Strikes Again" yesterday. I loved those movies as a kid, and a lot of my early ideas about what Europe looked like -- rightly or wrongly -- came from them. Some of the humor makes me cringe now, but Peter Sellers and Herbert Lom are never tiresome.


  1. The Antony Gormley sculpture looks quite spiffy with a hat.

  2. I agree, the sculpture looks awesome with the hat. I also agree about the third place photo. It's an awesome shot. I did not do any Black Friday shopping either. My Christmas shopping is pretty much all done, so I really do not need anything. Gosh, it feels good to say that. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  3. I didn't buy a thing yesterday either except a movie ticket. We went to see Knives Out which was pretty funning and keeps you guessing all through the move. I've also been watching The Crown. I'm learning about some events I didn't know about.

  4. I love that third place winner! The drive of the car reminds me of Hank! Hank and Rachel and their kids on the way to the beach! So joyful.
    Nope. Didn't do any shopping. Looked at a catalog. Made soup instead.

  5. Nothing like a good walk for lots of photo opportunities.

  6. Photo looks like a recreation of Norman Rockwell’s “Coming and Going.”

  7. I have not seen those movies probably since they came out but oddly enough and coincidentally that you bring them up, The Pink Panther was on TV the other day. and no, no shopping done here. in fact at this point in my life, I don't do christmas at all. I don't buy presents and I don't get any, well, except for my sister who insists on giving me a christmas present so I reciprocate, and I'm fine with that and the kids are fine with it too. I do give the grandkids money but once they are adults with permanent jobs, they will age out.

  8. I saw that one of those Pink Panther movies was on the tv the other day and thought about watching it but decided against it, for some reason. I remember liking Peter Sellers in those films.

  9. that is a hefty camera to tote but when I think of my handbag which is more like 15 pounds all the time and I really don't give it much notice I reckon you will be fine toting ten additional pounds on your thin frame, Weight bearing exercise is good! The exhibit sounds enticing! The examples are wonderful.So glad you did not get stabbed, might be good to wear a stab proof vest.

  10. I no longer watch movies but in younger years I did, and the Pink Panther series with Peter Sellers was one I absolutely loved. I revisited them with our kids when they were old enough to get the humour, and they liked them too.

    Yes, that statue will be warm as toast with that hat on :)

    When I heard about the London attack, I was thinking about all the folks I know through blogland who might be in the city, and hoping they were all okay.

  11. Yes, the world is insane, everyday and everywhere. It's a good thing there are people who balance the craziness with beautiful photos and stories.
