Thursday, December 26, 2019

From Edfu to Aswan

These are the kinds of temples we’ve been seeing on our trip so far — this one is in Edfu, and it’s actually newer (only 2,000 years old) than some of the others we’ve visited. Don’t you love the images of gods and goddesses,which include Horus, Osiris and others?

Our guide gives us an encyclopaedic amount of information about all the royalty and the ancient Egyptian religion. Dave tends to get glassy-eyed after a while, and I must admit I’m glad there’s no exam at the end of this trip!

This is how we got to the temple from our boat — in a carriage drawn by a rather scraggly looking horse. Dave and I both felt bad for the beast. I love how the driver is checking his iPhone in this picture — talk about the old and the new!

This wall featuring the ankh, or “key of life,” was at the Edfu temple. To me it looks like ‘70s wallpaper.

And when we got back to the boat, this towel creature was hanging just inside the door of our darkened cabin. It scared me to death! We think it’s a baboon. I grew to like it once my heart stopped racing.

Our boat steadily made its way south from Edfu, and we also visited the temple in Kim Ombo. This morning we’re in Aswan, site of the famous dam, which we’ll visit later today. I never imagined i’d be this far south in Egypt. We’re practically in Sudan!


  1. I have heard of towel " swans" on hotel beds, but that thing/creature hanging is something else! I would be scared to go into the room ever again. Have a lovely's chucking it down again here and still very dark at 8.45am!!

  2. Those room attendants on the Good Ship Esmeralda are quite the pranksters, aren't they?
    The temple in the top photo looks as if it could serve as a fort.
    Nearly at the Sudan border? It would be a long, long walk.

  3. OMG...that towel animal would have scared me to death too! I love those images on the front of the temple and when I think about the age of them and the whole temple, it's hard to even comprehend. Enjoy your day!

  4. There's just so much here to take in. I, too, would be glad that there's no exam at the end.
    I don't know about that weird towel animal. It's hard not to see it as extremely odd.

  5. I love the drawings on the temples walls. So much history! I can't imagine what that towel thing was all about. It would scare the darelights out of me. Gosh, I feel so bad for that poor horse. I hope he gets a good rub down and a good meal at the end of his working day. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  6. what is it like in those extremely tall temples? are there stairs to upper rooms? or just super high ceilings? what a fabulous trip. hopefully they take good care of their horses. why would they not?

  7. That baboon would have scared the life out of me, especially after visiting some of those spooky temples. Still I'm sure your tour is very educational.

  8. Definitely scary baboon hanging there. When I look at the drawings on the temple walls my first thought was evolution of cave paintings. It's what we humans do. Really like seeing these photos!

  9. On a recent cruise from Galveston to Barcelona we found the same baboon hanging over our bed one night after dinner; it freaked us out.

  10. I think that towel 'creature' is some kind of message. That is creepy. Have they made other towel sculptures?

  11. It must be pretty overwhelming trying to take in so much history. So many wonderful places to see.

    Your towel creatures are much more inventive than any we ever saw in Mexico.
