Friday, December 13, 2019

Thoughts on a New Government

Yesterday was election day in Britain, with voters going to the polls (again) to choose a new government. This was Boris Johnson's gamble to break the deadlock over Brexit and move the country forward, and it seems to have worked -- the predictions coming out as I write show a decisive majority for Johnson and the Conservatives.

This makes it even more certain that Brexit will happen. In fact, in some ways, it was a second referendum on Brexit. Voters who chose to back the Tories were essentially echoing Johnson's mantra to "get Brexit done."

I think this is a horrible election result, as I'm dead-set against Brexit, but it's clearly what most people in Britain want. What they didn't want was our current Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, who is deeply unpopular and who makes even me -- a committed leftie liberal -- cringe. I'm convinced Labour would have performed much better under a different leader, and I'm surprised Corbyn has lasted as long as he has.

But even voters who are against Brexit have a degree of fatigue and, at this point, just want to get it over with.

This election result is bad news for the National Health Service, which is consistently underfunded by Tory governments, and for socialized medicine in general. We'll see to what degree the NHS is able to survive the coming changes. The people at the head of the Tory party generally want a less regulated, more free-market, lower-tax environment in Britain, and that, to me, suggests increased privatization of services like the NHS. Which means health care is likely to grow much more expensive.

This election is also bad news for the British union. Scottish voters chose to back their nationalist party even more strongly, and its leader is renewing her pledge to hold a new referendum on Scottish independence. I have a British friend who insists Parliament will never allow this to happen -- but after years of preaching devolution and self-determination, how can it say no, if that's what Scotland wants?

I'm not quite sure what the leadership changes will mean for Northern Ireland, but Brexit is definitely unsettling for the relatively peaceful recent conditions there.

In short, this is not a great outcome. If there's any positive message here, it's that we're likely to move even more quickly toward resolving Brexit -- which, admittedly, has been a nightmare and a huge drag on the country. The Tories appear to have a majority that's comfortable enough to allow the party to ignore its own extremists and get the job done.

(Photos: Street art in Soho, colorfully expressing the firm belief of some on the left that Boris is a mini-me of Donald Trump.)


  1. Interesting to read your commentary on this bleak morning as Johnson gloats over his political trickery and his hollow mantra, "Get Brexit Done" settles over this wintry land like one of Big Brother's cruel edicts. Maybe now we will hear what the deliberately silenced Russia report contained. Maybe now Johnson will face an interview with Andrew Neil. It's called democracy.

  2. So 'people' blame Cameron for Brexit and Corbyn for losing this election. But it was 'people' who believed the shite and the lies and it was 'people' who voted for it.

    And you know what? It will all fade to nothing with a couple more drastic effects of climate change like devastated coast lines and agriculture, poor health, mssively more migrants etc. Which is when we will realise what really matters and what these critters and other power drunk 'leaders' have been missing.

  3. I was so disheartened to wake up just now and read about the results of your election. Bad times ahead on both sides of the pond, I'm afraid.

  4. The world has gone mad. I see no good outcome here, just as I see no good outcome for the US.
    I am not one to follow conspiracy theories but sometimes I have to wonder if all of this isn't Russia's new plan for taking over the world.
    Am I crazy?
    Who isn't?

  5. I'm trying to decide if I'm more upset because we had a few years of actual hope in the future. If we hadn't had Obama, I would probably just be saying "same old same old." Sigh. Tis better to have loved & lost? Not so sure about that!

  6. the world is going to hell in a handbasket. and yes, this is exactly what Russia wants, breaking up the unity of the west so that it can take over the world, something it has never stopped wanting or trying. it may actually succeed this time. as for Scotland, of course the Tories won't let it happen. they are of the mind set that we can do it but no one else can. sort of like over here. republicans get to be above the law but no one else can.

  7. After reading your post and all the comments here, I can only say that I absolutely agree with all of it. I think the only thing I would add, is there anyplace to hide from all of this anywhere on earth? The future prospects in all ways look very bleak to me.

  8. With such sharp divisions these days what ever government we have will make many people very unhappy.

  9. The first thing I thought when I heard the news is that it doesn't bode well for the upcoming US election. Four more years of an impeached Donald Trump is a horrific thought. It seems the whole world is marching toward fascism.

  10. A good reason for me to stay away from politics. I give my vote at election time, then I abide by the outcome till the next time to vote. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  11. I saw two different medicos yesterday. The first told me he was a big fan of Trump, giving him credit for the good economy in the U.S. The second seemed to be pooh-poohing climate change. I fear not so much for myself but for the future. It's looking like a hard right spin. Sigh.

  12. Will this change also change your plans for staying there?

  13. Turkeys voting for Christmas.
    A good comment has been written by an ex-English Kiwi in the blog leftinnewzealand.wordpress . See the post written on Friday. It says, in detail, everything.

  14. They wanted to divide us all and to inundate us with so much horror and bad news and lies until we throw in the towel and just give up. No no no!
    I will fight any way legally possible to end this idiocy. I just think of all the veterans who are buried or wounded or damaged and I find it is not that difficult to dial my congressmen and senators and raise holy bejesus to the high heavens. We can't quit. We just can't.

  15. Wow - is that one drawing there why they're called "graphic" images? lol

    I have to retreat from political stuff for a few days again. The ol' nerves are too raw.
