Sunday, December 22, 2019

Teasels in Jail

Remember how I said I was going to try to pluck some of those teasel sprouts out of the seedhead in our garden and plant them? Well, I did -- I planted three little sprouting seeds. And then all three were promptly pulled up by birds (probably pigeons). So I replanted the two I could find and plucked another new one, and covered the pots with wire for protection. This may be a fruitless experiment, but if we're lucky, we'll have little teasel plants for next year's garden.

I'm writing this post ahead of time because on Sunday morning, when I'd normally post, we'll either be waiting at the airport or in the air on the way to Cairo. Woo hoo! I'll schedule it to go live around the normal time, and I'll be back with you in real time on Monday. (Insha'allah, as they say in North Africa -- "God willing.")

Simone, Olga's dog sitter, came and collected her on Saturday morning as planned. We sent Olga's pink blanket with her, so she'll have some of the comforts of home while we're away.

I also called my mom to wish her Merry Christmas. She sounds like she's in good spirits, and she plans to spend Christmas Eve with my brother and his family.

A week or two ago I mailed Mom a copy of this photo, which was taken when Dave, Olga and I went to the dog pub in early November. She said she has it propped up with her other family photos. Isn't that a good picture? If I had Christmas cards made, I'd have used this image. Consider this my blog card to all of you -- have a wonderful holiday, whatever, whenever and however you celebrate!


  1. Great family photo! Merry Christmas to you Steve, Dave and Olga!

  2. Lovely photo. First time I have seen Dave!

  3. Hooray......something must have happened....the comment posted !
    Enjoy your holiday.

  4. I hope you have a splendid time in Egypt and show us some quirky Reedesque photographs of that ancient land.

  5. Here's hoping for a wonderful trip for both of you. Safe travels.

  6. Happy Egyptian Xmas to you. And all the best to Olga in London and may the teasels grow in peace.

  7. By the time I read this, you have probably arrived in Cairo or maybe just getting ready to land. Have a wonderful trip!

  8. PS . I love the photo! Merry Christmas.

  9. What a handsome couple. Or trio!
    Merry Christmas, Dave.

  10. Just have a wonderful time! And yes, that would have made a fine holiday card. Consider it delivered!

  11. Merry Christmas to the three of you! Safe journey.

  12. Beautiful photo of you, Dave, and Olga. Merry Christmas and safe journey to you!

  13. that is a good picture. have a great time and holiday.

  14. Great picture of you all!
    Teasels are considered a weed here in upstate NY; I never thought of trying to encourage them. Enjoy!

    And have an absolutely wonderful trip!

  15. Enjoy your trip. Have a Happy Christmas.

  16. A very Merry Christmas to you and Dave. Have a marvelous trip!

    I have always regretted not visiting Egypt so I very much look forward to your posts for this holiday.

  17. Now that's a beautiful family picture. Here's wishing you and Dave a safe and exciting trip. I'm not sure what Teasels are. I'll have to look them up. All plants are weeds anyway, aren't they? And I think they are all beautiful. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  18. Great photo. The best wishes of the holidays to the three of you!

  19. Lovely photo wishing you all the best now and in the coming year.

  20. That's a beautiful family photo. Have a wonderful Christmas and a safe and exciting trip!
