Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A Litany of Ills

When I last photographed this laundry on Finchley Road, three years ago, it had plants in the windows and looked a little more homey. It also had completely different shops on either side. I miss the plants but I like this new lineup -- it's very international. The Russian shop is called Berezka. I've never been there but apparently it's basically a deli.

I went to the dentist yesterday morning to get my root canal checked out. Two years after it was originally done, I'm still having twinges of feeling in the tooth, and on my last exam they found evidence of lingering infection at its base. My dentist wasn't there at the time, though, so I was asked to come back and see him.

His conclusion is that there may still be a tiny bit of root at the bottom of the tooth that he was unable to remove because the channels were too narrow, and he said there are two options. One, I can leave it alone and let it clear up on its own, as he believes it will. Or two, I can have a procedure that involves going in through the base of the gum to clean out the infected area. That would require a specialist. Since I'm only having mild, extremely intermittent pain and there's no swelling, I'm inclined to do nothing, but he's getting me information on the second option.

And he didn't charge me for the visit. So there's that.

I had doubts about going to the dentist in the middle of our dreaded Covid-19 outbreak, but what the heck. Life goes on. Some people seem very freaked out -- I see paper masks being worn on the street and in the tube, and we're still cutting back activities and trips at school. Dave suspects the school might close.

I haven't made any changes in my own life, aside from washing my hands more regularly. (I'm already a pretty consistent hand-washer. Being a health and hygiene volunteer in the Peace Corps taught me the value of that!) My attitude, as I told someone recently, is that this virus is just one of about a bazillion things that could kill us tomorrow. In other words, life itself is risky -- you just have to keep living and minimize the risk sensibly.

I have a co-worker who's planning to go to Spain for Spring Break, at the beginning of April. She says she's still going, unless things change. I think Spain's had more cases than Britain, but I don't blame her. I'd go too -- just as I'm still planning to follow through on my trip to Florida. I guess the big danger with international travel is that we get caught in some kind of quarantine coming or going. I don't want to wind up living for two weeks in some warehouse in Tampa!


  1. Most flights in and out of Italy are cancelled and looking in my crystal ball I can see the same happening with Spain.

    P.S. Shouldn't Tampa have an "x" on the end?

  2. I, too, am not getting carried away... although I wouldn’t be thrilled about traveling right now. Wouldn’t want to get stuck away from home.

  3. I'm probably more anxious about it than I should be but then again, I'm more anxious about EVERYTHING than I should be. Frankly, I wouldn't travel. The idea of getting stuck away from home is dreadful to me. That and not wanting to get sick which I've already had quite enough of, thank you. But it's up to you, of course.
    Would the school go online?

  4. So far, the flights in and out of Florida seem to be okay. At least I think they are! I hope you get to enjoy your trip to Florida. We're not doing the masks and gloves, etc, but we are washing our hands a lot and wiping a few things down. But we do that anyway. That's quite an interesting photo, but wowsie, what a lot of trash from that one store. I hope the issue with your tooth resolves itself soon. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  5. what the heck is going on at the massage parlor that they are generating so much trash! as for the virus I'm not too worried as I live a fairly isolated life but I am washing my hands after being out in public.

  6. I don't think fit, young people will be at too much risk from the virus providing they live/visit a country with a reasonable health system.
    As you say, they just need to weigh up the risks and not start pointing fingers if things go wrong.
    And that's a very attractive pile of garbage bags outside the Thai massage place. Colourful, to say the least.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. We cancelled our 700 mile journey south to my nephew's wedding this Saturday. The thought of gathering with 200 people in southern California (and all the people, public rest stops, and places on the way) scared us. We're of that vulnerable age. I hope when it's time for your trip to Florida things have improved everywhere. I also hope your tooth heals completely.

  9. The virus has some mysteries about it. For some things there are not yet answers. I would guess that the people who have had this virus are happy that it's over for them. the rest of us are kept on pins and needles about the uncertainty that lies ahead.

  10. I've been vacillating between alarm & meh - while continuing to wash my hands. I hope all of this handwashing helps keep the numbers down!

  11. So far, I'm still going to work Monday through Thursday. We haven't had many cases here in the Phoenix area. We can work from home if we want but, my job requires meeting with people to understand their data needs. I work best with face to face interactions. My friend Glenda is supposed to go on a river cruise from Amsterdam to Basel in April and she is starting to worry about that trip. I haven't heard if she's decided to cancel yet. I was just in Italy last May in the exact area where the highest infection rate has taken hold. It's hard for me to believe that the whole country is quarantined right now.

  12. I mostly don't leave the house except to go to grocery stores and doctor visits but I'm more conscious of my self-imposed isolation these days. So far, so good.

  13. Same thing happened with a root canal I had done. Took well over a year before I finally didn't feel a thing.

  14. Here I am again to say, if I've heard correctly, that you're lucky to be living in England. No ban on travellers going into USA from England... only Europe.
