Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pigeons and the Dentist

When I was combing through my old pictures on Sunday, I came across this one, which I really like. I took it in January 2015 while photographing streets for Bleeding London, and although I find it hard to believe I never used it on the blog, I can't find a post that includes it. So here goes!

Where are those pigeons now, I wonder? Are any of them still out there? According to Google, pigeons live six years in the wild, so I suppose some of them could be. They're probably retired, living in Florida or Spain.

I forgot to mention that Sunday's winds blew down part of our garden fence. Mrs. Kravitz has been on us for years to get the fence replaced, and you may remember that the landlords recently visited to take a look at it. They've decided to do some repairs but not to replace it, I think. Anyway, the wind blew out three of the clapboards in one panel, so yesterday I stopped at the hardware store and bought a pack of nails, and I told Mrs. Kravitz I'd fix it temporarily. I couldn't get to it last night because we were having more rain and wind -- plus it was dark by the time I got home -- but maybe this weekend.

I also went to the dentist yesterday for a check-up. I've been having twinges of pain in my back tooth, where I got a root canal and crown about two years ago. The dentist said there's still evidence of infection in the bone beneath the tooth, so I have to go back again in a couple of weeks to see the same dentist who did the root canal and see what my options are. It's not bad pain and it's extremely intermittent, so I'm inclined to just leave it alone, unless it's going to have negative ramifications for my health otherwise.

I've said it before and I'll say it again -- this tooth is the bane of my existence. It's out to get me.

Anyway, I also needed a cleaning and fortunately they were able to squeeze me in right away, so at least I got that done. All my other teeth are in good shape, thank goodness.


  1. Screwing the panels in might be a more long-lasting solution than nailing. However, this is an example of "Prevention is better than a cure". If your landlady had opened her purse and invested in replacement fencing earlier this situation would not have occurred. I always think it is a good idea to have gaps in fences to allow strong winds through.

    (P.S. Although I always tick the "I'm not a robot" box, I am in fact a robot.)

  2. I love that photo. I’ve never had tooth pain. Can’t imagine. Just don’t say aahhh if there are pigeons overhead.

  3. I smile every time I read about your "Mrs Kravitz"
    I would truly choose major surgery of a body part over any dental work.

  4. Brilliant pigeon photo.

    As for the tooth, I hope that nothing more has to be done and that they can just treat the underlying infection.

  5. I don't think that any infection in that area of the body is good. That tooth IS the bane of your existence, isn't it?
    I think you need entirely new dentists.
    I'm so sorry you have to go through this although maybe it's nothing.

  6. Fantastic photo! Good for you for taking care of that tooth. Don't let the infection continue too long. I do understand hoping it will just go away, though.

  7. The pigeon photo is truly beautiful, really a great image.
    About that tooth..infections don't go away on their own. A failed root canal is a bummer. Definitely have that repaired.

  8. Love the pigeon photo...Do you have the option of going to a new dentist? Tooth pain is never a good sign, Sorry to are having to deal with that and the fence and Mrs. K.

  9. I love the pigeon photo! And take care of your teeth -- although I do hate the dentist.

  10. I totally agree with Marty up there! Hip surgery? Bring it! Possible dental work? Would just taking an antibiotic work? Please? Ha!

    I LOVE the pigeon photo! It reminds me of the pictures we used to get at our backyard feeder. I'm posting some bird photos tomorrow & there's a junco in flight in the first one that made me feel nostalgic for all the activity we used to get.

  11. That pigeon picture is sensational! Good luck with the dentist.

  12. I love the pigeon photo and I also love the image of a few of them retired an enjoying life in a hammock on the beach somewhere warm. A blogger friend in Amsterdam also had her garden fence blown down in that wind storm that swept across the channel. That must have been some strong winds.

  13. That is a GREAT photo! Bummer about the tooth, although the fix may not be as bad as it sounds. I was told that if necessary my dentist could drill through the crown to do more work, then patch the crown. It turned out not to be necessary, which I hope is your outcome as well. I've had so much work done over the years but all has been calm for the last two years. Still, the thought of another problem makes me cringe.

  14. that's a great capture of the pigeons. too bad about the tooth. dental work is bad enough even when they get it right the first time. seems to me the dentist could just remove the crown instead of drilling through it as jenny_o suggests but perhaps it would damage the crown.

  15. That Mrs C must be some neighbor to make you go out right way and buy nails to fix the fence!

  16. Great photo of the pigeons taking flight. I hope you are photographing the fence repair to send to your landlady.
    I hope your dental issues will be resolved with no pain involved.

  17. Glad you're checking in with your dentist. The photo of those birds is spectacular.
