Friday, February 28, 2020

Almost-March Snowfall

We had snow yesterday morning! Not very dramatic snow, granted -- just wet, clumpy stuff that fell to the ground and immediately melted. The temperatures were hovering right around freezing. Ultimately it was too warm for any frost, but it was still probably our wintriest day yet this year.

Because the snow was so transient I couldn't really get a decent picture, which is why I shot the video above. But here are some clumps on the leaves of my little foxgloves.

Olga wanted no part of it.


  1. Just look at that beautiful face, she's so lovely.

  2. Has Olga had her lower jaw surgically removed?

  3. That's about the same amount of snow we got a few years ago.
    But hey! It's snow!

  4. Olga has the right idea. It looks like a good day to stay in bed.

  5. Love seeing that snow fall there.

  6. Olga is a smart girl. I want no part of it too.

  7. Oh my, Olga looks so darling! That's a photo that belongs on the wall. Your snowfall was the good kind. Falls lightly and goes away quickly. It stays only long enough to be enjoyed. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  8. we call that chubby rain. Olga knows stuff. what to do , All should follow Olga, she is our leader.

  9. Olga is my kind of dog - that's exactly where I'd be too if it snowed. I like your video - your garden is so vibrant even here in February. We're slowly starting to green up around here.

  10. As I have said before, Olga is wise. BTW, it looks like that fence in your backyard could use the artistic touch of SWMBO!

  11. I remember having the same problem taking a picture of snow - snow that showed up fine in a video. It's like black magic! Well, it's not that mysterious to most people but it is to me.

    That is such a beautiful shot of Olga and the pink blanket. It's hard to pick a favourite of that doggo, but I think this is mine. So far. :)

  12. Steve, you had more snow than we did here in NH and I am envious of those daffodils as none are blooming in Nashua, NH, yet.
