This may seem like a bit of bait-and-switch, given that I promised to return after a week, but I've been giving some serious thought to my blog and I've decided to call it quits. It's been 2 1/2 years, nearly 800 almost-daily entries, and I've met some wonderful people with whom I hope to remain in contact. But I think I've taken this blog about as far as it can go.
I've mentioned before that I've never been entirely comfortable with the blog format. I started the blog to show off my photos, and now that I'm on Flickr, that purpose seems dubious at best. I don't rule out a return to blogging at some point, under a different blog name or identity, but we'll see about that.
Meanwhile, I'll still be in blogland as a reader of the blogs I frequent now, so if you follow that same circle you'll see my comments and you won't be rid of me entirely. (Sadly! :) )
I thank you all for reading Shadows & Light each day. (Or as frequently as you were able!) You can keep up with me on Flickr by clicking the badge to the right.
As the Buddhists say, "May all beings be happy!"