Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Glowing Garden Update

When I got home from work yesterday, my first full week of work in ages, Dave and I walked around the garden and surveyed the growth. The sun was hitting the back of the fresh, new leaves on the hostas...

...and our sage had sent out its first modest purple flowers.

The dark pink valerian is blooming, and we have buds on the white valerian and also a lighter pink variety.

Another of the foxgloves I grew from seed is blooming. This is the color I expected them to be, based on the seed packet -- but we have two that are bright purple as I showed you several days ago. I guess there's a certain amount of variability in any packet of seeds. (I actually like the purple ones better so I'm cool with that.)

You may remember that last fall, a co-worker gave us some foxglove seedlings. A reader asked whether those could be the purple ones. But they're all still too small to bloom. I think they'll flower next year.

Our new lupines are embarrassingly robust.

I unblocked the hole in our exterior wall -- the one used as an access point by our recently discovered rats -- and I could see neither the poison administered by the exterminator nor the rats themselves. So I can't remove either from beneath the house. I put a heavy piece of concrete over the hole to keep it blocked until we can have it repaired, and I think I'll add some screening for good measure.

I finished our library inventory yesterday, and we're missing about 80 items. This is terrible, considering that past year-end inventories usually find about ten books missing. As I mentioned yesterday, part of it is no doubt due to the removal of our security gates, and also to our chaotic year, particularly in the run-up to closing the school in March. I'm not surprised some people walked away with stuff that was never checked out. Hopefully it will be returned when the time comes.

I forgot how physically exhausting inventory can be -- shifting heavy books, reaching for high shelves, kneeling for low ones. (Fortunately I have good knees.) We have a gigantic set of literary criticism reference books that we keep in storage on shelves two deep, and hauling all of those out to scan them is always a nightmare. I honestly don't know why we haven't gotten rid of those things. No one ever uses them and I bet it's all online now anyway.

I forgot to mention that when I talked to one of my co-workers on Monday (from a safe social distance), he asked me if I knew anyone who had COVID. I said no, and he said he didn't either. Whenever someone asks that, I fear they're about to launch into conspiracy theories about how it's all a hoax -- and that's more or less what he did, but instead of arguing that it's a hoax he argued that it was deliberately engineered in a Chinese laboratory, because "the world has never seen anything like this." I said, "Well, we had SARS and MERS, which were similar." But you know how it is -- when people decide they believe something, they're not going to let go of it. I don't understand why people have so much trouble understanding that a novel virus can naturally arise under the right circumstances. Why does there have to be a bad guy?


  1. Watch this space. I'll be back...

    1. I'm back. I needed to get my day's walk in before sunset.
      About the virus; I've heard more than one expert in the field of virology say it would be virtually impossible to replicate in a laboratory because it is SO complicated in its makeup. I may be naive but I accept this explanation.
      As for conspiracy theories, I listened to a fellow speaking about this very subject and after researching and writing a book on the subject he maintains it all boils down to people not being able to accept the unknown. There has to be an answer and someone to blame. Anyone/group will do to pin the blame on. Now I want to read his book.
      The top pic of the hosta is a top pic. Such detail.


  2. Several of my foxgloves are showing colour. Hoping they might flower today when the sun gets on them!

  3. It's so exasperating when you come across these non-believers or believers who have to BLAME someone. My friend's brother, a bit of an idiot on a good day, believes that this entire thing is a hoax perpetrated by ALL the world leaders. And there's just no arguing with Stupid.

    Anyway, exquisite photos! Steel wool is a great plug for those animal entry points.

  4. These conspiracy theories are the epitome of ignorance in my humble opinion. If Trump believes the Chinese laboratory theory then of course it must be wrong. Your use of the word "embarrassingly" to describe the robust lupins was just plain vulgar and unbecoming of a steadfast librarian.

  5. I must say that I think it a bit odd how this virus is mainly targeting the elderly or people with an illness. Not many children or young people have had it or we would have surely been made aware of this in the media.
    Usually a flu virus isn't fussy who it attacks. Just something to think about.

  6. That leaf is stunning!
    It's good to see your garden me hope that ours will get there before too long!!

  7. As to what Crafty Cat Corner said- children ARE getting it and it's presenting in them with some odd and very disturbing ways. Meanwhile a 113 year old Spanish woman just survived it.
    And basically it all boils down to this- the virus does not care what we think. It's going to find as many hosts as it can and until we understand it and what it does to the body better, we're all in danger.
    Your garden is a beautiful oasis, Steve. Thank you for sharing it.

  8. Interesting last paragraph. It seems that science has been ignored by many. Conspiracy theories are the in thing.

  9. As always your garden pictures are gorgeous.

    There surely is a psychological explanation for conspiracy theories. Several.

    I think you will always have a certain percentage of the population going for one or another crappy theory on whatever is happening at a given time.

    What I find most offensive with the covid conspiracy is how right wing politicians are using and stoking it. I came across several instances in the last weeks where "experts" were trying to explain the comparably much higher case numbers in people of colour as a result of dark skin being "inefficient" in absorbing sufficient vitamin D. That is racism.

    So what do you think happened to the rats?

  10. People want someone or something to blame because random stuff scares the shit out of people. It's the same with cancer. What caused my cancer? What did I do wrong? Nothing. Mostly, cancer is random. Mutations happen all the time, it's what gives us the variety of human beings that we see around us. Some mutations are good and the other side of the coin is that some mutations are bad, like cancer.

    And the coronavirus, it just is. It's not manufactured but if people believe that it's manufactured, it allays their fears and they think they might just have some control over their lives because if they can stop the manufacture of deadly viruses, well then, we'll all be safe. Humans want to blame someone, something because it feels like control. I know this and I do it too. And it pisses me off so much when I realize that something is my own fault or something is out of my hands. I have no control over anything, even over myself often.

    I am quite envious of your foxgloves and lupines. I've never had success with either. Sigh.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  11. That leaf photo is so beautiful. I love it! The flowers are looking lovely. I think I should go out today and photograph our foxglove volunteers. Interestingly they are not all the same color.

    Ah conspiracy theories are so popular these days. Let's all just make up the story we like best and run with it. That way we don't really have to think at all. Makes life so much easier, and I'm always right!

  12. I do not understand why conspiracy theories are so popular. does your co-worker think the plague that wiped out about half the population of Europe was engineered and purposely let loose? or AIDS which is pretty deadly, was that engineered? how absurd. tell them to visit a hospital if they think it's a hoax.

    pretty foxglove but yeah I like the purple better. I'd like to grow hostas but they don't tolerate out heat.

  13. I read a bit about QANON this morning before I left it in disgust. Some people have nothing to do but believe in and concoct conspiracy theories.

  14. I have wondered the same thing for a long time. Is it something about the way they were raised that makes them need an evil theory for everything that happens? I do know four people who have had it. Three have recovered and one is still battling it. She's about 52 years old and healthy otherwise. It's been three weeks now and she can't shake the fever. She went back to the doctor on Friday and they took more tests. I haven't heard if there and any new results.
    On a way more cheerful note, I LOVE the flowers. They are looking fabulous along with that big green leaf in the first photo. I love the light on it.

  15. Your flowers are simply gorgeous! If you lived near me, I'd hire you to do my gardening. What a great shot of the Hosta leaf. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  16. Oh Steve I live in the house with my children and one daughter is totally believing that this is not as serious as we have been led to believe and she is not about to change her mind. My other daughter is basically the same and I swear they think that Trump is the most honest person alive on this planet.
    I cannot believe this so I keep my opinions and mouth shut but I cannot stand this administration.
    My daughter the other day said to me... If this was an Obama administration you would be happy as a lark singing his praises.
    I just walked away after saying I"I can't believe that you just said that." I don't know anyone personally that has covid 19 and I hope that I never do. I do have some online friends who know people personally. In fact one of my online friends husbands is in the hospital with it and they turned off the ventilator a few nights ago. I haven't heard an update but have not seen her online since then.

    I am not sure why some libraries continue to have those very heavy books. Your right to think that the information is online. I think that we can find everything online now. I hope that you didn't injure yourself doing inventory. That is one thing that I have always hated to do no matter the job.
    I used to work in a bait and tackle store and I was responsible for inventory, right down to the goldfish for trot lines to the minnows and of course all the lures. Year end inventory took me at least 3 weeks to complete.

    I am so in awe of the plants in your garden. I love your photos and Foxglove and Lupines is one of my favorite flowers. (I confess that all flowers are my favorite) LoL. I am not sure there is one that isn't.

    Good to hear that you haven't seen any of the rats. I use to have a pet rat. His name was Iggy and he was so spoiled. Seriously he was.

    Iggy had run of the house when we were home. He hated for us to clean his cage and he would sit on top of it and chew us out. We had a hollowed tree log and when we lifted it up to shake it out we would find all kinds of things in his little hidey hole.

    Like I said he had the run of the house and one night we invited a neighbor across the street from us to come over for Pizza. (That was one of his favorite foods) and I forgot to close his cage.
    I set the Pizza on the table and he ran up the chair on to my neighbors shoulder and down into the Pizza box and grabbed a slice and rolled it up like a burrito so quick I couldn't even grab him.
    My neighbor Bob jumped up and said "What the hell" and busted out laughing at the site of a fat rat dragging his slice off to his cage.
    Talk about embarrassing and I was so glad I had ordered two!

    Iggy lived a long time for a rat. I guess we had him 5 or 6 years. He was a good rat if one can say that about a rodent lol.

    I will close now and go and catch up on some more of your posts. Have a awesome weekend. Hugs Beth

  17. Your garden is just spectacular. I guess people need to identify an enemy and then think that they can do something about it. The governor of AZ has started the opening up process, and the mayor of Tucson has said nope, we're closed until June 8. It will be interesting to see how that works out.

  18. Your flowers are fabulous, including the embarrassingly robust lupines. Ha!

    I agree with those who’ve suggested that people who believe conspiracy theories are mostly afraid of the unknown. A laboratory could be found & shut down, but if nature can produce a killer like this, what else could happen? Too terrifying to contemplate.

  19. What lovely flowers you are able to grow. I envy your green thumb.
    We are all being bamboozled. If tRump can be president anything can happen. I think we are all living in some alternate universe. I'm only half kidding.

  20. Alphie: That explanation from the author sounds right to me. Sounds like an interesting book. Do you remember the title, or the author's name?

    Frances: I hope so too! Only two of ours have blossoms so far -- the others are all still buds.

    Mitchell: I do think some people are particularly susceptible to this kind of thinking, and education (or lack thereof) is a factor. But the guy I was talking to is a smart professional, which makes it all the more galling.

    YP: I wonder what the Victorians would have made of these lupines. They would probably call them "indelicate" and declare that they were inappropriate flowers for a woman to see.

    Briony: I don't think it "targets" the elderly. Anyone can get it, and they do. It's just that it more seriously affects the elderly or infirm. (Although now we're seeing cases of young children who get a secondary syndrome that can be fatal.)

    GZ: Only a matter of time! We're supposed to warm up again this week, so maybe you'll be getting some fine weather up your way.

    Ms Moon: You're absolutely right. And I hadn't heard about the Spanish woman! Interesting!

    Red: As some others have said, conspiracy theories provide answers, and people like that. Even if the answers are false or invented, at least there's some finality.

    Sabine: Wow! I haven't heard THAT explanation. Sounds crazy to me. I think the rats are still beneath the house, but they died farther back from the hole than I can see.

    LilyC: Yes! Humans live in a world where we've solved so many problems and engineered everything around our comfort and longevity. Having nature screw up our carefully controlled society is a shock for a lot of people, I suppose.

    Robin: Yes! Show us your foxgloves!

    Ellen: My co-worker doesn't think the virus is a hoax -- he just thinks people invented it. He's not giving nature much credit, is he?

    Catalyst: Oh, Lord! Those people are CRAZY.

    Sharon: Good Lord! I can't imagine having a fever for three weeks. That must be miserable.

    Edna: English people have a reputation for being great gardeners, but I really think a big part of it is that we live in a great gardening climate. The light, the rainfall, the temperatures all combine to create prime plant-growing conditions.

    Beth: You should tell your daughter that if this were an Obama administration, we'd be hearing much more about real science and much less about fanciful, unsupported theories. I love your story about Iggy, which only makes me feel even more guilty that I killed our rats. (Although as I understand it pet rats, from a pet store, aren't quite the same type as wild rats.)

    Allison: That IS interesting. I assume local control will prevail?

    E: Thank you!

    Bug: Yes -- the theories provide answers, even if they're wrong or outlandish.

    Penelope: It DOES feel that way, doesn't it? I think we slipped through some kind of portal in 2016, which was such a bizarre year in so many ways. Nothing has been right since!
