Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Walk with a Blowfish

Yesterday turned out to be sunny and warm, so I set out in late morning with my camera. I had a vague idea I might go to the historic Kensal Green Cemetery, where I haven't been in several years, and I headed in that direction, westward through Brondesbury Park, Queen's Park and Kensal Rise. Of course I came across some interesting shops and other street scenes.

As it turned out, though, the cemetery is closed to casual visitors because of coronavirus. According to a sign on the gates I could have gone in to "visit a grave," although how they would know I was visiting a specific grave as opposed to just meandering about I'm not sure. I considered visiting Harold Pinter, or at least saying I was doing that if asked, but I decided to skip it altogether. When I'm walking Olga I spend enough of my time in cemeteries!

Olga didn't go with me, by the way. She was out with her dog-walker on the Heath. This would have been too far for her, even in her younger years! I walked all the way to Scrubs Lane before turning around.

I had lunch in Queen's Park after buying some small avocado-and-egg and salmon sandwiches at a nearby shop. That park, although beautiful, is a pain in the neck. It's fenced and I always find myself wandering the perimeter trying to find an access point. I don't really understand why a fence is necessary if it's a public park. Fortune Green, Hampstead Heath, Gladstone Park -- none of them have fences.

Anyway, I sat beneath a tree and had my lunch, and then wandered homeward, where I finished "The Italian Boy," the book about the body-snatchers in 1830s England. It was a good read -- a fascinating glimpse into a sordid time.

I've been offering to cut Dave's hair -- with all the barber shops closed, he's looking pretty shaggy these days. I told him he looks like a member of the Moody Blues. But for some strange reason he's reluctant to let me at it. Maybe he worries he'll wind up looking like me! (Once again I'm happy that I shave my own head. Coronavirus hasn't changed my look one bit.) A lot of Londoners have very '70s locks at the moment -- one of the upstairs neighbor kids has a head of hair like a young Robby Benson. Will the virus prompt new long-standing fashion trends, or will people streak to the barber the minute the doors open?


  1. In the third picture I see that someone has made a model of a coronavirus. I didn't realise you could turn them into plant pots.

  2. Oh, now I see...THAT is the blowfish in your title! Silly me!

  3. That blowfish planter is a hoot! And is that a lemon tree next to it? You did not mention taking them home with you so I'm assuming they are decorations to someone's home. Years ago, I loved to go walking like you do, but can't do it anymore. Enjoy it as long as you can. I thought that first photo was quite interesting. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. Being the stalker type I am, you live in a reasonably nice part of London, not too far from the centre. One can only guess why Queen's Park is fenced.

  5. My hairdresser is open & I have an appointment on Thursday. I'm a little nervous about it - for one thing, how will I get all the hair & hair dye off of my mask afterward? :)

  6. My hair just gets longer and longer. Oh well.
    That blowfish is fantastic. He can come live with me anytime.

  7. Moody Blues, Brilliant - Thanx For That One - Also, Your 'A Heath Outing, With Built-In Relaxation' Post Was Outstanding And The Olga Photos Were Simply Stellar - Much Appreciated - Enjoy The Rest Of Your Week - Spend Some Quality Time With Mr Dave - And Please Hide Some Treats Around The Place For Little Olga Girl From Uncle T - Stay Strong


  8. People here streaked to their barbers the minute they could. I trimmed SG's hair once -- just the sides and back; I didn't dare go at the top. Mine was easy. Electric trimmers set to buzz cut as usual.

  9. love the blowfish. as for hair I usually only get one haircut a year in late spring/early summer and then let it grow longer for winter. I've missed my haircut for this year so I'm just keeping it up in a bun or ponytail.

  10. I cut my own hair on Sunday. I've been thinking about it for a couple of weeks but have hesitated because I didn't want to mess it up. On Sunday, I just walked into the bathroom, picked up the scissor and started cutting. In the end, it doesn't look bad at all. I'm sure it's not evenly cut but it really doesn't look bad at all. Tell Dave that looking like a member of Moody Blues isn't bad at all. I love those guys.
    Love that "blowfish".

  11. Your walks never fail to give me yearnings. LOVE the cemetery from your previous post - as a cemetery ought to be, all spooky and decayed. Wonder how many were planted there who died of plague. We are still in stay at home mode up here, though the all important barber shops opened. First thing Dennis did! I still have Rona hair- shaggy/wild.
    Boys Cafe, intriguing, cute little building.
    Olga slowing down a bit- I remember when Dexter slowed down, to a crawl- had to carry him most of the way, he only weighed about 20 pounds so it was doable.

  12. I think people will race to the barber, as they have done in much of the U.S.A. But I like the 70's look as portrayed in the pictures you chose.

  13. I am happy to say that I was able to get my hair cut - I live close enough to Vermont to call it home-away-from-home. How inconvenient to put a fence around a public park! Who (whom) are they trying to keep out - or in? I love the blowfish and I especially love that first photograph. Your photographs often make me feel wistful, but I'm not sure why.

  14. Dave might be afraid that he would end up with a Boris Johnson cut!

  15. Roger and I cut my hair last month. It's not even, but it's great! Nice walk there.

  16. Boys cafe
    Come normal life
    I'll go!!!

  17. And here I thought from the title that we were going to see you leading a blowfish on a leash - or at least Olga dressed as a blowfish :D

  18. YP: It DOES kind of look coronavirus-like, now that you mention it!

    Edna: Ha! Yes, I don't think they were free for the taking. I love the planter, though.

    Andrew: Yeah, we like our neighborhood a lot. It's very close to where we work, which is just slightly south of us in St. John's Wood.

    Bug: That definitely sounds like an outing that requires a disposable mask!

    Ms Moon: Isn't it awesome? I love it.

    Padre: I always know you'll enjoy the Olga pics! :)

    Mitchell: Isn't it great to be free of hair worries? Seriously, I feel so fortunate!

    Ellen: That sounds like a good, simple way of handling things. If you just need it cut for length maybe Marc could do it?

    Sharon: Good for you! That was brave! LOL

    Linda Sue: Fortunately, Olga isn't THAT slow yet, but I suppose the day is coming. I see some people wheeling their aged staffies around in strollers or wagons. We'll probably get Olga something similar if need be!

    Catalyst: The '70s were such a weird decade, sartorially. There was a LOT of hair.

    Susan: Well, I'm glad the photos provoke a reaction in you! Yeah, I don't get the fence either. It's a ridiculously secure park.

    Red: Ha! I don't think I could produce that effect even if I tried!

    Robin: Well, that's the thing -- it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be shorter!

    John: I know, right?! I was intrigued! I suspect it's not what we think.

    Jenny-O: Now THAT would be a good Halloween costume!
