Friday, August 21, 2020

A Chunk of Wall

There was a big, old, rambling apartment building on Abbey Road that I used to pass every day on my walk to work. Imagine my surprise when I went by yesterday and found that it had all been torn down, except for a portion of the front wall -- the only part they're saving, it looks like. (I'm not sure why they're keeping this part of the wall, unless it has some historical significance.) Here's what the building looked like in January.

Work yesterday went fine. The library really is a mess. Workers have been using it as a staging ground for some minor construction going on elsewhere in the building, so all the furniture is shoved out of the way and they're carrying construction materials to and fro. Apparently a ton of books have already come back from our very busy days in March -- I re-shelved about three cartloads of them and have several more still to go. I chatted with some co-workers, and it was good to see people again, or at least the upper half of their faces.

It's entertaining to see what kinds of masks people have. One of the social studies teachers has one that I swear looks like a Shakespearean codpiece -- a funny bulbous velvet thing.

Other changes on my walk to work:

The Diamond Laundry, which I photographed a couple of times, has vanished -- which seems surprising, given that people must still need to wash clothes even in the time of Covid-19.

And Mina's Cafe, where I photographed Dave many years ago, is gone too. I think that "Great Bite" sign is even older -- something that was underneath the Mina's sign, maybe?


  1. Cities are forever changing. I was thinking that very same thing as I walked down to the pub last night with so many changed businesses on Ecclesall Road. The green grocer's shop is now a hair salon and the old Midland Bank is now a kitchen showroom. Nothing stays the same.

  2. A New Day - A New Dollar -Same Old Olga Complaints - Enjoy Your Weekend


  3. On my walks around town here I've noticed so many more business are shuttered (and the buildings empty). Hard times are coming... again. I wonder if that building IS historic. I know, however, there are tax benefits in many places if developers/builders save at least one wall (and "restore" the building) instead of doing a complete teardown. Very common here.

  4. You've seen "My Beautiful Launderette", haven't you? (dir. Stephen Frears, w/ Daniel Day Lewis as the beautiful boy, 1985--" a queer ‘80s British take on “Romeo & Juliet”)

    Maybe you could reopen the laundromat!

  5. I was driving back from Tallahassee yesterday only to notice that what would appear to be an aged-brick campus has sprung up. I think it's an office complex. When did that happen?
    Of course in Lloyd, things pretty much stay the same. But we're so small that if a tree falls down or is cut down, we notice. I suppose there is some comfort in that.

  6. Getting back to school and making preparations for the year was always a fun time fo me.

  7. I'm glad to hear that your first day back at school went so well. As for that building, my understanding is that when part of the old building is still standing, it's a renovation, not a brand new building. It cost's much less. The first house we ever bought was like that. One room was from the old house, and the rest was all brand new. It made a big difference in the price. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  8. I've enjoyed seeing my coworkers' masks too. Our City Manager likes to go around with a Joker smile mask - terrifyingly hilarious.

  9. Lots of changes in the six months we've been hovering around home. It is interesting to see all the different masks that people wear. I watched all four nights of the DNC convention. I don't think I've ever done that before but this one was so different. I'm glad I watched it.

  10. I'm glad that your first day back at the library went well. It will be interesting when things get back to some kind of normal routine. I'm trying to remember what that even feels like.

  11. and they only kept the center portion of the front wall at that. my daughter is so bored that she has applied for a part time job at a daycare here. she still works at her previous job two days a week but until the copy shop opens to the public, if it ever does again, and starts deliveries, she doesn't really have a job because that's what she did. they are just doing make work for her to keep her employed.

  12. Glad your back to work went well. I am dreading it but I think once I am back into it I'll be okay.

  13. At least with some remnants you can remember what was there. I often scratch my head where I see a building has been demolished and I am wondering what building it was that I would have passed by many times. Street View is very helpful.

  14. kind of sad, I like the old building. Sad too about the little cafe where Dave sat not looking at you.So it goes, cities are organic in their changing, seems just as we become fond of a fave little restaurant or shop ,it is gone.
    Glad you did not touch anything at work.

  15. YP: That's true even in the best of times, and I think it's especially true now with Covid and the financial pressures facing businesses.

    Padre: Olga is nothing if not consistent. LOL

    Mitchell: That's a VERY good point -- I didn't even think of that. I bet they're saving money by keeping that wall.

    Fresca: Yes! I saw it years ago. I think our laundry actually moved a few doors down and changed its name, from what I can tell.

    Ms Moon: Yeah, it must be nice to live in a place where the changes are more manageable!

    Red: Yeah, it's nice to be back and working with a schedule and a routine.

    Edna: Yes! I think you're right. I bet there's some kind of financial incentive behind keeping that wall.

    Bug: That's awesome. I hope the newspaper photographer has come around for a portrait. LOL

    Sharon: I didn't watch any of it but I read about the speeches and Dave kept me filled in!

    Robin: Well, I don't know how normal this year is going to be compared to past years, but yes, it will have some kind of routine of its own!

    Ellen: Yeah, a piece of a wall! I thought it was probably the oldest or most historic part of the building, but as the others have pointed out maybe it's merely to get some kind of tax break.

    Michael: Yeah, so far so good! Of course we don't have kids yet. They don't show up until early September.

    Andrew: If you don't miss it, it probably wasn't much of a building to begin with!

    Linda Sue: I did like that little cafe, but we only went there once. It was next to a cinema, and I imagine with that closed there's not a lot of foot traffic in the area.
