Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Don Francisco de los Perros

I couldn't resist another gazania picture -- this one with a hoverfly.

Yesterday was one of those blessed work days that just seem to vanish. I was so busy that mid-afternoon rolled around quickly and smoothly, and before I knew it, it was time to go home. I got a lot done, mainly contacting parents who left the school with our materials.

As Dave and I walked home on Finchley Road, we found ourselves behind a woman wearing a shirt that said this:

Corona Virus
Cancer Virulent
Vast Conspiracy

I have no idea what this means. Is she a conspiracist, or is she making fun of conspiracists?

Speaking of conspiracies, these stickers appeared on signs along our street. (To be fair, the signs are portable, and maybe the stickers were affixed elsewhere and simply arrived with the signs. My neighbors aren't necessarily responsible!) I still can't believe some people think 5G technology is the source of our latest microbial woes.

Here's some happy garden news. Years ago we planted a sedum, and it's never done all that well. In fact, we thought it had died. Imagine my surprise when I found it blooming at the edge of the flower bed. I wouldn't say it's prospering, but it's hanging in there!

Finally, I got some more pictures of Olga on her daily walks from Francisco, her dog walker. Here she is with her pals. I don't know where Francisco is from, but I assume he's of Iberian extraction -- doesn't he look just like a subject in a Velasquez painting? All he needs is a sword and a hat with a plume.

Pictures like this, although cute, always make me wince. Olga does love a good stick. Unfortunately, depending on how much of it she ingests, they don't always love her.


  1. I may be wrong but I believe the writing on the 5G label is the handiwork of none other than the arch-conspiracy theory propagator - Mrs Betty Kravitz!

  2. Can we bury all the conspiracy theorists along with the giants in the desert?

  3. How can a sane person can connect 5G with COVID is beyond me.
    I quite like Francisco's look.
    I'm not sure what you mean about Olga ingesting bits of stick.

  4. Oh, Olga! I just love her. And her dog walker looks dashing! Lucky girl to have all those friends to walk with.

  5. That Last Photo Is So Worth A 1,000 Words - Fantastic Photo For Sure



  6. Hurray for your sedum! It wants to live!
    Do you think that possibly now that people are less religious, our need to believe in bizarre magic has led to all of these conspiracy theories?
    Just a thought.

  7. Francisco certainly has the attention of the dogs. He must be telling a very good joke!

  8. hmm. Ms Moon had an interesting thought. but I bet if you asked people who believe that crazy shit they would probably be religious or self identify with a religion.

    and yes, Francisco looks very Iberian.

  9. Those gazanias are gorgeous. It is truly amazing how many people seem to thrive on conspiracy theories. It's just unfortunate that one of them lives in the white house. I love how all the dogs (except for one) is looking so intently at Francisco. And, yes, I can picture him in that costume you described.

  10. That first photo is just gorgeous! As you know, I’m partial to flowers with critters in them. Conspiracy theories are one way for people to feel more in control (or to believe SOMEONE is in control). They drive me crazy!

  11. The 5G conspiracy is one of the more deranged things I've read about. But then there is QAnon thinking that lizard people are running the government along side the cabal that traffics kids and drinks their blood. And oh by the way, QAnon supporters are being elected to congress. What could go wrong?

  12. It's interesting that 3 of the 4 dogs are focussed intently on Francisco.

  13. Your Sedum is lovely. It looks purple, so pretty. What a great photo of Francisco and the dogs. They behave so well for him. I'd be wary of the piece of wood too. She's such a cutie so it would be hard to take it away from her. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  14. I love your description of Francisco. Yes, I definitely see a Velasquez painting. A wonderful observation.
    Beautiful flowers, crazy signs, crazy times.

  15. The flowers look beautiful. The dogs clearly love Francisco!

  16. Great minds. You've photographed a clutch of dogs, too. That Samoyed is gorgeous (assuming that's what it is). And yup, that man should model.

  17. Our shepherd cross loves chewing on sticks too, or biting them off my shrubs in the winter.

    A job as a dog walker sounds like a nice job.
