Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Sign-Maker

Dave and I pass a house on our walk to work that has these colorful posters hanging in the window. Clearly someone's not a Boris Johnson fan! The one above appeared a few months ago, I believe during the controversy over the country's exams program...

...and this one's even older, appearing in the spring when everyone was standing outside their doors weekly and applauding for the NHS and other essential workers. I like the sentiment -- "Don't just clap, pay them more!"

It's not just the messages that are appealing, but also the artistry. It would have been easy to slap up a hand-scrawled poster, but someone put some time and effort into these signs.

Another busy day in the library yesterday, although I did get to finally finish my latest Newbery book, "The Wheel on the School" by Meindert DeJong, from 1955. I really enjoyed this one -- about a group of Dutch children who undertake a project to bring nesting storks to the rooftops of their village. It was lively and adventurous and had some memorable characters, and yet seemed very old-world, with people riding in horse-drawn wagons and clomping around in wooden shoes. One of my more pleasurable Newbery reads.

At some point during the day I checked on our home security cameras and saw this! Apparently our living room camera was upside-down! Doesn't Olga look confused?


  1. Why don't you and Dave take inspiration from the signmaker and create some window signs of your own? Perhaps "VERY SORRY ABOUT THE BOSTON TEA PARTY" or "VERY SORRY THAT JOHNSON WAS BORN IN AMERICA" or "LIBRARIANS KICK ASS! OK?"

  2. It is nice that some work was put into the protest signs.
    If you can get some reading in when at work, bonus.

  3. That security cam photo is a riot. Are you SURE it was the camera and that Olga wasn't having fun in your absence. Amazing how she could do that and put everything back in place before you got home!

  4. Olga Girl Says," it's a topsy turvy world out there."


  5. Someone did indeed put a lot of work into those signs.
    And I think your camera is just reflecting the world we live in- everything is upside down.

  6. Those signs really are well done. Makes me wonder what signs I would hang in my window.
    Love that upside down camera view. It's great!

  7. In my opinion, such a marker is beautiful and a means of pouring out self-artistic creativity.

    Oh, how can a stand-alone camera turn upside down like that when installing it ...

  8. I like the sign maker. More of us should express our opinion with a simple sign.

  9. Someone when to a lot of trouble on those signs. Very creative. Poor Olga, that is a confusing situation.

  10. Actually when you turn that picture right-side-up, Olga looks like she just woke from a nap and is thinking "Where is everybody?"

  11. I had to look up Boris on WIKI- his life is icky...and yes he was born in NYC, spent time in DC , little wonder he is warped. A professional showman and liar, copy cat trump.
    The signs are GREAT!, inspiring.

  12. I have as sign on my porch that says I'm politically uncorrect and lists why. Of course, you have to come into my yard to see it. I love the upside down photo. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  13. You have some good comments there, job to add when others get there and say what you are thinking!
    Yes, I like the signs too

  14. Olga looks rather coquettish with her pink binky on the couch.

  15. I love the signs! I'd like to put some signs in our yard, but I'm not brave enough. We live in Trump Central. Sigh.

    That book sounds like one that I would enjoy - I might have to check it out!
