Thursday, September 24, 2020

Just Some Garden Pics

We did indeed have more rain yesterday evening, which came as a welcome gift to the garden -- appreciating it in the photo above are the pink geranium, orange Peruvian lilies and purple asters. And there's more coming down now. It makes me want to breathe a sigh of relief.

An appreciation for rain is hard-wired into our animal being; we know it brings life and sustenance.

The purple heart plant is indoors, so it's not benefitting from the rain, but nonetheless it is blooming.

Here's another picture of our lone hollyhock -- because you can never have too many!

This is a type of salvia called "hot lips." It's been blooming for months now. It always makes me think of Hot Lips Houlihan.

And finally, the foxglove seeds have sprouted! That didn't take long, did it? They're tiny little things, even as plants, and clearly I'm going to have to do some thinning and repositioning as they grow.

It's nice to be able to turn to nature and appreciate the eternal rhythms of life during these crazy and stressful times.


  1. Sweet little flowers, gorgeous color! The rain has arrived and the wind. The smoke has blown to the next county and the temperature has dropped. Covid is up and politicians are who they are. So it goes, You are correct, turning to growing things in the garden sooth our ruffled, disturbed feathers. Yours are especially nice, they make the sort of sense that feels comfortable right now. I love seeing the tiny plants popping up already! You are the plant whisperer.

  2. Nature - small like the foxglove seedlings or big like a beach with a wild sea crashing or subtle like mist rising from a lake - in all its guises Nature is good for us like a healing balm. In spite of our cruel treatment of her, Nature is still there for us - like a lover who sticks around in spite of everything - hoping we will reform.

  3. Your pictures are so lovely. You show gorgeous details.
    Our garden at this time of the year is just a big messy jungle as we sort of let it all crumble and compost. We look at it and shake our heads in wonder at the idea of weeding or - heaven forbid - deadheading.

  4. I remember seeing in plant nurseries the 'hot lips salvia'. I have some vague knowledge about Hot Lips Houlihan. Not a fan of the show but it could not be ignored.

  5. Yes, thanks for always sharing the beauty around you.

  6. Ah, The Smell Of Rain - What IS This You Speak Of - Yo Brother Man, Have A Fantastic Weekend

    P.S. Please Hide An Uncle T Treat Under Olga's Pink Blanket

  7. There is nothing as soothing and reassuring as rain when it has not come for a long time. It's as if everything is grateful for it and the dirt and plants welcome it with open-mouthed happiness.

  8. Love the flower photos! And thanks for resurrecting my memories of Hotlips Houlihan. I loved that show - although not the last episode. I mean, it was probably critically good, but it was HARD.

  9. How wonderful that you are getting that much needed rain. I love the flower photos, but my favorite is the first one you took through the window. That's worthy of being framed and hung on the wall. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  10. My garden gets me going everyday.

  11. When I lived on the other side of town, I had one of those purple heart plants by the front door. And, I've seen those hot lips blooms at the Desert Botanical Garden. I love the photo through the rain-splattered window. That's beautiful.

  12. ateve I have canaan lillies in my flower bed in the front yard and they didn't bloom this year. The purple heart plant didn't start growing either. nothing barely grew. Since the weather is a bit cooler they are growing new leaves but still no blooms. My plum tree in the back yard didn't produce any plums. It is very hot here in Texas and I assumed that was the reason nothing was growing or producing.

  13. I meant Steve. I doesn't know where the a came from. I have on glasses. (lol)
