Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Rain! (After a Whole Lot of Sun)

I woke up to the sound of rain this morning, which was such a relief. It's been bone dry here, and as Dave and I walked around our wilted garden yesterday evening with a watering hose, we lamented the lack of rain. I'm so glad we finally got some. I think the next few days may bring a little more.

Speaking of the lack of rain, I came across this on my walk home from work yesterday:

That is the same species as the once-viney tree -- this one growing on a different street. Look how green it is! Much healthier looking than ours. That seems to suggest the yellowing of our tree's leaves isn't due to autumn.

(Dave is so sick of hearing me talk about this tree. Yesterday he said, "I'm going to go cut it down!")

You may have heard that London had another anti-mask rally over the weekend. I just do not understand this perfect storm of anti-vaxxers, people who are anti-government, people who see child trafficking around every corner, Q-Anon supporters and others who show up at these events. Even Van Morrison is singing anti-mask songs! (Quite a slump from the brilliance of Astral Weeks.)

Wearing a mask seems like such an innocuous thing. They're not always very comfortable, and I think they do bother my sinuses, but in the grand scheme of things it's no big deal. It seems like a strange battle to fight, and why some people associate them with governmental tyranny or oppression is a mystery to me. Van Morrison is at a vulnerable age, but of course he can probably insulate himself with his wealth.

Finally, the New York Times had a fascinating story by a man whose mother, unbeknownst to him, was an accomplished lighting designer. His discovery of one of her lamps in the family attic led him to realize she did much more professionally than he ever knew. I've been meaning to link to it for days but I'm finally just remembering!

(Top photo: Hampstead, on Sunday.)


  1. I don't like wearing a mask but during this pandemic I will play by the rules as I understand them. As you say, putting a mask on is an innocuous thing to do. I am just glad that I do not have to wear one all day. It's interesting that official attitudes to masks have evolved greatly since COVID 19 first appeared. Interesting too how Adolf Trump has mocked Mr Biden for wearing masks. As president The Orange Fuhrer should have been actively encouraging the wearing of masks not scorning or ridiculing them.

  2. YP: I hate them too. We all do. But they are a necessary evil -- and I wear one eight hours a day! I think the health care pros have learned more about virus transmission since the beginning, and they were also initially afraid hoarders would deplete the supply and leave none for health care workers.

  3. I don't like masks but I wear them to protect myself and others. Interesting that you lump anti maskers in with anti vaxxers and it does seem that they are one in the same. Nice story about Helen Lamb.

  4. Well, my love ofVan Morrison’s music just took a nosedive.

  5. Its So Wild To Me How Often We Think We Know Someone Until We Realize We Don't. Fabulous Lamp Story And Thanx For Sharing


  6. Sad to hear that Van Morrison is singing anti-mask songs. They protect us, and quite possibly keep us alive during this pandemic.

  7. Well, age may be having its way with Van.
    Here's what I think about your tree- it probably needed to be pruned back heavily after you removed the vines. Those vines literally choked a great deal of the life out of it and now it's struggling.
    I'm not an arborist, but that's what I think.

  8. Interesting story you linked! Funny how our parents are just our parents. Mine were far more remarkable than I knew when I was growing up and taking them for granted. My dad, for one, was a simply remarkable writer. His talent was channeled into legal judgments, but they are so compellingly and clearly set down. Thanks for the link.

  9. One thing that wearing a mask makes perfectly clear: If you wear a mask you are NOT A TRUMP SUPPORTER. It makes wearing one here in the US that much more important.

  10. i read that story about the man and his mother and i loved it and I'm so glad he still has the lamp.
    I don't understand the anti-mask people either. What happened to good old common sense? A woman without a mask wanted to get on an elevator with me a few days ago and I asked her to wait. I felt bad about doing it but in such a small space, a mask should be required.

  11. The anti people seem to be doing well these days. It's hard to understand why any thinking person would oppose these things. There is too much negative info out there on the internet.

  12. I don't understand anti-maskers either, but I do get that stupidity is a world-wide phenomenon. When it takes over like it is doing these days, it is truly a bummer to behold.
    I plan to read that NYTimes story soon. Sounds like it's going to be an interesting read.

  13. Wow, Mrs. Lamb was such a talented, and beautiful, woman. I love that lamp. Thanks for sharing this story. As for the masks, I wear mine when I'm around other people. It's so little to ask to stay healthy. Enjoy the rain and your day, hugs, Edna B.

  14. masks are such a minor inconvenience. but stupidity reigns. if people would just comply, we could get a handle on it and be able to ditch them sooner. but, you know, besides being stupid, people are selfish. they aren't sick (they think) so fuck everybody else. I have a hard time with humanity in the best of times.

    I guess spring will tell if the tree is dying or not.

  15. Regrettably I find myself with Marty (above).

  16. I too woke to the sound of rain
    And I signed
    Fucking muddy paws
    Was all I could think of

  17. Glad for your raid... and envious. Sorry about the additional info about your tree. I read yesterday about Van Morrison and was so disappointed. I won’t be able to enjoy any of his music again. What a bunch of selfish, ignorant idiots. Just no getting around that fact.

  18. Masks can and does save lives but the anti maskers will always gripe and grumble until they are diagnosed with Covid19 and then they will be singing a different tune.
    I don't understand why everyone is complaining when they are not having to wear them as long as others for hours on end like you have to do but I have not heard a single negative word from any of my health care workers.
    In fact when I went to the doctor the other day I noticed that the girls mask looked strange and when I asked her why it looks funny she said " we are required to wear a mask over a mask." She assured me that it was as uncomfortable it looked. Not only her but the entire office is required to wear a mask over a mask so when people are complaining of having to wear them for short periods of time they need to visit my medical clinic.
    I agree with Ms.Moon about the tree. The poor thing was struggling to stay alive and I really hope that it survives. Xx
