Thursday, October 8, 2020

iPhone Gallery: Birds and Lanterns

On this Thursday when not much else is about another lineup of random iPhone photos?

First, a chalk drawing I found at the local housing estate of a colorful little bird in flight.

And then a real bird, sitting forlornly on a dog-watering bowl outside a local dry cleaners. It looks like it's not feeling well.

While we had to be content with one lantern on our Chinese lantern plant, another West Hampstead neighbor has boatloads of them! We must be doing something wrong.

Nearby, the dahlias were still looking good, especially with those dramatic stripey shadows in the background.

I walked past Abbey Road Studios the other day, and I always try to check out the graffiti. (It's a thing to write on the wall along the street in front of the studios -- I have no idea why.) I liked Bethany's rendering of George Harrison, obviously in his Sgt. Pepper getup.

More graffiti on a telephone box on Finchley Road -- mostly with a positive spin, like a very Melania Trump message to "just be the best" and a request to "kill the virus."

I found this school uniform and bag hanging on a hedge on my walk home from work one day. At first I thought some kid had shed them to play hooky, but then I figured they're probably being given away. Maybe the student outgrew them or moved to a school with a different uniform.

And finally, "High School Musical" is so 2006! One day's trendy butterfly chair is the next day's rubbish.


  1. I love your random iPhone photos. Excellent slices of life. You tell great stories with your photos.

  2. That dahlia! Shadows and light. And color. Brilliant!

  3. I love seeing your random phone photos. You always see such beautiful and interesting things there.

  4. Great collection of local sightings. That lantern plant is very impressive. I don't think I've ever seen one anywhere. The variety of plants around this world is simply mind boggling.

  5. Your walks provide you with all kinds of great photo opportunities.

  6. How wonderful for someone to put the school uniform out to be used by someone else who does not have one. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  7. awww poor little bird, unwell to be sure, maybe it ate a mushroom. Lanterns take about three years to establish, i was told. They also grow in ally ways, they seem to like abuse like the Honesty plant. Uniforms cost so much- that is kind of sad just hanging on a branch in nowhere land.

  8. certainly an odd assortment this time around. wouldn't you think that whoever put the school uniform and bag out would put a note on for who needs it? and poor bird on the water dish.

  9. Your flowers and your photos of them are freakin' ridiculous! (As in fantastic!)

  10. You could have looked so cool in that school blazer. Mind you, you might not wish to look cool. Maybe you are happy with your retro 1980's look.

  11. Birds sitting like that make me sad. I think they will soon die.
    I like 'Spread Love' with a heart for the o on the phone box.
