Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Inert Slug

When I was walking with Olga to Wormwood Scrubs on Sunday, I noticed that the paint job on the green house has been finished. I'm still not sure about that color, but hey, it's good to have some variety, right?

Yesterday was pretty quiet. Again, lots of reading for me. I took Olga to the cemetery for a romp, and then when we got home, Dave surprised me with the news that Olga's dog walker had shown up. I distinctly remembered that he wasn't going to return until Jan. 4, so I looked back at my e-mail and that's definitely what the company told me. I texted with the walker, though, and he said he'd come today and Thursday too -- so Olga will be off my hands, and I can be even more of an inert slug.

I notice that more and more people are wearing masks when out and about -- the UK reported more than 53,000 new coronavirus infections yesterday (more than 47,000 in England alone). Those are astonishing numbers. Maybe people are finally getting a little freaked out. I see in the news today that scientists are saying our Tier 4 restrictions aren't enough and we need a full lockdown like we had last spring.

The infection rate in our part of London isn't as high as in some areas, but still. I'll stay hunkered down on the couch!

I'm even wondering whether I should delay my planned endoscopy on Jan. 7. My stomach is feeling much better now than it was a few weeks ago -- I took Nexium and that seemed to help. I'm not crazy about reporting for a medical procedure in the middle of all this.

Here's an unusual headstone from the cemetery. C. Maxwell Cade was apparently an interesting guy -- trained in Zen Buddhist meditation, he became a scientist who studied brain waves and biofeedback patterns, and tried to integrate his observations with what he knew of Eastern meditative techniques. He helped invent a device called the Mind Mirror EEG to measure brain waves.

This is perhaps the most peculiar feature of his grave. What is that thing? At first I thought it was a Mind Mirror EEG, but no -- those don't look anything like this. On closer inspection, I believe it's just a piece of unusual sculpture. It doesn't seem to be functional. Maybe Max Cade was a sculptor on the side? Or perhaps one of his friends made it for him.

As I always say, every time I go to the cemetery I see something new!


  1. It is not compulsory to wear masks out of home? I despair!
    I think you are correct about any medical procedure if it can wait.
    I am not keen on the green house, but if the others joined in with strong colours, it could work.

    1. As I understand the rules, it's compulsory indoors -- in public areas like shops. But it's not compulsory outdoors or on the street.

  2. How fascinating (the sculpture). I wonder what or why it is.

    I'm glad you see people appearing to take things more seriously. As time passes, I find myself even more inclined to stay home and avoid everyone. I'm trying to be an active slug (is that even possible?) at home.

    1. I feel the same way. I'd rather just not risk it! ("Active slug" -- LOL!)

  3. Before you asked the question what that "sculpture" might represent I thought of electrical shock chair - a collapsed one. Whatever next, Steve? A lobotomy? It's a long time ago I watched "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" - as impressions go it's lasted.

    The green facade shows spirit.


    1. It does look like some weird psychiatric device, but I might just think that because of the "Mind Mirror" connection.

  4. I kinda like the green house; a nice splash of color.

    And maybe Max made some little robot to greet visitors at his gravesite?

    Our new president has asked the American people to commit to wearing masks for his first 100 days. I imagine it'll really show us which party you support by those who do, and whose who don't.

    1. I'm sure there will be plenty of vocal dissenters, much to everyone's peril.

  5. I love the green house! The "sculpture" is definitely made of found items. Could you do a reverse image search?
    Unfortunately, what Bob said about whether or not you wear a mask indicating which party you support is quite true and has been this entire year. Yet another way Trump has been a horribly dangerous president- if he'd set a better example and asked his minions to wear one we could have avoided so many deaths.

    1. The only picture that came up in a reverse image search was my own. But Google suggested the related keyword "dirty." LOL!

  6. What a strange little contraption you found next to that headstone. I wonder what it could be. It sounds like Cade was an interesting person.
    It's a good idea to strengthen your safety habits. I'm hearing of many more people I know becoming infected.

    1. I really think it's just an abstract sculpture, but it's interesting there's no mention of it online anywhere. (At least not that I can find.)

  7. Our covid rates have quadrupled this month. I notice that there are a lot less angry signs around town, a lot less venting on facebook. The first thing I thought when I saw the title of your post is that you were going to post a very good picture of a very dead slug. Grateful that you were referring to yourself!

    1. Ha! Yeah, I won't post a picture of myself either. You'll thank me.

  8. I like the green house, but I agree with Andrew - the other houses need to up their game!

    1. I think the natural brick is still the best look.

  9. I just read in the local newspaper this morning that the county I live in is the ONLY one in California that has good enough numbers to relax the covid restrictions. I am utterly appalled by this. The first paragraph of the article sums it up rather well:
    "The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced that local COVID-19 data places Humboldt County in the “Red” or Substantial tier under the state’s “Blueprint for a Safer Economy.”
    A blueprint for a safer economy or a lovely little petri dish on the north coast to test ridiculous plans during a pandemic? Oy.
    Stay safe there and enjoy your quiet reading time.

    1. "Red" and "Substantial" don't sound all THAT relaxed. I guess everything is relative. Stay inside!

  10. I hate to be a pessimist but I think we have a long way to go before Covid cools off.

    1. No, I think you're right. We're moving in the right direction but this will all be a slow process.

  11. You might check with your doctor about the endoscopy. I had a procedure postponed when the COVID numbers were high in the beginning.
    Stay safe!

  12. I would postpone the procedure as long as you're feeling better. I'm starting to see more masks outside now and definitely when people encounter others there. Our numbers are better than most in WA (49 out of 51) but it's because we've been relatively vigilant compared to other places. And we have a smart governor who follows the science.

    1. It's amazing what a difference some LEADERSHIP makes, isn't it?!

  13. We have always worn masks outdoors...if nothing else it keeps dust, synthetic perfumes and cold air out! So many other countries have done this, and been much here is "shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted"...they will have to bring that in and get people using their masks properly, instead of the dreaded chinhammocks!!
    I like the green house, but it does need colourful company!!

    1. I initially didn't wear them outdoors, but I do more now.

  14. Hi Steve What a very unusual headstone. Isn't it just awesome that you discover something new every time you and Olga visit the cemetery? I have always enjoyed visiting the older grave sites. We have some interesting ones in Austin. Karyn and I have plans to visit a couple when it gets warmer.
    I am glad that Olga's dog walker will resume the walks and you can resume being a slug lol. I have been a major slug since I have been visiting my daughter in law and granddaughter so we are just enjoying doing nothing more than relaxing. Big Hugs and Happy New Year!!! I hope that you three have a wonderful New Year.

    1. I hope to do some things out and about as well, but of course it's harder in the midst of our lockdown.

  15. Stay inside as much as you can, Steve, this thing is on its last legs I hope, but it seems to be going out with a bang, not a whimper. Will you be able to get the vaccine any time soon?

    1. We haven't heard anything about the vaccine yet. I doubt either of us will be eligible to get it before spring at the earliest. Dave is higher on the priority list than I am, understandably.

  16. Offhand I think that "sculpture" is an animal trap. Good thing you didn't step on it or spring the mechanism with your hand!

  17. I like the green house. and yeah, what is that thing?

    1. I guess it's whatever we want to believe it is!

  18. I'm all for the green house. Among that row of ordinary houses it makes a statement.
    As for the collection of broken bits, maybe as the headstone states, whoever constructed it was somehow inspired by Cade's work.

    1. The house definitely caught my eye enough to take its picture twice, so that says something! Yeah, someone somewhere must take meaning from that piece.

  19. cars parked butt to butt- we get hefty fines for that!

    1. Where do you live, Linda (just in case I relocate)? Parking like that shouldn't be fined; it should be rewarded as it's an art. The art of a squeeze and a fine display of advanced spatial ability. The latter of which I pride myself on; not least because women are supposed to be rubbish at parking. My mission in life to disprove misconceptions - and get into that space, any space, against all odds.

      Bumper to bumper,

    2. Well I guess in the states with parallel parking, all the parked cars are supposed to be facing the direction of traffic, right? But I don't think that's the rule here. I often see people swing across the street and park facing oncoming cars.

    3. Hope you don't mind my butting in again, Steve. Being a bit slow on the uptake earlier, I now see what Linda meant by "butt to butt". In the motherland parking facing oncoming traffic is verboten too - naturally the English just do what they want.

