Friday, April 9, 2021

Sunbathing Queen

I slept in a bit this morning, and once again had vivid dreams in that time just before waking. I was working somewhere -- a hospital? -- and I'd forgotten to check the schedule to see whether or not I was supposed to work that day. So I had to race in to do that, and instead I somehow wound up having a picnic lunch with some woman in the courtyard of what looked like a big housing estate, with an acoustic guitarist playing nearby. The woman wasn't anyone I know in real life -- she was Middle Eastern or South Asian, and she wore an elaborate turquoise turban with beads that went under her chin. My exotic dream life! I never did figure out if I was supposed to be at work.

One of my commenters asked if we were going to get tickets to see the gardens at Buckingham Palace, now that the Queen is opening them for the summer. I did bookmark the web site when I first read about the plan, but I haven't tried to get tickets and I understand the online queues are huge. The more difficult it is to get tickets to anything, the less I want to go. I am just not into the competition.

Will the Queen will be there, sunbathing on her chaise and slathered in cocoa butter? Holding one of those foil reflectors up to her face? Wearing Jackie O sunglasses and a plastic nose guard? I guess not. Even in summer, it's still London, after all, not Miami Beach.

Besides, we have plenty to do in our own garden. Yesterday I mowed the lawn again, and Dave continued pruning the hydrangeas. He's been making a slow circuit, doing one or two bushes per day, and I think they're all finally done. When it finally warms up I have more wildflower seeds to get in the ground, and we need to remove a few plants that appear to have died (the fox-bait hydrangea and possibly the sea kale) and put some others in the ground in their place.

The once-viney tree is again putting out new leaves. THANK GOD it isn't dead! It lost its leaves so early last fall -- in September, I think -- that I was worried about it. Mostly, I didn't want the neighbors blaming me for its demise! The new growth is quite late this year -- last year it put out new leaves in mid-March. Maybe that's why it lost them early. (I also suspect it might have a fungus called apple scab, which affects crabapples and can cause premature leaf drop. That smothering vine probably provided an environment conducive to fungal growth. Now that the vine is gone it should get better. In any case, apple scab wouldn't kill the tree.)

Once again we got fortune cookies in our Chinese takeaway, and once again Dave didn't want his, so I ate them both with yesterday's afternoon coffee. A fortune cookie is not my favorite thing food-wise, but I never like to throw them out, and now I'm very curious about what will happen next Tuesday!

(Top photo: A sign in a window near Fortune Green.)


  1. Fortune Green should be renamed Fortune Cookie Green with white flags flying and on them typical wise sayings such as "No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible" and "You are the crispy noodle in the vegetarian salad of life".

  2. I have very vivid dreams and had a dream the other night that I had won a million pounds, I intend to buy a bungalow fully decorated and garden already done with the money if it comes to fruition. lol

    1. I probably SHOULD buy a lottery ticket on Tuesday, now that you mention it!

  3. There will be an incarnation of Princess Margaret. She will be the one to be seen sunbathing and wearing dark glasses. She will be the one you might see in the Buck House gardens.

    Middle Eastern woman perhaps. What is her husband like?

    1. That's true -- sunbathing is much more Mags-like.

  4. Keep us posted on your lucky day!!!

  5. Totally, Don't Lose The Lesson - Thats Very Wise And A Pretty Cool Perspective - Looking Forward To The Spring Garden Series - Enjoy This Weekend


  6. I wonder if Prince Phillip's death will interfere with the plans to open the gardens. I just saw that he had died. Not too shocking but he's been around a very long time.

    1. Yeah, I wrote this before I heard of Philip's death -- just bad coincidence that I'm conjuring ridiculous images of the Queen on this of all days. I'm assuming she considered such possibilities when the plans were made, and she's usually at Windsor anyway. I doubt they'll change.

  7. I hit snooze one too many times this morning & dreamed that I had forgotten to pack my lunch. The horror! Ha!

    I'm never excited about activities that involve long lines or lots of people - & that was BEFORE a pandemic!

    1. Yeah, me neither. Fighting a scrum of people just makes me want to go elsewhere.

  8. I had the same thought as Ms. Moon wondering about the open gardens at Buckingham Palace with the news of Prince Phillip's death.
    Keep us posted about that lucky day!

    1. I think they'll probably remain open in the summer. As I mentioned above, the Queen is usually at Windsor anyway. (Or at Balmoral in late summer.)

  9. I get up with my husband at 5:30 and pack his lunch and talk about the day. Sometimes I stay up. Sometimes I go back to bed for a couple hours. Those last two hours are chock full of very vivid and peculiar dreams.

    I can't wait to see what Tuesday hands you!

    1. Yeah, morning dreams are always bizarre for some reason! I think our brain is more awake than in deeper parts of the night, and so more active. That's my theory, anyway.

  10. Be happy... despite the condition of the curtains. I actually like the taste of fortune cookies. I don't know about you, but I'm excited for Tuesday to arrive. Is there a lottery that day? A raffle for a basket of chocolate? It IS too bad about London's weather considering, otherwise, the Queen would be out in the garden as you describe. We rarely end up going to anything in huge demand or with long lines. Anyway, who needs her old gardens when you've got yours!

    1. Yeah, I really SHOULD buy a lottery ticket. I never do, so I have no idea how the lottery actually works here, like when the drawings are held. The contrast between the happy sign and the tattered drapes was my reason for taking the picture!

  11. A couple of years ago, PBS had a documentary about the Buckingham Palace gardens. It was fascinating. A bit of wilderness in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world. I wonder if the death of Prince Phillip will change that event.

    1. I doubt it, but we'll see. I imagine they had to foresee that he might die when they considered opening the gardens.

  12. Just letting you know I have been in and out of the hospital since February. I hate coming online talking about my illness. Having blood clots in my fistula. Been here 6 times with now. Hope to be leaving today. I haven't forgotten you and Dave.

    1. Angelicastar, I'm sorry to hear that. I wondered where you went and I thought it possible you'd been ill. Please take care of yourself! Dave, Olga and I miss you and your comments!

    2. Didn't mention olga but even if I didn't you know she will always be my girl. I only missed reading your blog a few days.

  13. You will be lucky on Tuesday, You will wake up breathing, living in London, with Dave, Olga and a garden and a JOB!! How much more lucky can lucky be?

    1. That's true. I feel lucky every day, honestly.

  14. Yes, I guessed you had written this post before learning of Prince Philip's demise. Condolences to you ex-pats and your British friends.

    1. I imagine the Queen is the one who really needs condolences.

  15. It was sad and unsurprising to hear that Prince Philip had died. He lived a very long life but I imagine the Queen will miss him deeply. They were married for such a long time.

    I loved the photos in the previous post, of the plants with the frost. Nicely done.

    1. Glad you liked the photos! As you said, Philip's death was unsurprising, but yes, it is sad to think of the Queen losing her longtime spouse.

  16. I love that image of the queen. I'll add a utilitarian one-piece bathing suit to it. Found out this morning that Prince Philip died. My first thought was how could they tell? Shame on me. My lack of respect.


    1. He was looking a little rough there toward the end, it's true! I think it's possible to live TOO long, you know?

  17. I'm getting caught up on your posts now that I have my laptop back. I just love that opening photo of the primrose plant in your last post. It's quite beautiful. You have some really lovely plants blooming. I finally have a few daffodils. I'll bet Olga really did see that squirrel (earlier post) but decided to just ignore it. She'll chase it another day. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Glad you got your laptop back! Thanks for the kind words about the primrose photo. I'll have to shoot it again when the flowers open.

  18. it's warming up here and has been so windy. it was overcast today and would have been a good day to work in the yard but I just wasn't feeling it. I did get one small task done though so the day wasn't a total waste. glad the crabapple tree is doing fine. I think I lost four things for sure from the freeze. maybe five.

    1. That's a shame. Consider it an opportunity to get some new plants!
