Friday, April 16, 2021


Here are some spring trees on our street. Aren't they beautiful? In fact, the pink one in front is the once-viney tree -- but don't get too excited because, yes, you've seen this picture before. It was taken one year ago, last April, and I blogged it then.

Here's the same view this year:

It's as if spring hasn't even happened. Or, it kind of happened, around the end of February when we had a burst of warmth, but then everything went refrigerator and now, as I type this, it's 34º F outside. That's 1º for you Celsius people.

Moaning about the weather makes for a boring blog post, but I just can't get past how enduringly cold it is. It's as if the pause button has been pressed on all our gardening. I was talking to a co-worker who said her seedlings, in her greenhouse, aren't growing at all, and we're in the same boat. Our seedlings have sprouted, but that's it. Nature has withheld the warm embrace they need to grow.

On Monday it's supposed to become slightly milder -- around 60º F (16º C) during the day, and low 40s at night. After that I think we might, might be done with nighttime temperatures in the 30s. Fingers crossed, because I am over it.

I'm happy that our shops have begun to open, though. I cleaned some stuff out during our lockdown and then was unable to donate any of it to charity -- I just stacked it in a closet. Yesterday, FINALLY, I took two bags of books to the Oxfam used book shop, and three bags of clothes and other stuff to the charity shop. It feels so good to get that debris out of here.

I've also given away some items at work -- like the blue teapot. I've found that if I put stuff in the faculty/staff lounge with a "FREE" sign on it, it disappears in no time!

Dave and I are still watching "The Walking Dead," but the show has taken an incredibly dark turn and I'm not sure I like it. For those of you familiar with it, we're at the start of Season 7 and Negan has just appeared. I don't mind zombie-killing, because that's like cartoon violence, but now there's a level of human-on-human brutality that's hard to tolerate.

We have "The Walking Dead" graphic novels in our library at school, and we don't check them out to anyone younger than 8th grade. Younger kids sometimes argue that they've watched it on TV so they won't be bothered by the books, and I am horrified at the possibility that young children have seen this show! Even I have trouble processing some of the violence.

Dave and I have both agreed that in a zombie apocalypse, we'd rather just be dead. Or undead, as the case may be.


  1. To save the planet, the rich should be required to drive in vehicles like the little creamy coloured one in the second picture. Imagine Trump and Melania driving down to Florida from NYC with his golf clubs in the back..."Zlow down The Donald. You eez gonna zo fast. Mar-a-Lago ain't a-goin' no place!"
    P.S. I have no interest whatsoever in "The Walking Dead". Sounds like a load of tosh.

    1. The zombie stuff is kind of silly, but it's a really good ensemble drama, with lots of evolution in the characters and relationships. That's what makes it so interesting. Well, that and the fact that at any moment, someone could die.

  2. I’m glad I’ve avoided The Walking Dead. If there’s a zombie apocalypse, I’ll kill myself first however it is you ensure a zombie won’t return. If nothing else I hope the trees leaf out beautifully this year. Wishing spring for you!

    1. I think they will leaf out eventually, if we could just get some sun and warmth.

  3. They've started keeping they're dustbins in the front garden too. Standards are slipping.

    1. Yeah, the dustbins and the plethora of cars make the scene even MORE bleak!

  4. The trees look so beautiful last year. Have they badly flowered this year or yet to flower properly?

    1. They are yet to leaf out and flower. Hopefully blossoms will appear once it warms up.

  5. What a difference between spring a year ago and today. The weather is doing strange things all over the world.
    I'll leave the zombies to you.

    1. It really is incredible. When that shot from last year came up on Facebook I couldn't believe the difference!

  6. I was always of the mind that all you have to do to avoid zombies is stay out of abandoned buildings and walk fast.

    Then I saw World War Z with the leaping running zombies and now I don't know what to do!!!

    1. Ha! I saw "World War Z" years ago and I don't remember it too well, but in "The Walking Dead" they're shufflers. The best answer is to become proficient with a machete!

  7. The only zombies I can deal with are the ones in Zombieland with plenty of Woody Harrelson.
    I know you really must be ready for some warmer weather. Hopefully, you'll be getting it soon.
    I have got to go through my clothes. I don't wear 95% of what I have hanging in the closet or in my drawers. Seriously.

    1. I haven't ever seen "Zombieland"! Maybe we should watch that this weekend. Or that might be too much zombie.

      It feels SO GOOD to get those old clothes out of here.

  8. It was 34 degrees here this morning too. What the heck! I probably would watch the zombie show because I love disaster themed things, but Mike is NOT AT ALL interested. Zombies gross him out. Ha!

    1. Well, I'm glad to know we're not the only ones dealing with a chill. Zombies ARE gross but they're so over-the-top they don't bother me much. It's realistic violence that I can't handle.

  9. Enjoy The Weekend And The Time Well Spent With Olga Girl


  10. It's been cold here too. Temps in the 30s at night. I don't know what's going on with the weather anymore. I thought I lived in California (LOL!).
    I've never watched The Walking Dead. I'm not a fan of violence or zombies. It's hard enough reading the news these days. Zombies and violence everywhere.

    1. It's interesting that other areas are unseasonably cold, too. I thought it was just us!

  11. Weather is all a matter of perspective???

    1. Well, true. I'm sure there are places that are much colder.

  12. It has been chilly here but we have sunshine and so that's great! I think it is actually seasonal for where I live, my rule has always been to wait until May 15th to plant annuals outside.
    No zombies for me, I always tell my kids - sacrifice me to the zombies while you make your escape... I am old enough. :)

    1. Yeah, the increase in sunlight is a huge plus. We do have that at least. Some neighbors down the street put begonias in their front flower bed and they were dead within a week!

  13. Oh no! Not the blue teapot! I would have picked that up in a New York Minute. Just about as fast as you grabbed it up less than a year ago!

    1. Well, I liked it and I was happy to save it, but I also never drink tea. It just sat on a table in the foyer and I finally decided it would be better off with someone who would use it.

  14. same here. my zinnias sprouted but did not grow. I finally just put them in the ground. some are growing, some went ahead and died. it's been overcast and wet and chilly the last few days. I don't mind the coolness at this point because I know when it goes away the heat is going to be brutal.

    I made it through the Negan episodes but it was tough. you still have the Whisperers to get to and that's the one that finally turned me off. I quit watching after a second season of them started. and how do they still have gas?

    1. I keep waiting for the Whisperers because you've mentioned them before! I don't know how some shows keep going for so long. I thought "The Walking Dead" was officially done now, but I think I read recently that they're planning more episodes, so I'm a bit confused.

    2. Oh, you mean literal gas, like for their cars! I thought you meant how is the show still running. LOL

  15. Our weather has been freaky too. Maybe soon it will get back on the right track. I was surprised to see cars parked on the sidewalk. Must be tricky getting out of there. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  16. Oh it gets darker .......then lighter .....keep watching until you meet Jerry, nabilla and shiva xxx
