Saturday, May 22, 2021

Brain-Fog Saturday Morning

It's drizzling rain as I write this, sitting on the couch next to a snoring Olga. Apparently we are in the midst of one of the wettest months of May on record, which is crazy coming just one year after our driest May. It's also been unseasonably cool, and remember how I kept complaining about the frosty weather in April? Well, that was record-setting, too.

Crazy days in the weather department. At least I don't have to go outside and water plants.

Olga hasn't been feeling well the last several days -- she was pretty sick two or three days ago, with some kind of stomach ailment, but then she seemed to improve. She ate and wanted a walk yesterday morning. Today, though, she's feeling rough. Once again I suspect her anti-inflammatory medication and I may take her off it for a few days just to let her stomach settle. The problem is, her joints get creaky without it, poor girl.

I'm feeling a bit rough myself, having gone out with my co-workers last night. It was all rather last-minute, with my colleague and boss uncorking a bottle of gin after work, and led to us going to a restaurant and sitting indoors. I hadn't done that in almost a year! It was a little French bistro where we had red wine and I had a small order of Eggs Florentine. A very fun return to normalcy!

(Photo: Houses along the Regent's Canal.)


  1. Nice that you were able to go out and socialise. Did it feel a little strange at first? It took us a while to get into the swing of going out after our lock down.

    1. It did feel strange, though it probably helped that I'd had a few before we even set foot in the restaurant. :)

  2. Well, I hope you and Olga are both feeling better soon. Although, I'm glad you finally got a night out with friends.

    When I saw the houses along the Regents Canal, I wondered what those beautiful fuchsia shrubs were. Dumpster art! (Oops, sorry. Bin art!)

    1. But the purple bins make the picture, don't you think? That was what attracted me, that splash of color. :)

  3. Remember how dry April was? Our May weather has indeed been disappointing to say the least. Let's hope that proper summer arrives in June with the sun beaming down and Olga frolicking again in your garden. Sorry to hear that she is unwell today.

    1. April was dry and yet SO cold! Such a weird year already.

  4. I once had a standard poodle who had joint problems & the vet had her on Rx meds that required blood work every 3 months and she didn't seem that much improved; so a friend told me to give her a fish oil capsule twice a less than two weeks she was running around like a puppy ! She was a treasure & I still miss her.

    1. We do give Olga fish oil capsules and they DO seem to help!

  5. Hopefully you and Olga feel better soon, and it sounds like the weather is made for undercover snuggling with a fellow sickie!

    1. Yeah, it was definitely a morning for staying indoors.

  6. What a coincidence, I went out last night with my friend David and drank a tiny bit too much wine and ate French Fries. What a combination but, it tasted perfect at the time. And now I'm up early to make another trip to the garden. I was tempted to skip the walk but forced myself to get up and go.

    1. Excellent! I'm glad we're all beginning to emerge from our cocoons. We ate french fries too! :)

  7. Sounds like a nice evening, for sure.
    Poor Olga. I wonder if it's her meds or something she ate that shouldn't have been eaten. I hope she's all fine again soon.

    1. Yeah, it's hard to say. I suspect the meds because I haven't seen her pass anything suspicious (like bits of sticks or something like that).

  8. I hope you and Olga feel better, and I hope the sun returns soon. The sun finally showed up here this week and let me tell you... it's pretty damned great! Take care there.

  9. rained here again last night. this is definitely a wacky weather year for everyone. either unseasonably cool or warm or both flipping back and forth. hurricane season is right around the corner here. oh joy, predicting an active season.

    1. Ugh. Well, that's one thing we don't have to deal with, at least!

  10. Olga Girl, Pep Up There Girl - Snore On But Lets Move Those Joints Around - Double Up The CBD Action For Sure - Stoked You Were Out & About - At Least You Don't Have To Walk Behind A Mower Hungover Today - Be Well Brother Reed


    1. We still haven't tried CBD, but we should. She is on fish oil and that seems to help.

  11. The spring of 21 has not only had covid but the weather has been very cool.

    1. Yeah, it's funny how everyone seems to be going through these cool spells.

  12. It's rainy and cool here, too - once again our weather copies yours.
    Poor Olga. It's nasty having an upset stomach. That's one reason I rarely drink - can't stand the hangover (which only takes two drinks to happen). Hope you and Olga both improve as the day goes on.

    1. It wasn't truly a hangover, just a fuzzy feeling. I haven't had a hangover (headaches, nausea, etc) in many years.

  13. If Olga's medicine is anything like the meds they offer people I would take her off of them, Use CBD wildflower balm or roll on- order , from the vet of course, animal grade fisiocrem from "Spain. Side effects of joint pain meds are indeed stomach problems, bleeding gut and ...the final frontier. I don't know anything really, having read all there is to read about anti-inflammatory meds and the side effects is attention getting .

    1. I'll have to ask our vet if we can get "fisiocrem." We were told that side effects of Metacam include nausea, but I hadn't heard bleeding. She IS having some bleeding, so that could be it, maybe...?

  14. I still feel strange and not completely comfortable sitting inside but I've done it a few times lately. Hope Olga and you get over this rough patch!

    1. I'm past it now, but Olga is still a bit woozy. :)

  15. Sorry to hear Olga is under the weather. NSAIDS can be hard on many people and dogs. There are two I can't tolerate at all, but I do well on naproxen. Are there any different meds in that class of drugs for dogs?

    1. We've asked about alternatives and I think we'll follow that up. This is the second time that she's gotten ill from what I suspect is the meds.

  16. I'm glad you got to spend some time socializing with your coworkers. Doesn't it feel weird to do these normal things?

    I hope Olga starts feeling better. It's annoying that the drugs that help always seem to have side-effects.

    1. I just don't want to get on one of those roller-coasters where we're taking meds to counteract the side effects of the meds -- in other words, meds on top of meds.

  17. Poor Olga. It's a shame when you have to make decisions like that. Have you ever tried any of the OTC joint meds (like chondroitin) for those times you give her a break from the prescription meds? Bless her heart; I sure hope she's feeling better soon.

    1. She's on a fish oil supplement called "Yumove" that seems to do her some good. And who knows; this may not be med-related at all. She may have just eaten something yucky while out with her dog-walker.

  18. Hope Olga feels better soon (and you too!)

    1. Thanks! I'm fine as of today, and Olga seems better. :)

  19. Hi Steve, Dave and olga. Tell my little darling olga that I read that she wasn't feeling well. I hope she get better soon and start chasing her squirrels. ( LoL).

    1. Didn't mean to forget you.
      Hope you feel better soon. I sopped trying to drink when I was 27. It would make me sick. Only two mixed drinks.

    2. Yeah, there was no squirrel-chasing yesterday! I seldom drink enough to feel bad the next morning, but every once in a while I cut loose. LOL

  20. Poor old Olga. Lucy has CHF and coughs all the time but she still keeps going.

    It's sunny here now for a couple of days and then its supposed to rain for a week, the week I took off so that I could work in the yard. Sigh.

    1. We had a dog with CHF -- I know what that's like! I guess rain is better than snow! Hope you can get outside some of the time.

  21. Ohhh poor Olga, I am hoping that she is better in a few days and yes the fish oil should help. I have been trying to remember the name of the medication that my ex-husband was on for his joints. I am trying to Google it because it worked wonders according to him and so many others that seemed to have the same problem. I think that I might have found the name of it.
    I gave it to my little dog Cisco with his Vets approval and it really helped him a lot. I am not sure exactly what it would be called in England but I am sure that any of the pharmacists could tell you.
    It is really worth a shot and if it works then it would be worth it.

    It is strange eating indoors since we had resorted to staying home or eating take out and delivery, but Courtney and I went out the night before Mother's Day, and Matthew took us out to Brunch a few weeks ago. Before I left Austin, my son Jonathan took me out to a late lunch one Sunday and that was the first time that we had gone out since the lockdown.
    The weather has really been strange all over but I am not really complaining because it has already been so hot and I am always ready to stay cool lol. Have a beautiful Sunday. Hugs xxx

  22. I'm looking down your blog at several posts and thinking "I must follow this one." (I think you had me at the Mrs. Kravitz fence story!) I hope Olga is doing much better indeed. You have a new follower (from Michigan, where we are in a drought.)
