Friday, May 7, 2021

Running Late

I am having the weirdest experience this morning -- I just woke up a few minutes ago (which is an issue in itself) and I cannot focus my eyes! I mean, I don't think it's a serious problem. I think it's just old eyes. But it's so strange.*

I hear the garbage truck thundering out in the street, the crashing of all our recyclables, and Olga is lying next to me with no desire to go anywhere. And I don't blame her.

Unfortunately, I have to haul myself out of bed and go make a living. Today will involve more book weeding in the library, which is what I did yesterday too. Hopefully by then my eyes will have focused!

(Photo: An apartment building in Hampstead.)

*Addendum: An hour and a half later I'm at work and I'm fine, and my eyes are fine. They adjusted after a short time of being up and awake. There is no crisis! I'm sorry I ever mentioned it!


  1. You "think"? Don't. Get your eyes checked at the Eye Clinic, Accident and Emergencies ASAP. Like NOW. Trust me. I know what I am talking about. You may be told it's nothing (great). You may be told it's whatever (great because, largely, not always, something can be done before it's too late).

    Seriously, Steve, just do it,

  2. Ursula is right...get it checked out! NOW

  3. That is worth a trip to A and E, Ursula and Frances are correct. Do not put it off.

  4. Thanks for your concern, everybody, but seriously, I am fine. It wasn't the kind of inability to focus that should be cause for concern -- no seeing double or anything like that. It was just morning bleariness. I wouldn't have even mentioned it except I was trying to write a fast blog post and it was just what was happening at the moment. DO NOT WORRY! I'm even debating deleting this post but it's already out there so I guess I'll let it stand. I appreciate your concern, but honestly, I am fine. I don't have high blood pressure or risk factors for stroke and I have no doubt this was merely a passing thing involving my old eyes, which I used very intensely yesterday while weeding books. :)

    1. Of course you are "fine", Steve. So was I some two years ago when I lost vision in my right eye. For one hour. Come again? What the eff? By the time I was on my way to A&E my vision was fine. So I went back home. Next morning? Next morning I thought to myself "Holy Shit, that was something else; it's not good". Set off to A&E Eye Clinic AGAIN and this time went inside. And, as you assert (most rightly so) my eye was indeed fine. Just fine. Nothing wrong with my eyes.

      What wasn't so fine that, on their findings, the Ophthalmologist referred me straight to Neurology from which I was referred to Cardiology. The wonders of technology. I bonded with both my synapses and my heart (on screen). The Neurologist and the Cardio what's it are my new best friends. In the meantime? In the meantime my vision is 20/20. Just saying. The wrong train sometimes gets you to the right station.


  5. It's not too late to get Olga trained up as a guide dog. "Guide Dogs for The Blind" do a marvellous job. Seriously though the girls in your fan club (see above) are so right. It would be wise to get a referral through your GP to have your eyes checked out by a specialist. Macho dismissal is plain daft.

  6. I sometimes have difficulty focusing when I first wake up. It's an intermittent thing. My doctor assured me it was of no concern. It's just a bit of the bleary eyes.


  7. You are not sorry to mention about your eyes at all. It was a nice bit of attention seeking writing. Oh, poor Steve is going blind!

    That's a seriously nice looking apartment building. What a privileged life bus drivers and cleaners have in Hampstead to have such apartments available to them to rent.

  8. Along with everyone else, I kind of think you should let an expert tell you it is nothing.

  9. I'd go get the eyes checked just to be sure.
    Still, glad the vision cleared up for you.

  10. If I went to the doctor every time I woke up and my eyes were bleary and unfocused, I'd just have to live there. I think you'd know if it were something really odd and off.

  11. Poor Olga Girl - Sound Asleep Until Her Human Start Mucking Around - Whats A Girl Gotta Do Around Here To Get Some Shut Eye

    P.S. Enjoy The Weekend

  12. I'm glad your eyes are better, Steve. I can imagine how worrisome that would feel in the morning. Oy. Enjoy the rest of your day there!

  13. Don't ever say you're getting old! Don't look for being old!

  14. I was so immersed in my dream yesterday morning and apparently I was trying to wake up because I kept dreaming that I kept trying to get my eyes open and couldn't even though I could see fine in my dream.

  15. That apartment building is beautiful.
    My eyes get out of focus in the afternoon if I've spent too much time reading. It's frustrating.

  16. My eyes get VERY DRY overnight (from my lasik surgery forever ago), so I can't see a thing until I put drops in. And now that I think about it, my eyes are dry right now. Sheesh.

  17. Lots of us have mornings like this. I'm glad everything sorted itself out. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  18. My eyes are sometimes wonky in the morning too. I usually open and close them a few times and it goes away.

  19. All that book weeding is tiring your eyes out! Glad to hear it cleared up. Hope you have a good day!

  20. I've had mornings like that, too, Steve. Still, it wouldn't hurt to get your eyes checked... at least so everyone else stops worrying!
