Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Book Boxing

Blogger John Gray asked his readers for pictures of the view out their windows. I sent him these -- one of the not-too-clean window itself (above, and actually a French door)...

...and one of just the sun-dappled view.

I realized yesterday that our oriental poppy, which seeded itself a few years ago in the pot with our olive tree, is blooming. The flower is a sort of pale Creamsicle color, I think because it bloomed so far back in the shadows of the surrounding plants, like the pink clematis. Anyway, I was glad I saw it, because the flowers don't last long.

This is going to be my life at work for the next few weeks. Yesterday we started boxing up and moving our books. As I mentioned before, we're doing a massive library reorganization concurrent with some construction, and many books will be boxed and stored. We've got to get them in boxes and get the other books moved to those empty shelves. The boxed books will then be unboxed and shelved in the fall, when construction is done and their new shelves are ready.

I'm going to look like Johnny Weissmuller by the time this is all over.


  1. Your garden looks so gorgeous out that window!

  2. Johnny Weissmuller? That means you will be able to swing about the trees like a giant squirrel next time you take Olga to the cemetery.

  3. When you get your loin cloth, please share photos. If you like, you can pose in front of that beautiful window/door view.

  4. Stunning French Door View - Way Cool Brother Reed


  5. What a beautiful view out your window. You are a gifted gardener.

  6. That view through your French doors into he garden is just beautiful. So peaceful.

    And the perfect spot to unwind after carting boxes here and there.

  7. You have such lovely window views.

  8. I'm kind of jealous of that doorway & your view - so relaxing! And I need to come work with you - my arm flab is getting out of control!

  9. Your garden is just a delight!
    There are far worse things to look like than Johnny Weismuller. You may recall that he (as Tarzan) was my first true love.

  10. Love the view out your windows. So beautiful.
    That's a lot of boxing and moving for you. Yes, Johnny Weissmuller is in your future.

  11. gorgeous views of your garden. I really like the persicaria, going to see if it does well down here. I found a little wild version in a ditch once so I'm hopeful.

    Just take care of your back moving all those boxes.

  12. One move in a library and everything else has to move.

  13. You have got quite a job ahead of you!
    I love the views out your windows! Such a great garden.

  14. Your garden view is lovely! So lush!
    Those book boxes are so heavy! Be careful and don't hurt yourself! Won't the library look great when it is all fixed up and put back together!
    And you will be going sleeveless all of the time to show off your muscles!

  15. The views of your garden are positively "jungle-ar". I think all the work you do out there would give you the Weissmuller look already!

  16. I've moved books before. Not a fun job. Glad you chose Weissmuller over Schwarzenegger.

  17. What a beautiful view from your window and wonderful blooms. That packing and moving of books is hard work. I'm glad you're strong -- I hoe your back is!

  18. Wow, what a beautiful jungle your backyard is! Only thing missing is Tarzan.

  19. Thanks, everybody! We're very lucky to have this verdant garden, and we know it. (If only we owned it, as opposed to renting!)

  20. Oh my, I stared at that view out the french doors for a long time. It looks like a magical portal, and oh so beautiful. As are all your other views! Just gorgeous.
