Monday, June 14, 2021

Bat Mitzvah Blues

The state of things in the garden right now. As you can see, the roses are going gangbusters, the peonies and lupines are blooming, and the teasels by the bird bath have become gigantic.

Doesn't Olga look comfy on the lawn? I tried to take her to the Heath yesterday morning, and she reacted with excitement to the idea of a walk, but once we got outside she insisted we take only our short walk around the neighborhood. Later in the day, she was excited to walk again, but this time it was all we could do to go down to the high street and back. It was pretty warm (81º F or 27º C) and though the spirit was willing, the body was apparently weak.

I know I've said this before, but I may have to resign myself to the idea that our Heath-walking days are behind us.

Here's a close-up of our Rachel de Thame lupine, she of the aphid infestation. After killing aphids by hand for a couple of weeks, I've finally been rewarded with a flower.

The field poppies in the corner pot are also blooming away. With any luck these will re-seed and come back year after year.

Remember those little green bugs I photographed about a week ago -- the Closterotomus trivialis? Well, I believe this is the male -- he's darker with red spots.

The party around the corner continued unabated yesterday. There was apparently some kind of brunch with more music, speeches and announcements. When Dave and I walked past on the way to the high street, he asked one of the black-uniformed attendants outside (dare I call him a bouncer?) what was going on. He was it was a bat mitzvah for two girls.

Oh God, I thought. I called the cops on someone's bat mitzvah! I really am an evil, evil person. Fortunately I don't think the cops ever showed up. And completely unprompted, the bouncer guy apologized for the noise on Saturday night -- he volunteered that he understood it got quite loud.

Then, last night, it got loud again! I didn't call the cops this time, but there were 13-year-olds singing at the top of their lungs to "Starships" by Nicki Minaj, egged on by an amplified DJ or announcer, at 9 p.m. and things were still going strong at 10:30 when I went to bed. Don't these kids have school? Grumble, grumble, grumble.

Surely, after three days and nights, it must be over by now. Our upstairs neighbors were wondering if the property is being rented as a "party house" -- God forbid. (By the way, I tried to provide you with a 45-second audio sample of what the gathering sounded like from our back garden, but SoundCloud won't let me post the clip because it contains copyrighted music. You'll have to just imagine it.)


  1. No end to your suffering, is there? At least your Lupine has come good.

    Don't get me wrong: I am noise averse. During the day when working I don't even listen to music, the radio, anything. Silence. However, my being noise averse is selective. So, for instance, children making a racket? Great. Seagulls making a racket? Not so great. Neither can the police do anything about it. Neighbours (two "brothers") having a mega argument in the middle of the night, doors banging? Terrible. And I will tell them and have, nicely. Now I am worried because all has gone quiet. Have they killed each other? The smell will tell.


    1. Now see, I can tolerate seagulls before children! Maybe that comes from working in a school.

    2. I had to get up at 5.15 a.m. this morning to close the window because of the Seagulls, there was a fox on the wall and they didn't want him there, problem was he wasn't going to move however much they dive bombed him, lol

  2. The garden is looking so lush and abundant. Kind of the aphids to allow at least one beautiful lupine. As for the noise, I don’t care WHAT the celebration is for, that’s simply inconsiderate and unneighbourly. One night would be bad enough but to subject one’s neighbours to multiple days and nights is awful.

  3. After a bat mitzvah, Jewish girls become responsible for living according to Jewish Law. I wonder if Jewish Law includes observing the right to blast out loud pop music, disturbing your neighbours' peace? I don't recall Nick Minaj appearing in The Old Testament.

  4. I also squash the aphids but feel bad about it not wanting to kill anything how ever small but my roses would all die if I ignored them. It works and once the bud gets a little bigger they don't attack do they?
    I watch my neighbour out there with his chemical gun spraying everything and hate it, especially as he is mean with the water and the plants don't do well anyway due to thirst.
    I really hope the party is over for you both, there's nothing worse than noise at night when you want to sleep.
    Is Mrs Kravitz Jewish? maybe that's why she hasn't complained.

  5. Two Bat Mitzvahs? Together? And this requires three days of constant partying? Somehow I don't think the Old Testament god had this sort of celebration in mind but what do I know? I am a heretic. I hope it's over now.
    Your garden is divine.

  6. Hope the party is finally over and all of the celebrants have gone home.
    I saw a woman pushing her dog in a stroller - Then you could take Olga to the Heath whenever you wanted...
    She looks so nice and relaxed in your garden photo!

  7. That was SOME bat mitzvah!!!

    It's kinda sad when our pets get older and perhaps don't want to walk so far any longer. Our dog is doing the same; his once long "walkies" have turned in to round-the-block walkies.

  8. I would have never guessed that a Bat Mitzvah would make so much noise. Oy. I am an un-Bat-Mitzvahed Jewish girl who has attended both Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, I don't remember them going long into the night with loud music. It's a sign of the times. Oy.
    Sorry to read about Olga's heath walking days being over. I hope she finds great joy in her neighborhood walks.

  9. bat/bar mitzvahs are a big deal. here typically Friday night is just services where the honorees have a small part. Saturday is the big deal where the kids lead the service, then a luncheon afterwards and the big party Saturday night, sometimes very elaborate depending on how much money is being spent, but yeah, late into the night with loud music but every one I've been too has the party at a venue. sometimes a breakfast for the out of towners on Sunday morning.

  10. Wow, the garden is looking bloom'n great! 81 seems awfully warm for London. I bet that was a bit uncomfortable. It could be worse, you could be here where they are expecting us to get to 118 this week. It's way, way too hot.

  11. Your garden looks so inviting! I'd like to lounge on the lawn with Olga...

    The party would probably drive me crazy too - but I sleep with a fan on so maybe it would have been ok once I went to bed. Maybe I should be glad that I'm pretty sure I'm losing my hearing (either that or everyone has started whispering - ha!).

  12. Your plants look beautiful. And Olga looks just wonderful even if she is a bit slower. My next door neighbors were partying this weekend too. and loud! But I was good and did not call the cops. It was a graduation party. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  13. Noise is noise, it doesn't matter if it's related to a religious ceremony or not. Why should it? hah

    I love the shot of the garden - such colourful blooms and a wonderful Olga sploot!

  14. Beautiful garden colors! I don't like noise but turn on my fan and/or close my window if I can. As long as it's not a chronic situation, I can usually handle it, although it does make me grumpy, especially at bedtime. And BAD MUSIC blasting is the worst!

  15. I am enjoying Olga ignoring her pillow. She is probably wondering why you brought her pillow outside because she want to enjoy the grass. When I am ready to carry my fur babies outside early mornings they look at me like they are telling me to leave them the hell alone because we are sleeping. I left for dialysis Thursday morning and on my way out the door I told them neither better not piss on my floor. I think they were looking at me with one eye closed but when I came home everything was fine. They ran out then. Our fur babies are very smart. They might not can tell us what they are not going to do but they show us. (lol) Your garden is beautiful. My fruit trees came back beautiful after the extreme cold weather we had but there's no fruit. I thought I would have some plums but not this year. And remember our fur babies rule.

  16. Well you're lucky you're in England. In the U.S. of A. those kinds of loud parties usually end with gunshots and screams. :(

  17. So let's hope these girls have something to remember and will turn into very good adults. We cannot even dare to call the cops on noisy neighbours since our daughter had a massively unruly all night party 15+ (!) years ago and everybody in our street still remembers and reminds us from time to time. One sleepless night it was. But: a weeknight.

  18. Noisy parties irritate me out of all proportion. It's not just the noise, it's the complete disregard for everyone else in the area.

  19. Wow, I would not like that amount of noise either. I like your garden and your happy dog. I wonder if there are ear coverings which would reduce noise like that?

  20. Sympathies on the noisy evenings. I'd be grumpy too.

    Perhaps Olga will perk up about longer walks when the weather cools again. Our oldster is becoming more heat-intolerant as far as walks go; hoping there are more Heath walks with Olga in your future. But if neighborhood walks are what Olga wants, it's neighborhood walks for the both of you.

    Chris from Boise (on Mike's computer yet again)

  21. Olga is the most beautiful flower in the garden. Our walking days are over for the summer. I hope Franklin will be willing to go in September or October when it cools a bit, but our spring walks were quite short, which was his choice.


  22. How does Olga let you know she's only up for a short walk?

  23. You called the cops on a bat mitzvah? Too funny. I'm sure you're going to hell then.

    Your garden puts mine to shame but I do enjoy your photos. Poor Olga. She's not young anymore.

  24. Olga Girl, So Delightful - Teenage Shenanigans, Not So Much

