Thursday, July 22, 2021

Cornflower and Inula

Holy cow, did I sleep well. I just got up about half an hour ago and I'm still kind of dazed. I must be catching up after all my traveling and jet lag. Despite the fact that we have no air conditioning and the daytime temperatures have been pretty warm, at night they're almost perfect, especially when accompanied by the soft white noise of the whirring fan.

More flowers today, because that's basically my ENTIRE LIFE at the moment. Our first cornflower opened (above).... did our first inula.

Our upstairs neighbors, the Russians, have been wrestling with getting a small leak in the roof repaired. You may remember that they hired one team of roofers who did some shoddy work and abandoned a ladder. Well, yesterday another couple of guys came, and they tried to use the abandoned ladder to reach the roof -- and finding that it was too short, they simply left again. They were here for ten minutes, tops.

No word on whether they're returning or whether they have their own ladder (one would think), but we're told they may need to erect another scaffold. Argh!

Dave, meanwhile, is preparing for a journey of his own. He's leaving Monday for a teaching conference in Texas, a visit with his family in Michigan and Drum Corps finals in Indianapolis. He'll be gone three weeks, right up until the start of the new school year in mid-August. I think he has mixed feelings about traveling now, given the high Covid infection rates both here and in the USA, but as I've told him, we have to live our lives. And he is vaccinated, so even if he catches Covid, God forbid, he shouldn't be severely affected.

It makes me nervous even to say that, but we can't hide out forever. Right?


  1. We can't hide out forever but speaking for myself and many thousands of other citizens, I have no inclination at present to board any aeroplanes - no matter where they are going. I am happy to wait.

    1. I don't think either of us would get on a plane if we didn't have to in order to see our families. (And in Dave's case, attend an important professional event.)

  2. The breakthrough cases can be miserable and the Delta variant is much more contagious even outside. I hope he will be ok.

    1. Actually, from what I've read, breakthrough cases for vaccinated people tend to be quite mild. According to the NYT:

      "Breakthrough infections — those occurring in vaccinated people — are still relatively uncommon, experts said, and those that cause serious illness, hospitalization or death even more so. More than 97 percent of people hospitalized for Covid-19 are unvaccinated.

      “The takeaway message remains, if you’re vaccinated, you are protected,” said Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist at Bellevue Hospital Center in New York. “You are not going to end up with severe disease, hospitalization or death.”"

  3. I am holding judgement on your question until I am more sure about the facts. There's a lot we don't know at the minute. I lived in Midland Michigan for years. I thought that I would live there forever. Where's Dave from?

    1. Dave grew up in Grosse Ile, south of Detroit, but he worked briefly in Farwell and then for several years in Portage (near Kalamazoo).

  4. If it’s any comfort, the fact that he’s a little nervous will mean he’ll be careful. I’d just suggest a mask for some venues. He is going into the parts of the US where anti-Vaxers live.

    1. He's definitely planning to mask. He has N-95 masks, and he jokes that he'll probably be the only one using them! But who knows, in a conference with other teachers -- they may be more responsible than the general public.

  5. He'll most likely be fine. That's helpful, right?
    Seriously, I know he's going to be cautious. But what a schedule! He'll be completely exhausted when he gets home.
    Glad you got some sleep.

    1. I'm honestly not worried at all. I know he'll take precautions, and that on top of the vaccine and his generally anti-social nature should keep him pretty safe!

  6. I think as long as we take precautions--getting the vaccine, masking in crowds, social distancing when possible--we can stop hiding out.
    It's just so many folks who do none of those things that will ruin it for the rest.

    1. Yes, I agree. As long as we continue to take precautions and stay on top of the required vaccines we should be fine.

  7. I can hide out forever. We all can. Nothing is important enough to risk getting covid, no nonsense virus that could not do its job the first few rounds so has come back with more determination. Wait this one out, I reckon.

    1. Well, for Dave, there's a requirement to seek out professional development opportunities, and I think this is one that sounds promising. So he feels somewhat obligated to go.

  8. I just read an article in the NY Times that stated that the reason that is seems like so many more people who have been vaccinated are getting the virus is because of just many more people are vaccinated so there will be an uptick in people getting it if they've been vaccinated. With that being said, I am still very careful when I go out. We can't hide out forever, so I think if Dave takes a lot of precautions he'll be okay. Three weeks is a long time!

    1. It IS a long time. Dave is pretty careful about the virus, so I am honestly not that concerned. That explanation for the number of "breakthroughs" makes sense -- the experts say breakthrough infections are still relatively uncommon.

  9. Dave should pack masks and wear them whenever he feels uncomfortable. Hope he enjoys his trip!

    1. Yes, he will be masking! In fact he ordered a bunch to take with him.

  10. With covid, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. Even when vaccinated we still are super cautious.

    1. It never hurts to remain cautious! But "cautious" doesn't mean immobilized with fear. Life has to move forward.

  11. I hope all goes well for Dave on his long journey. I know he'll bring lots and lots of masks with him and be as careful as possible. That's all we can do these days. I wish him well on his trip. (And if he wouldn't mind could you ask him to shout out a giant "F*ck you, Texas! from Robin!" LOL.)

    1. I'll pass along that request! LOL! (He may want to shout something similar on his own behalf.)

  12. Your flowers are beautiful. I've never heard of inula, I shall have to look it up.

    I hope Dave is fine. We're staying close to home this summer again and going by car on our holiday. We're both vaccinated but I still feel apprehensive.

    1. I think inula may also be known by other names. Helenium is an inula, apparently. I felt apprehensive before my travels, too. I think it's natural given all that's going on!

  13. I love the flower shots. You are right, we do have to live our lives. He can be careful when he's around groups of people. I still wear a mask when I do any shopping.

    1. Yeah, I'm sure he'll be cautious. I have confidence in his ability to stay healthy.

  14. Wishing Dave safe travels. Just suggest he take the usual precautions and assume those around him haven't--especially considering the states he is visiting. Best one can do. Will you be clear of quarantine before he goes?

    Love the cornflower photo. Such a gorgeous color/colour. :)

    1. It IS ironic that of all the places in the USA he could go, he's visiting some of the worst in terms of Covid denial! (Of course, I was in Florida, and that's just as bad.) My quarantine ends Tuesday, a couple of days after he leaves.

  15. Such a beautiful blue. Enjoy your time in the garden. You'll be back in school soon enough. Here's to happy traveling for Dave. Hugs, Edna B.

    1. It's always amazing to me how quickly the summer passes!

  16. There are never too many flower photos... especially for those like me without a green thumb. I live vicariously through the photos of others! I have a friend in Wales who has been sharing the most gorgeous dahlias recently. I had no idea they came in so many colors and varieties!!

    We can't spend our lives worrying (though I seem to do plenty of that) or avoiding what we need to do. We just exercise caution and, when necessary or in doubt, wear a mask. Though the majority of the anti-vaxxers are in the south, they still exist everywhere.

    1. Dahlias are amazing in their variety. Yes, I think you're right -- we have to just get out there and live our lives, while taking sensible precautions.

  17. Oh, your flowers. Thank you for sharing them. They make me happy. One would think roofers would have a tall enough ladder to do repairs on your house. As for travel, I’ve still got my trip scheduled for 22 August. I’m stressing about it! The color of that cornflower is brilliant.

    1. That roofer situation is bewildering. Why would roofers show up without their own ladder?! I have a feeling the Russians are hiring fly-by-night contractors.

  18. Hi Steve, Dave and Olga. I did a comment and lost it. So I went to sleep and now trying again. You know Steve when I am angry at someone I will sound like a person who is not praying and thanking God. I tell people I believe in God but I am not God. We can do things for all the preventions of this virus that the medics tell us. Only God is in control. Our world is terrible. This have never been a perfect world but the percentage of imperfect people was at a minnimum. The devil in Donald Trump keep tearing us down. I have to blame his followers for their own troubles. They are troubled. Our lawmakers (Republicans) keep going along with this liar pretending the resurection at the capital building was loving. It's so bad they are seeing other things and not what really happen. I said all that to say this: If you notice when man curtail one type of this virus another show up worse than the first. God is trying to tell man to get it together or this world will be destroyed. Tell Dave to make sure he keep the mask on and add a little prayer. Don't be scared because stress will weaken his immune system worse. He will be okay with a lot of caution.

    1. So sorry you lost your comment. I HATE that. (It happens to me too sometimes.) You're right that Trump has widened the divisions among all of us, but I really think we're staying on top of this virus thing as a society and I agree that Dave should be fine as long as he's careful.

  19. I hope your neighbors resolve the roof situation without having to erect scaffolding. That would be detrimental to your garden views on the tv show.
    I do hope Dave changes his mind about his trip. I believe this new variant will kill more people than the beginning rounds of Covid. I follow Dr John Campbell and his latest information should be viewed by everyone. The long term effects of Covid are horrendous. The rest of your life would possibly be years of misery and confinement. If this is a vote, I vote suck it up, wait it out another year. Texas has the fastest rising rate in the country, not to mention more Covidiots than anywhere in the world. Stranded and sick in Texas? And the drum Corp event...super spreader. Who would take of Dave when he is sick? The hospitals will be full to overflowing again in a matter of days.
    Again, none of my business, but hope you can convince him to cancel.

    1. I think the key is that Dave IS vaccinated. I can only quote the NYT: "Vaccines remain effective against the worst outcomes of Covid-19, including from the Delta variant. Experts say breakthrough infections in vaccinated people are so far still relatively uncommon."

      Long covid is nothing to play around with, I agree, but I think that is mostly a danger for unvaccinated people. (From what we know now.)

  20. Boy, just reading Dave's itinerary makes me very tired! (Note: I had to keep moving the vowels around in "itinerary" until I got it right - I have completely lost my ability to spell!)

    1. P.S. Thanks for your post from yesterday. As you know, I've been doing some work in this area - it's mostly been eye-opening & disheartening. I recommend reading Ibram X. Kendi's book "How to Be an Antiracist" for the black perspective on the systems of white supremacy.

    2. Several people at work have been reading that book. I'll take a look at it!

  21. Yes, we have to start living normally again.....soon, but when. I suppose masking and hand sanitising is the best thing you can do to protect yourself, but that is hard when meeting up with family.

    1. Yeah, I think taking the normal precautions -- handwashing, masking, sanitizing, distancing where possible -- are our best defenses. (Once we've been vaccinated, that is.)

  22. It's easy for me to hide out. I have no place to go and no money to get there. But if people can travel and want to do so, especially those of who have been vaccinated, then I say go for it. Why Drum Corps for Dave?


    1. Dave was in marching band in high school and then in a Drum Corps (the Madison Scouts) afterwards -- so he's always followed Drum Corps activities.

  23. Stoked You Crashed Out - Olga Girl Loves Sleeping With Her Human - All The Best Mr Dave


    1. It felt SO GOOD to get some sleep! I slept well last night, too.

  24. You are correct about the Covid fears. Those of us who are vaccinated have much less to worry about than the bozos who keep refusing even Sean Hannity's advice. I don't know why your cornflower is called a cornflower because corn is (usually) yellow and that flower is as blue as blue can be. But it is beautiful! Love it.

    1. I mean, when even Sean Hannity says it's time to get vaccinated, that ought to be a clue to resistant right-wingers, don't you think?! I think cornflowers are so named because they grow wild in cornfields. (?)

  25. I think my only comment lately should be: "I don't know what to say." Or: "no words." That coneflower is so gorgeous.

    1. You can do that drop-the-pebble thing: ((o))

      Supposedly that shows you've been here, but eliminates the perceived need to say anything. :)

  26. where in Texas? tell him to be sure and wear a mask here.
