Sunday, July 11, 2021

North Jax Resto Tour

I went for a drive yesterday on the north side of Jacksonville to take some photos -- the less-healthy equivalent of one of my usual urban photo walks! (As in most American cities, things are too spread out here to walk, unless you're downtown.)

I came across this used car dealership and I was certain that building must be an old fast-food restaurant. It just looks the part, you know? I did some research, and it turns out it was an outpost of the local Milligan's Beefy Burgers chain, which succumbed to competitors in 1974.

This little neighborhood watering hole had an amazing green car sitting out front.

I liked the sign, too!

This one has a great paint job. I don't think I've ever seen a restaurant so prominently advertising chicken gizzards.

And finally, there's this great old Chinese restaurant over on U.S. 1, Chopstick Charley's. I just assumed it was long closed, as I think many people would, but I was astonished to find that apparently it's still in business! It's been there since the early 1950s and is known as Jacksonville's oldest Chinese restaurant.

I got out for a while to give my brother and his family some space. This is the longest visit I've ever had with them, and I don't want to put them under too much pressure to "entertain" me. I had lunch at a little restaurant in Springfield called Crispy's, where I sat and read my book. I'm going to try to get out and about some today, too.

In the afternoon my brother and I visited Mom again -- she seemed a little less coherent this time, but I think it's because we were sitting in a public area (the dining room) with a lot of distractions, and another woman (also with dementia) was sitting at our table asking us lots of repetitive questions. It was hard for Mom to focus on us, and vice-versa. She seems much better when she's in her room interacting with just one or two other people.

Last night's Marvel movie: "Doctor Strange," with Benedict Cumberbatch and Tilda Swinton. It's worth it for the effects alone!


  1. I'm surprised you didn't go try out Charlie's for lunch! LOL

  2. If Chopstick Charlie's is in business, is the business ptomaine?

  3. Lemon J pepper- just for the paint job gets my vote! These buildings are SO american. You have arrived, Nice of you to give everyone space for a bit, I agree with your mother , I, too, am better at minimal company. Also suspicious as Vivian is- Chopstick Charlie looks deadly.

  4. Such a surprise, that photo of the Chinese restaurant. I can only imagine what it looks like indoors. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  5. I’ve never seen a Marvel movie. Jerry has no interest. Maybe I’ll start watching some on my own. Tip Top is interesting, but I’d be afraid to enter. And would YOU eat at Chopstick Charley’s. What are the chances it’s better maintained (and clean) inside?!?

  6. Great roadside photos today. The yellow/green building jumps right out at you and I really can't believe the Chinese restaurant is still in business. It looks like there hasn't been any maintenance since the place opened.

  7. Interesting buildings there on your drive. That Chinese Restaurant does not look like it's still in business. Makes me think their menu would be offering their newest dish a Mao Tse Tung special.

  8. That one place lost me at gizzards.
    And amazing the Chinese place is still open!!

  9. A few of our buildings are reused instead of bulldozed.

  10. Chopstick Charlie looks more like derelict drumstick...

  11. Maybe this isn't the best part of town, but it's interesting to see the buildings.

  12. I love the pictures of those quirky business premises. It's nice to know there is a little independence left in corporate America.

  13. It's like driving back in time to the 1950s!! Probably looks the same as it did then. Surprising!

  14. You've been seeing the best of Jacksonville!


  15. I don't think I would want to eat at Charley's !

  16. If you read their reviews, the people love the food. The health inspectors take some serious issue with the place. Repeatedly. It was probably a good idea to eat at Crispy's for lunch.

  17. Dr. Strange is my third fave Marvel movie, after Black Panther and Winter Soldier. You're really getting the full Marvel education there! And what a considerate guest you are, though I'm sure your brother loves having you for longer than usual.

  18. WoW - Talking About Stepping Backwards In Time - WoW - Also, I Have Throughly Enjoyed Your Vacation So Far - Thanx For ALL The Updates


  19. Florida has so many faces, doesn't it?
