Saturday, July 10, 2021

Rooftop Rendezvous

I went with my brother and nieces to lunch yesterday in downtown Jacksonville, and my sister-in-law (who was working nearby) met up with us. There's a new Mexican restaurant on the roof of the VyStar building, and I thought it might be cool to see the city from a new perspective. Apparently the restaurant isn't fully open yet, but I guess we looked pathetic and hungry, because they seated us and we enjoyed it. I'm guessing it'll be very popular with the after-work crowd.

The view above shows the Wells Fargo (formerly Modus) building in the foreground, with one of the bridges leading over the St. Johns River. That Modus building, originally known as the Independent Life building, built in 1974, is probably the best-known structure on the Jacksonville skyline.

Here's a view of the rooftop patio, although we ate indoors. (View plus air conditioning!)

In the background of that second picture you can see these buildings. My brother says they're in the process of being turned into a single, interlinked hotel. I thought the Carling sign behind them was a beer advertisement, but no -- apparently it's the name of an apartment building.

We walked around afterwards just enough to get hot, and then headed home. I went in the afternoon for another visit with Mom, and we had a great time. I told her about the day and about lunch, and then we looked at some old photos. It was a good way to spend the time, because she didn't have to try to speak -- I could just keep up a running commentary on certain pictures or events and she could laugh or respond with a word or two. (Usually, of course, "Oh, God," although sometimes "Oh, God, no!")

Once again it's hard to tell what she's thinking, but there's no question in my mind that she knows what she's looking at. She definitely reacts to certain images. For example...

...she laughed really hard at this picture, of me and my brother at Christmas in 1970. I think my brother capsized just before the shutter clicked, and maybe I'm reacting? Anyway, she got such a kick out of him rolling around on the floor.

Just outside my mom's retirement community there are some expensive houses along Julington Creek. One of them had this in the yard:

But then next door, there was this:

I've seen this in a couple of places, where neighbors seem to be in a dialogue (to put it nicely).

Last night's movie entertainment was "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," which I liked, but I'm not sure how closely I followed the plot. It was kind of a salad of words and explosions. (The three or four glasses of wine I consumed while watching it probably didn't help.) Am I the only one who thinks Captain America's shield is a total cop-out? It basically allows him to do anything. It's like an automatic get-out-of-jail-free card.


  1. My neighbor across the street is a Trump supporter. We had an unspoken duel of yard signs in the weeks before the 2020 elections. I'm so happy you were able to look at photos with your mother. I'm sure she loved it.

    1. I'm sure there are a lot of neighborhoods like that!

  2. So many of those building look like a Gotham City from Batman - and yet I kind of like them. Love the US actually.

    1. Yeah, they do have that dark, creepy quality, but only because they're unoccupied. When that hotel goes in they'll look much better, I'm sure.

  3. It's so nice that you got to spend time with your mom looking at old photos. I'm glad that she had a good laugh.
    Just seeing that America First sign makes me worry about 2022 elections.

    1. The pendulum will probably swing, especially given all the machinations of the Republicans to make voting harder.

  4. You know you pushed your little brother over Steve! Why? Why did you do it? Just about caught in the act with you saying, "NO!" to be followed by - "it wasn't me!" We must learn to accept responsibility for our actions.

    1. It does look like that, doesn't it? I'm telling you, there's a whole short story in that photo.

  5. Ugh to the Big City life ... however, I can read how much you are enjoying your time in Florida and having such precious time with your Mother!!
    As for the movie ... LOL ... it's JUST a movie and ... you know ... they can do whatever they want in the movies!!! The fantasy is there to enjoy ... and the wine does help!! LOL

    1. Yeah, I love a good urban environment, actually. :) And you're right -- why am I looking for any degree of realism in a movie based on a comic book?

  6. I'm so glad you're getting to spend time with your mom. She's still in there, obscured by a brain that is a tangled mess right now.

    1. She's definitely still in there. I'm certain of that. She does react to us and occasionally we'll get a glimpse of the "old" Mom.

  7. That first photo of you and little brother is so cute and I love the BLM etc banner! I'm also glad you are spending time with your mother.

  8. Looking at old photos is so nice for your Mom and you - to remember the sweet, happy moments and share a memory or laugh. What a great way to spend time together.

    1. Yeah, I think it helps to have common ground to bond over, and I think like many dementia patients her older memories are more or less intact. (Although it's hard to tell.)

  9. The picture made me smile too. I'm glad you are having good visits with your mother. It must reinforce your decision to go to the US as being the right one.

    I find the yard signs a bleak reminder that the divisions in the country are still very deep.

    1. Yeah, I'm definitely glad I came. No doubt in my mind that it was the right thing to do.

  10. That Christmas 1970 photo is priceless. I think that should be in a museum. That's not a joke. It's fabulous.

    I put up my Black Lives Matter flag last July 4th and it's been flying from my front porch through 5 seasons and none of the neighbors has put up anything Trump so I guess I live with cool people. The flag is a bit faded and I keep thinking I could take it down, but then another police killing happens and I have to remind passers-by about BLM. What a country.

    1. Ha! Now that you mention it, it IS a picture that says a lot, isn't it? I'm glad your neighbors haven't challenged you over your flag! That's a good sign, hopefully.

  11. Nice view from the rooftop restaurant. I'm glad you had a fun visit with your mother looking at old photos. I've seen a couple of places around town where neighbors seem to battling via signs. If I saw a giant MAGA sign near me, I'd be tempted to do the same thing.

  12. well, his shield is made of vibranium. you have to be a Marvel fan to know what that is though.

    glad you getting good visits with your mom.

    1. Yeah, yeah, vibranium. I just think it's an easy plot device!

  13. the baby roll made my day!
    The buildings make me feel queasy, Grenfell and condo come to mind immediately. Not a great option for living on this planet, I suppose. Too many humans, but not for long, so says the Holocene extinction.

    1. It does seem like people might be second-guessing the wisdom of living in high-rises these days! I wonder how that condo collapse will affect the condo market.

  14. I have some photos similar to your Christmas photo. They're a hoot. I understand why your Mom likes them.

    1. My dad took TONS of photos on days like Christmas, and a lot of them look basically the same. It's nice to find one that's a bit different!

  15. I’m glad there’s neighbor dialogue; I do hope it is indeed neighborly. Your brother capsizing in that photo is a hoot! And I totally agree about captain America’s shield and how it always magically returns to him. I can never keep track of the plot either once the explosions and car chases start. But Bucky is cute.

    1. I'm glad you have trouble with the plot too! I find my mind wandering during some of the more expository passages. Captain America himself is pretty hot!

  16. That's my problem with so many super-hero/action films.... they're just so busy assaulting the senses I can't really follow the plot.

    The baby roll photo is priceless! Such a great capture for the days of film cameras.

    1. Some of the best photos are happy accidents!

  17. The Marvel Universe is a foreign country to me. I started one movie, gave up and haven't been back. I love that picture of you and your brother.

    1. I'm not sure it's my bag either, really, but my niece is VERY into it.

  18. My desk top need to go to the shop and I am using my laptop in which I am not fond of. I lost my comment and had to start over. I've been following you around in Florida and thanks for the tour. I told you your mom will know who you are but not after you leave. She seem to be a very pleasant person.

    I am not sure if you've heard Trump is suppose to be coming back in the White House in August. They never said what year. (lol) I think they are talking about this year and assume he will be sharing living quarters with Jill and Joe. Maybe the same bed and he will be sleeping in the middle. Maybe that's the reason for all the yard signs and rallies he have been having. His supporters are filling his head with bullshit and he is just that stupid to believe it. Our Governor invited him to view the border. Why?????There's not a dam thing he can do but look and complain about what others are not doing and he didn't do anything but lie. I wish he just disappear and get a life.

    1. This whole fantasy that Trump is going to return to the White House is so ridiculous. As you said, he (and many of his followers) need to get a life!

  19. I love the second neighbor's sign - I'd like that for my yard. (But I'm not sure I'd have the courage to actually put it out there.)

    1. There is an element of risk in any political expression these days, sadly. But I loved that second sign, too, because it basically preaches kindness and respect, and who can argue with that?

  20. Rooftop dining is always fun even if it doesn't revolve. I recall visiting a spinning restaurant atop a Hyatt in downtown Phoenix and one atop the Space Needle in Seattle. Of course it may be problematic if one spends too much time with cocktails.

    1. I LOVE a revolving restaurant -- although they're rarely good and you're usually just up there for the view! There's a revolving bar atop the Marriott Marquis in New York that I always liked.

  21. The correct sign is much more attractive than the ugly one. I was just about to Google MAGA and it came to me. Was it ever so great? If it less than great now, who made it like that?

    1. They're trying to get back to an earlier time that NEVER WAS. It's a movement fueled partly by nostalgia, and nostalgia isn't an accurate picture of the past. They want "Leave it to Beaver," but they forget that that America left out a lot of its citizens.

  22. Phew, what a relief. I was going to ask how you managed to sit outside for lunch. Your visits with your mother sound heartwarming. Great idea to look at photos... and that photo is a riot! So glad you still have it. Those types of shots always got thrown away in my family. I find it upsetting and draining when I visit the States and see those hateful MAGA signs. Thanks for the sharing the neighbor’s response.

    1. Not only did my dad take a lot of pictures, he saved ALL of them -- even the "less successful" ones. (Which are often in fact MORE successful!)

  23. I loved the Christmas photo from long ago. I actually thought that was a doll before I read that it was your brother. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.
