Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Road Trip With Eggshells

I'm back in Tampa this morning, and back at my Dunkin' Donuts. Once again, I showed up at 6:08 a.m., the lights were on and there were cars in the parking lot, but the door was locked. I stood out there like an idiot for several minutes, unable to see anyone inside. Finally a guy who looked like he was about to go bass fishing wandered up outside with a key, said "I got ya buddy," and opened the door.

I said, "I don't understand this place. They say they open at 5 a.m. but they never do."

He said, "I think they just forget to unlock the damn door."

We both came inside and he went behind the counter and appeared to have a little talk with some people back there as he got my coffee -- which he gave me free. I think he's the manager. I heard the others apologizing to him.

Anyway, all Dunkin' Drama aside, my trip back to Tampa was fine yesterday. I set out from my brother's pretty early, and drove down via Palatka and Interlachen, a different route from the one I took last week to get to Jacksonville. I stopped at a scenic riverfront park to take some pictures (top) before crossing the St. Johns River in Green Cove Springs. By Palatka I needed breakfast, so I stopped at the proverbial golden arches and ordered an Egg McMuffin, and got one with extra calcium -- the thing contained so much eggshell it crunched with every bite. (I know it was eggshell because I checked.)

I ate it anyway.

Some interesting roadside manifestations of religion I encountered:

This was outside Palatka, and it appeared to be a car wash. It wasn't until after I took my photos that I realized someone was asleep on that porch.

This little church is in Citra, near Ocala.

And so is this one. I remember when we used to drive north to my grandmother's every year, I always looked out for this beautiful little historic church.

When I got back to North Tampa after several hours of driving, I stopped off at a Goodwill near the Interstate. This place was packed with stuff, but I didn't see anything I wanted. (The bar is high, since anything I buy I'd have to lug back to England.) I was, however, tempted to buy this t-shirt for Dave:

I couldn't do it, not even for just $2.98, not even as a joke. I did, however, send him a picture.

This perfectly illustrates what's so perplexing about the Trump phenomenon. Have you ever seen any other presidential candidate depicted in such terms? How ridiculous would it be to have Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton astride a tank, holding an AR-15 with dollar bills fluttering carelessly from his pockets? I mean, it's ridiculous for Trump too, but I find it mystifying that he inspires that kind of imagery. (Pretty accurate in terms of how he manages money, though.)

Last night I met for dinner with my college friends John and Sue, and had a great time. We went to a little microbrewery near their house, and I brought them the ancient copy of the Miami Herald that someone donated to our library several months ago. Sue is from Miami and they're both journalists and well acquainted with the paper, so I knew they'd love it. John said they'd take it to work at the Tampa paper and show it around. I'm glad I found a home for it.

On the way home, I stopped for a delicious peanut butter shake at Bo's, a legendary drive-up ice cream place on Florida Avenue. Made my night!


  1. I think we have Dunkin' Donuts here. The need for doughnuts in the early morning is puzzling unless it sells other food. Being up before 6am is puzzling too.
    I rarely visit the Scottish restaurant, but I must have a couple of times a year in my life and I have not experienced eggshells...yet.
    Trump followers and fanatics will be waiting for their next false idol.
    It is a nice thing to give the old newspaper to your friend. I'm sure it will be interesting to them.
    I cannot imagine a peanut butter shake.

  2. that last little church is gorgeous. I love churches, and religious buildings, but for the architecture, not for what goes on inside.

    About the Thing 45 hero worship ...this week a NewsMax host compared Thing 45 to Batman, and he was serious. Oy.

  3. Sounds like your trip is going well. And I’m glad your forays into fast food ended on a high note.
    A picture of that shirt is enough. I mean, Dave wouldn’t have been able to wear it ironically for fear someone might think he was a Trump fan.

  4. I am SHOCKED at the eggshells in the McD breakfast sandwich because I wouldn't have thought they used ACTUAL eggs. Who knew!

  5. That man is really sick. I saw something online sating that neighbors have seen him waiting by his mailbox for a letter of reinstatement which I originally thought might be a joke but sadly does not appear to be...I've not been to Bo's in years, good to know it is still there.

  6. I’m glad you’re having a good time, seeing great friends, and enjoying the scenery (some it beautiful). I wouldn’t have spent 2.98 on that T-shirt either, and I, too, would have taken a picture. The Trump crap would make me desperate to escape. Thankfully, the City of New York, has just the opposite on display, so I don’t dread it so much. That T-shirt is one of the worst things I’ve seen. I’m stunned there were eggshells in your McD breakfast! Maybe they do it so you know they use real eggs.

  7. Personally, I would have taken the Egg McMuffin back and demanded one that didn't come with the extra calcium crunch! Ugh! Getting shells in scrambled eggs is a real turn-off for me!
    OMG ... that Trump t-shirt ... as disgusting as the a-hole is!

  8. That river picture makes my heart so happy! I love the rivers here in NC but Florida rivers are my home.
    You know, there's a Dunkin' Donut moving in to Moon Plaza in Tallahassee and I sure hope they're run better than that one you've been dealing with. That's ridiculous!
    You are getting some wonderful pictures of Florida, Steve. You are capturing so much of what Florida is really like, the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.
    I'm hardly taking any pictures here in NC. I don't know why.

  9. You have packed a lot into your trip! Glad you are enjoying yourself and I have enjoyed hearing all about it!

  10. I'm so glad you photographed that tee-shirt. I can't believe someone would wear such a thing. Oy America, what has happened to us?
    Love these photos and stories of your adventures in Florida.

  11. Peanut Butter Shake, Right On


  12. it's mystifyin' as they say. I don't get the whole Trump mystique and cult either. seriously, what the fuck is wrong with those people.

    that is a pretty little church, the white one. but when I see elaborate churches I l\always think how wrong their priorities are. spend the money to help those in need, not on a building to the greater glory.

    seems like you are cramming two trips into one this year.

  13. That t shirt is about the most absurd thing I've ever seen. And look how fit DT is on it! What a joke!

    You're not having very good fast food breakfast experiences in Florida, that's for sure.

  14. That photo of the river is wonderful - it feels like I could step into the picture, and be calmed and quieted by the peace there.

    Eggshells in the breakfast sandwich would be a no-go for me. I can hardly chew my way through a tiny piece of shell. But like others said, at least it meant those were real eggs. Which really IS surprising. I'd think such a large chain would supply its franchises with consistent products across the country, and that the eggs supply would be powdered.

  15. First of all, that t-shirt picture pretty much sums up just how out of touch Trump supporters are with reality. It would be laughable if it wasn't so scary.
    You certainly have had some interesting encounters with fast food chains on your trip to Florida. That Dunkin' Donuts should win some sort of prize for the worst managed donut shop in America. Maybe it's operating as a front for some illegal business so making a profit on coffee and donuts is just a side line.
    That little historic church is really beautiful and beautifully maintained too.
    Your tasty milkshake made me think of the one I get from a stand near the ocean between Newport and Laguna Beach in California. I always get the chunky monkey (chocolate and banana). Wish I could get one right now.

  16. What a beautiful little church with the red doors! I'd love to see the inside.

    Glad you got a free coffee out of the Dunkin Donuts deal.

  17. That is a beautiful little church, so perfectly maintained. That shirt? It makes me feel a little hopeful that you found it in a Goodwill.

  18. A beautiful little road trip where you fond some interesting things like that T shirt.

  19. That's quite a t-shirt. I'm sure we'll never see Joe Biden or Barack Obama depicted that way. The white church is lovely. It seems they forget to unlock the door at Dunkin' Donuts on a regular basis. The Man and I ate at Panera several weeks ago. As we finished, the staff put chairs on tables, cleaned up, and locked the door. It was an hour till closing time, so I suspect no one was in charge and the kids felt they could go home early.


  20. Just shaking my damn head at the tee-shirt. America is the weirdest country on the planet.

  21. "ISN'T JESUS WONDERFUL"...He would be more wonderful if the Church of God (Independent) remembered to put question marks at the ends of their questions! Besides, if he and his dad are so wonderful how come many babies die because of clean water supply issues in the so-called third world? (I remembered the question mark)

  22. I remember my dad talking about his time in the one time he was on kitchen duty, dutifully breaking eggs one by one into a bowl...chef came up and said put them all in a sieve and bash the sieve down on the bowl...and also when using dried eggs, add a whole one, shell and all...the cry would go up, Hey, we've got real eggs today!!

  23. That's a picturesque little church with the red door and crisp white paint. And that top photo of the lake should be framed and hung. Gorgeous. You definitely make your days count!

  24. That little white church is beautiful! And that peanut butter shake sounds delicious. Have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
