Wednesday, August 18, 2021

iPhone and Not

You know how I often make a post out of all the random recent photos on my iPhone? Well, that's what we're doing today, except that some of these are also camera shots. It's miscellaneous photo day.

First, an intriguing piece of street art I found a few weeks ago on Finchley Road.

Olga has taken to lying beneath the garden bench while I sit on it and read. I guess it's cool under there.

This was the featured cocktail in my most recent craft gin club box. It was something involving cherry juice, lime, a special syrup and gin from Singapore. It was good, but once again, I found myself simply wanting a plain ol' gin & tonic. I'm a creature of habit. (As you can see, when I took this I was still in the middle of reading "Smoky the Cowhorse.")

On the nearby housing estate, someone has grown some exuberant gladioli. I don't often see gladioli in gardens. These seem to be doing just fine in pots.

Also on the estate, someone has turned this planter into a pretty impressive little garden. Those lilies are particularly nice. I think I've photographed them in previous years.

Remember the apple-tree-in-a-bag? Not only is it alive, it appears to be thriving and bearing fruit. I never knew a tree would grow in a bag of dirt. (Its owners appear to have added dirt to the bag over time.)

An anti-Covid message in Golders Green. I don't agree with most of what this organization touts, which includes some hoaxy, conspiracy-laden thinking. But I do agree, as I've already said, that we have to find a way to live our lives with this bug.

The morning light looked nice in our entrance hall.

And finally, this is a hoverfly hovering. It's pretty hard to focus on these guys in mid-air, but fortunately they DO hover so if you're fast, there's enough time to snap a picture while it's still in one place!


  1. Where to begin... The hoverfly photo is amazing! Entrance hall is so inviting. Perfect light. Like a Restoration Hardware catalog photo. Gardens are charming. And I can’t believe how well that apple tree is doing. Maybe it’s a ceramic pot made to look like a bag. Nice that the bag is holding up in this instance. A comment of biodegradability.

    1. It's a heavy plastic bag used for transporting building materials. I think it's pretty much indestructible.

  2. Amazing picture of the hover fly!

    1. Thanks! I actually wasn't all that happy with it because it's a tiny bit blurry, but I guess it's a better view than what we usually see -- a nondescript fly hovering in the air.

  3. Applause for the image of the hoverfly. Simply - Wow!
    As for Smoky - was he really a crossbreed? I guess his mum was called Buttercup the Friesian and his dad was perhaps Champion the Wonderhorse. It must have been love.

  4. Replies
    1. I actually FOUND that yellow chair on the street!

  5. Oh my! All these pictures are wonderful! I love the artwork. I'm always thrilled when 'profound' pops up unexpectedly.

  6. Like you, I am not very adventurous with new drinks. Whenever I've tried a new one, ho hum.
    We often buy cut gladdies and lilies and it is nice to seem them growing well in soil. The apple tree is amazing but won't last forever in a sack.
    Australia is failing with its zero COVID cases as it leaks in from overseas. 80%? 90% vaccinated and we will have to live with it.
    The hover fly photo is great.

    1. That tree has been in that sack for a couple of years now. I'm amazed it's done so well.

  7. Grand photos--especially the light in the hall and the hover fly in motion.

  8. The hoverfly photo is terrific, but they all are.

  9. Ah, Steve. What a good eye you have! And a trusty trigger finger! That hoverfly! Just beautiful.

    1. That fly is the same one that's perched on the crocosmia in this photo:

  10. Great collection of photos, Steve. Love that hoverfly. Beautiful!

  11. that hover fly is an excellent capture! and I do remember the apple tree in a bag. glad to see it is doing well enough to make fruit but what happens when the bag eventually decomposes as it will.

    1. I dunno about that bag -- it's a heavy duty woven plastic meant to transport building materials like sand. I think it will last a thousand years!

  12. That tree in a bag is amazing. I never knew that could be done.
    And I love the photo of the entry hall. That's the kind of photo I would frame and hang.

    1. I don't know what the long-term prospects of the tree are, but at least for a couple of years that bag has been its happy home.

  13. That last photo is amazing. The flowers are lovely too. I especially love that window on the floor in your entrance hall.

    1. I got several of those windows from a house that was being remodeled. They were throwing them away!

  14. I shall not repeat what everyone else has already said about all of the photos! They are amazing ... and that hoverfly! OMG

  15. The hoverfly definitely wins, but I also LOVE the counsel estate flower box - gorgeous!

  16. Spectacular collections of photos! I honestly can't tell which were taken by the phone. About the only time I pull out my Canon is for completed jigsaw puzzles. My latest collection of iPhone photos is totally pear related. We had a banner crop this year. I'll admit I'm surprised by that apple tree in the bag.

    1. The hoverfly, the entrance hall and the stickers were camera shots -- the rest were phone shots. The hoverfly in particular I could never have shot with my phone. (Well, I probably could, but it would have been a speck!)

  17. Oh my, the hoverfly! I can't imagine how you got that perfect picture! Look at those wings! Really terrific!
    I also love your front hall with the sweet window and the bright yellow chair. Nice set up!
    You sure are talented - no matter which camera you are using!

    1. Well, thanks! I actually wish I'd shot the hoverfly with a slightly faster shutter speed, but it basically works.

  18. holy Iphone!! These photos are astonishing, i especially love Olga in jail and the entryway of Swedish sensibilities. Of course the hover fly blows my mind more than a little bit. Growing a tree in a bag, so this is what it has come to?
    There are so many folks afraid to live and afraid to die. Ironically they are mostly Christians.

    1. Fear of death is definitely a great motivator when it comes to religion! Our entry way DOES look a bit Swedish, doesn't it?!

  19. Gladioli in pots...mmm,they do tend to catch the wind..
    I like the tree in a bag....I could do that....

    That sunlight in your to inspire a day!!

    1. I think the pots must be pretty heavy, because yeah, that seems like it might be a bit hazardous.

  20. The lilies and glads are beautiful. Hoping for no strong winds!

    1. The lilies are in a pretty sheltered location -- the glads seem like they might be more vulnerable but so far, so good!

  21. Smokey , the cow horse. Yes that's the book the teacher read to us. As a little farm boy I loved he story. I will read it again to have a look at it through adult eyes.

    1. You might like it more than I did, even now. As I said, for me, it got much better after the first 100 pages, which seemed incredibly slow.

  22. I love that yellow chair. And the shot of the hoverfly is amazing!

    1. I picked up that chair on the street! One of my favorite finds, though we never sit in it. It's not that sturdy.

  23. I never saw a tree grow in a bag. Awesome! You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
