Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Cloudless Sky

The sky yesterday was unreal -- clear and blue and utterly cloudless, which in England is a rarity! Olga and I went for our morning walk and she seemed as impressed by this blooming tree as I was.

I spent yesterday tackling some small tasks around the house, like getting our blankets washed. Then, at noon, Dave and I went to the Royal Free Hospital for his, as I put it ambiguously yesterday, "procedure." I suppose there's no reason I can't come right out and say that he had an endoscopy, because he's been having terrible heartburn related (we believe) to one of his Crohn's medications. The good news is, it found no evidence of ulcers or anything like that -- but it did find irritation, so he's going to need a stronger antacid and he's changing one of his meds as well.

Dave had optimistically made dinner reservations at an Italian restaurant for last night, but we wound up cancelling them because he was tired after the hospital. (He'd forgotten he had this appointment when he made them.) So we'll put that off until next weekend, maybe.

I did some stuff in the garden -- mainly pulling ivy off the rose bushes, trimming back more of the blackberries and removing a dead wallflower. Olga, as you can see, joined me. She loves yardwork!


  1. That's good that Dave's endoscopy went ok. Pirate has had some of those done over the past few years..he likes getting to see his insides on the screen!

    1. Dave didn't mention being able to watch, but I'm sure if he could, he did!

  2. I'm glad he got good news, these photos are great and that blue is striking.

  3. Olga is clearly managing the garden work. Management is a lot more tiring than labour.

    1. She is the boss of me, as Ms. Moon would say.

  4. I’m glad the news was good for Dave. That sky looks like a Costa del Sol sky -- although not one we’ve had recently. I love this time of year in climates like yours. The flowering trees are spectacular.

  5. It's rare to see a cloudless sky in England, yes. I'm glad Dave's findings are nothing ominous. GERD is worrying, aside from being miserable, particularly for a good cook like Dave. Please pass on good wishes from this imaginary friend!

    1. Will do! Yeah, I know it's been causing him a lot of misery, particularly at night.

  6. Oh my, what a large and glorious Prunus you found.
    I am having a tooth extraction on Thursday and have just agreed to attend Drag Bingo that night. But I do understand you cancelling.

  7. I haven’t had one yet but know that day is coming soon.

    1. When I had mine (back in the states) I was knocked out entirely, but Dave was awake for his. I don't think I'd like that at all.

  8. Good news about Dave, indeed.
    Love the blooming trees; our dogwoods are blooming as are azaleas and crepe myrtles and such. We were warned of torrential rains and high winds yesterday and it was sunny and gorgeous and mild, so yard work was in order on the side of the pond, too!

    1. Well, I'm glad that stormy weather didn't materialize! I was reading about bad storms elsewhere in the South.

  9. That sky is pretty amazing and the photo with Olga looking at the tree is perfect. Also, Olgas version of gardening is also mine. It's safer for the plants that way.

  10. Blue sky days are amazing as is that tree. Glad to hear Dave's procedure didn't turn up anything horrible.

  11. Our sky looks like that this morning too. Absolutely unreal.
    So glad that Dave's endoscopy didn't show anything scary. Sounds a lot like Mr. Moon's recent "procedure." Up the antacids. All will be well.

    1. I think changing the medication will be the big difference. Of course, who knows what this new med will bring. Seems like everything has side effects.

    2. (It's actually the same med in different form, pill instead of powder, with a stronger antacid on the side.)

  12. Glad Dave is fine. Pepcid AC was recommended for me after my endoscopy - don't know if you have that brand there.
    What a nice day to get out in the garden. I like the sweet photo of Olga gazing at the lovely tree!

    1. I don't think we have Pepcid here. We have these horrible little chewy things called Gaviscon.

  13. Really glad that Dave's endoscopy news was good. Always a relief to get good news like that.
    Olga is adorable looking up at that tree on that beautiful blue-sky day.

    1. I think she was looking for squirrels, to be honest!

  14. Hope Dave will feel better with the new regimen. We had the same crisp blue sky yesterday, what a delight.

  15. Glad it went well and it sounds like a good report to me. I love seeing Olga enjoying the spring weather. That top photo is wonderful!

    1. I made her stand next to the tree and she looked up at it all on her own -- I couldn't have asked for better timing!

  16. I'm glad the endo went well and that the irritation can be addressed with medication.

    Olga is so obviously enjoying the sunshine. She's such a sweet dog. We're supposed to get four inches of snow today. WTF

  17. Happy for Dave's news and treatment for that condition. I love blue sky days! We're starting to get some too.

  18. Olga is exuding happiness and contentment in that last picture. She is a happy dog. Glad that Dave has a path to let him feel better. Heartburn is just the pits.

    1. She is indeed a happy dog. I think her life is pretty much ideal.

  19. Replies
    1. You'll probably see many variations of it over the coming summer! LOL

  20. Chron's is such a horrible thing, Matt's wife has it and I know it affect other parts of her like her throat.
    Did you notice that my 'sting' post got removed. The gods that be obviously didn't like it. Just shows you that everything is monitored.

    1. What?! I didn't see your Sting post -- at least, I don't think I did. What did it say? Are you sure it's not still on your blog but unpublished, saved as a draft or something like that?

  21. Cloudless skies here too - though sadly a full house of Covid so ugh... no getting out for a little while.

    1. Oh no! I hope it's mild and you all feel better soon!

  22. In that first photo I believe Olga is looking for asteroids in that clear blue sky. And in the final photo it is obvious that all of your yard work has tired her out.

    1. Ha! Olga wouldn't know an asteroid if it hit her on the head. Now, a flying squirrel, maybe!

  23. Olga pictures! Yay! And I'm glad Dave's procedure found nothing too bad. I hope the stronger stomach medication does the trick for him.

  24. That sky looks just like Australia's sky.
    I'm glad nothing bad was found in Dave's endoscopy, but ugh on the heartburn.
    Olga is doing a great job supervising.

  25. Your yard is looking good. I can see why Olga enjoys it so. Hugs, Edna B.

  26. I'm glad it was nothing more serious. Uncomfortable, not fun, yes. But at least now you can go onward. All my best to him.
