Saturday, March 19, 2022

No News is Good News

The weekend! At last! This felt like a very long work week. I am so glad to have a couple of days to myself.

Not that today will be entirely my own. Dave has to have a minor outpatient procedure at the hospital, so we'll be going there around midday and I'll be cooling my heels in a waiting room. But I'll take a good book and hopefully I can make even that time worth something.

My final Newbery talk went well yesterday and I can now say that I am finally past that whole project. I've read all the books, I've talked to all the kids -- done and dusted. Of course I'll continue to make individual recommendations but there will probably be no need for me to do more talks, unless the teachers want me to come back and do it next year.

And that's about it for life around here. I have nothing more to report!

(Photo: Beckenham Hill train station, last weekend.)


  1. A Beckham photo might have been more appealing. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. As the Rolling Stones sang, "You can't always get what you want." :)

  2. One of my strongest memories of visiting your adopted county is being told endlessly to “mind the gap.”

  3. I was just thinking - How many of the current Newbery Medal judges have read every winning book? I bet none of them! I am sure you would make a great judge and if it is okay with you I am going to drop them an e-mail, recommending you.

    1. I dunno -- the problem with being a judge is you have to read a lot of mediocre stuff to find the good ones. I'm not sure I'd have the patience!

  4. Take a good relaxing weekend, even in a waiting room, when you can get it!

    1. Definitely! A waiting room isn't so bad when you have stuff to do.

  5. All the Newberrys - that’s gotta be a record of some kind!

    1. It definitely kept me busy and now I'm glad it's over. :)

  6. A relaxing weekend sounds good. Three cheers on wrapping up the talks (and books) and onward. Best wishes for Dave's procedure.

  7. Have a great weekend and mind the gap!

  8. I had a patient a couple of weeks ago who reminded me of you. He liked taking street photos too. I have a hard time taking photos of people but you make it look so easy.

  9. I hope Dave's procedure goes well and have a relaxing weekend. I know you don't really do 'relax'. I can relate.

    1. Ha! Well, if by "relax" you mean do nothing, yeah, I'm not that guy. There's always stuff to do -- and I know you can relate!

  10. May all be well with Dave and here's to both being home tonight, cozy and fine.
    That was quite a project you did with the Newbery's. Perhaps you should be in the Guinness Book of Records!

    1. We were home and quite cozy! To be honest, I don't think reading all the Newbery books is that unusual, particularly among childrens' librarians. On Goodreads you can find lots of people working on that challenge.

  11. Hope all goes well for Dave today. And mazel tov on getting that Newberry project done, Steve. Take care there and enjoy the day.

  12. It's good that you make a good presentation on the Newberry books. Kids need to get hooked on something that will keep their interest.

    1. I hope it inspires them to read more, and a few kids did check out books I discussed, so that's good!

  13. Good luck to Dave and have a wonderful weekend! I like YP's suggestion that you be a Newbery judge. You probably read a lot of the new YA books anyway so you would be great!

    1. I don't read nearly as many of the new ones as I should. I really want to preserve my own reading time!

  14. "procedure" can mean anything - from inserting stents to a colonoscopy or to a mole being removed. I hope all goes well, Pretty sure the enjoyment of the waiting area will give you a rest. Zen moments.

    1. I was being deliberately vague, but it was an endoscopy. All went well!

  15. I hope all went well for Dave today and that he has a quick, uneventful recovery. I also hope you got in some good reading time. I'm easily distracted with people-watching in a place like that!

    1. There really weren't many people around, surprisingly! I guess because it was a Saturday?

  16. All the best for Dave and hope you will have a great weekend.

  17. Hope all goes well for Dave, and a quick recovery ensues.

  18. A great accomplishment but I bet it feels good to be done. Hope Dave's procedure goes well.

  19. Sitting with a good book in a waiting room can be very relaxing. Whoever placed the sign and lamp post like that should have given it more thought. I read the sign as the gap between its right and left side. That kind of thing drives me crazy. (I know. I need to get a hobby.)

    1. Ha! That's part of what amused me about the scene. (That and the dog.)

  20. I hope Dave's appointment went well. I now think of you every single time I see or read about or hear about a Newberry book!

    1. Well, there are worse things to be associated with, I suppose! :)

  21. I always take my kindle if I have to be doing any waiting, lighter than most books and capable of holding 4000, although I only have 215 on there at the moment, so if I finish a book and still have waiting time, I can just start another.
    Hope Dave is okay.

    1. Oh, Lord, I'm not sure I could handle the psychological pressure of carrying around 200-plus books!
