Thursday, March 10, 2022

Forgetting, Mishandling and Fortifying

Yesterday was interesting because I accidentally forgot my reading glasses when I went to work. I can still see, sort of, without them -- I could work on the computer and basically squint and get through the day. But reading was out of the question. I carried my book to work and it was as useful to me as a doorstop.

As it turned out, I spent a lot of time on hold on the phone, and it would have been nice to be able to read. We've been trying to order a book ("Drug Information for Teens, 5th Ed.") and the publisher doesn't allow international orders to be placed online. Instead their web site directs overseas customers to a special phone number which NOBODY ANSWERS! It's like a cruel joke. I sat listening to the tinny synthesizers of hold music for an hour and a half before I finally hung up and sent them an annoyed e-mail. We'll see if they respond. We can get a used copy through Abebooks and I'm tempted to do that.

Meanwhile, I was unable to do any re-shelving because I was tied to the telephone -- which is probably just as well since I didn't have my glasses and God only knows where those books would have ended up.

On Tuesday I came home and Dave reported the squirrels had been into my foxgloves. Indeed, not only had they dug out the planter, but they'd flipped several large rocks and pieces of pottery (meant to discourage squirrels!) ONTO the plants. As you can see above, two of them are now a bit slumped over. I repositioned all the crockery and also put down wire mesh, basically turning the planter into Fort Knox. I've had to do this around the foxgloves in the garden, too.

Finally, since my theme today appears to be my struggle with everyday items, let me tell you about my jacket. I have a navy blue ultra-light puffy jacket that I pulled out of the library Lost & Found at the end of the last school year. It was like new, had been unclaimed for months and it fit me, so I kept it and comfortably wore it for much of this winter. About three weeks ago, though, the zipper -- which had always been a little sticky and might be the reason its owner abandoned it -- broke.

Not wanting to discard the jacket for such a minor reason, I took it to the woman at our dry cleaners who does alterations. She put a new zipper tab on, and it worked great. I was proud of myself for extending the life of the jacket with a simple £15 repair.

Then I decided to wash it. Big mistake! Because I didn't buy this jacket I had no idea what it was made from -- I just assumed it was polyester and fine for the washing machine. (I guess I could have read the tags, but these tags are like "War and Peace" and the print is tiny.) Instead, apparently it contains down feathers. So when I pulled it out of the wash it was disconcertingly flat -- its puffiness was severely diminished and it was clumpy.

I was sure I'd ruined it, but a few days of wearing it appears to have somewhat restored its puffiness. So maybe it's just a matter of time.

Stuff drama!

(Top photo: A gray evening at the local tennis club. You can see, in the background, the crane.)


  1. I would have some choice words for those squirrels. I have reading glasses, too, and all the squinting and arm-stretching in the world doesn’t help. I’m glad you only accidentally forgot yours; it would be really odd to purposely forget them.

    1. Yeah, I guess "accidentally" is an unnecessary word in that sentence. What's funny is, I went back and added it when editing my post!

    2. And I meant to say intentionally and not purposely!

  2. I am tempted to make an amusing remark about puffy jackets but have decided to judiciously restrain myself.

    1. Don't you have puffy jackets up there on the frozen Yorkshire moors?

  3. I have a lot of problems with destructive squirrels, and deter them with peppermint essential oil on cotton balls or qtips, pushed into the pots. Not the baking kind, the kind you get from the herbalist. It works for other critters too. It doesn't hurt them, just keeps them away, because they hate the smell, apparently it's expensive but goes a long way.

    1. I wonder if that would work to keep them off the bird feeder?

    2. Oh, that's a good idea. I hadn't even thought of that. Maybe I'll try it.

      Ellen: I wonder if it would keep the birds away too?

  4. Do you have access to a dryer and a couple of clean tennis balls? Because that's what's needed to unclump a down jacket properly.

    1. Ah! Good idea! We have plenty of tennis balls (belonging to Olga) but they're not very clean. I suppose I could wash them and THEN dry them with the jacket!

  5. I wonder what it is about the foxgloves or is it just newly turned dirt that attracts the squirrels. They dig in some of my pots but haven't uprooted anything.

    1. I think it's the soil. They love loose, diggable compost.

  6. Haha! I washed one of my ancient feather pillows last week by mistake. It's so flat now that it can easily be caught up in the sheets without me noticing. When it came out of the washer it was like a bag of lumps. Sighing, I threw it into the dryer and it came out beautifully!

    1. Well, that was a good save! I was hesitant to dry the jacket partly because of the polyester, but it would probably be fine. I could always do it on a cool setting.

  7. All I can think about is those squirrels plotting their attacks. Devious little creatures!!

    1. I'm not sure how much plotting is going on. I think squirrels act purely on impulse!

  8. It seems like wait times for any phone calls are atrocious these days. I don't worry about it if I can read something, so I sympathize with your frustration.

    1. Yeah, it was so frustrating to be unable to use that time in a positive way. (Well, I had the computer, at least.)

  9. I'm rooting for the foxgloves! Pun intended.

  10. I wouldn't mind the hold time on the phone if they would just stop playing the most annoying ridiculous sounds that pretend to be music. It must be all businesses ways of getting people to finally hang up. I was on hold for so long the other day I worried about hearing those sounds in my head for the rest of my life.

  11. If you don't get back the full puff, put it in the dryer with a tennis ball or a something big and clunky (I used to have a pair of canvas tennies that didn't fit right that I used). Those poor foxgloves!

    I think at the library I would have hightailed it to the large-print section and picked out something that looked interesting for those long holds! I hate being on hold!

    1. I wish we had a large-print section, but being a school, we don't. (We have a handful of large-print books but only ones we bought accidentally!)

  12. That is why I have reading glasses in every room of my house and a pair that has been sitting in my desk at work for the past two years. I've gotten really good at knowing exactly where they are and which glasses belong in which room.
    Interesting about that jacket. I'm thinking bird feathers get wet all the time and dry off nicely so I guess it makes sense that it will puff again as they dry out.

    1. I really need to buy a few extra pairs from the drug store and just spread them around.

  13. Well that just sounds like an all round annoying day. I have a similar one ahead of me - need to call about a medical bill and renew my library card. I don't like little tasks like that because I make them into HUGE DEALS before I finally do them. I like that you are more of a just go ahead & do it guy :)

    1. Ugh! I feel for you! I am very much a get-it-done guy, that's true, but that doesn't mean I don't complain about it at the same time. :)

  14. What on earth is it, with squirrels and foxgloves!!?

    1. I think it's more the soil than the plants. They love the loose, diggable garden compost I plant with.

  15. I wonder why squirrels like foxgloves so much.

    Your jacket just needs to go in the dryer with some tennis balls, that will puff it up nicely. You can tell you grew up in a warm climate:)

    1. Yeah, this is not something I ever did! (Though I think I HAVE heard that somewhere in the dim past. I just didn't think to try it.)

  16. Several others beat me to the punch with the tennis ball solution.

    I despise squirrels and they're one of the few critters I'm still willing to hunt. (sorry, I know that's probably not a popular statement here. I do have someone who will take them and eat them! 🤢)

    1. I don't despise them, exactly -- they're fun to watch in the garden -- but I wish they'd stay out of my plants!

  17. So now we need to see a photo of you wearing your saved blue jacket! The sky in that photo reminds me of Harry Potter movies for some reason.

  18. I'm trying to schedule a mammogram. Their system leaves you on hold and then hangs up on you. It's a repeatable process. However, they are very concerned about my health and well being. It's just annoying.

    1. Oh, that's the WORST -- when they disconnect you automatically after a certain period of time. Customer service has taken a nose dive in recent decades.

  19. I'm of the age where the next eye doctor exam is probably going to reveal that I need bifocals. Which probably explains why I find myself pulling out my phone and using the magnifying app to read "War and Peace" labels and directions.

    1. I don't have a magnifying app so I was using the camera -- taking pictures of small print and then blowing them up so I could read it!

  20. I remember washing my down and feather doona, then hanging it all clumpy on the line and having to go out every half hour and shake loose the clumps as it dried, then finishing it off in the dryer on a cool setting. I had it for 24 years, then got a single bed, so I cut it in half and used half under the bottom sheet and half over the top sheet, but still had to shake clumps every time I washed them. I retired them last year and bought something with "microfill", easier to wash and dry, but not as warm as the feathers.

    1. Well, you certainly made it last! (I've never heard the word "doona" -- had to look it up, though I could basically envision what you meant!)
