Friday, March 4, 2022

Page 7A

I have nothing of interest to report, other than our second tube strike yesterday, which once again did not affect me at all. As I walked home I saw that the traffic on Finchley Road was a nightmare, so clearly a lot of people were driving who normally wouldn't be. I could walk faster than that line of cars was able to move.

Today's the day for my journalism talks to the 6th Grade, so we'll see how that goes. I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

Speaking of which, some of you asked about the continuation of my article about the Queen that I posted yesterday. Even though I'm sure you were joking, I will indulge you and post the "jump page," as it's known in newspaper lingo.

It was a long clip so I had to cut it in two to get it to fit. As you can see from that little note at the end, I incorporated information from the Associated Press into the story -- probably the details about the knighthood and her visit beyond what I observed, and certainly the quote from Schwarzkopf, who I never spoke to. I dimly remember some press information that included details about the Royal Yacht Britannia and about the Queen's dress, which as I recall was by her favorite designer Hardy Amies. (Funny that I didn't mention him in the story yet I remember his name.)

Reading it now, I'm a bit confused by the Whitman/Butler family dynamics. There's a daughter and a stepdaughter and then, later, I mention a son. But only the son and daughter were taken out of school? Did the stepdaughter not enjoy the benefits of an education?

Oh -- and I said yesterday that this was in 1992, but I was wrong. It was actually May 20, 1991.

(Top photo: Some park benches in Coventry, last week.)


  1. Your bench reminded me of a podcast that I recently listened to. It was about a University student who couldn't get a job and decided to rate benches from 1-10 a a hobby, it drew lots of attention and he was interviewed by journalists world wide. Who would have thought it. It was actually a really interesting podcast.

    1. It's amazing what people can find success with, isn't it? I haven't heard the podcast but clearly that student must have some skills. As we used to say in newspapers, there are no boring stories -- only boring reporters!

  2. I NEED one of those benches for our terrace.

    I wonder what Brenda Klotz is doing now.

    1. I Googled her and apparently she's still around -- living in Central Florida, 82 years old! (Assuming it's the same Brenda Klotz, but how many could there be?!)

    2. Ha! Have you done a search on Facebook? Apparently Brenda Klotz is a common name. And there’s even a Brenda (Schwartz) Klotz. Couldn’t you just plotz?

  3. Love the park bench ends in Coventry. What a brilliant design. Well-spotted Steve! If you were a native American - perhaps a member of the Seminole tribe - you would be called Eagle Eye.

    1. They ARE a great design! I haven't seen benches of that type anywhere else. I wonder if they were designed especially for that park or that city.

  4. The mind boggles at the Daughters of the British Empire in Venice. I am now going to Google.

    1. Just to help you in your Googling -- that would be Venice, Fla., not Venice, Italy!

  5. I'm joining Bench love. It just makes me smile to see a little whimsy in the world these days!

  6. Like everyone else, I love those benches. And I hope your talk went over well with the kids.

  7. Yes. We all agree that the park benches are lovely.
    It really is too bad that you didn't get to actually interview the Queen. Over tea.

    1. I don't think ANYONE interviews the Queen over tea! LOL! She is notoriously quiet about her own personal views about anything.

  8. How do you preserve all your articles?

    1. For years I kept file folders full of them, but over time I've thrown a lot of them out. I only kept the most memorable ones. I just have them in files as clips. They're not preserved in any special way.

  9. I really like those benches. I've never seen any like them. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  10. I love that bench! And I'm glad you shared the rest of the article. I wonder how many will see the queen now? I'm glad she recovered from Covid.

    1. I am too! Even here in England there are really only fleeting opportunities to see her in real life.

  11. Those park benches are great. And thank you for sharing the rest of the article. I love print journalism.

    1. I do too. I still get almost all my news from newspapers (and newspaper web sites).

  12. That's a great article. It made me think of the time my friend David and I stood outside Parliament waiting to see the Queen on one of my trips to London. We finally saw her as her car passed by. It was after she spoke to Parliament one year. We waited quite a long time to see her.
    I love those benches in the top photo.

    1. Yeah, it's like the woman in my article said -- you have to wait hours! We've never bothered since we moved here.

  13. Actually, I was't joking... so I'm glad you gave us "the rest of the story".

    What fun benches!

    1. Oh, well, I'm glad you liked it! As a writer it's always great to hear that someone wants to read past the "jump." :)

  14. I'll add myself to the chorus of bench lovers - such a clever design! Thanks for sharing the rest of the article - it was very interesting!

    1. Glad you liked it! It boggles my mind to think that was 31 years ago.

  15. She came to visit San Diego in the early eighties and in the rain. Her yacht, the Britannia, moved swiftly down the bay followed by a grey tanker. If ever I am in the UK again, I will go visit the Britannia in her retirement.

    1. Thanks for the link. I had no idea the Britannia was still around. I knew it had been retired but didn't know it was publicly accessible.

  16. Since becoming an Englishman , have you met the queen on her own turf? Better hurry!

    1. I have never seen the Queen here, though, to be honest, I haven't really tried.

  17. If I were there, I would have to have a photo of myself on that bench!

    1. There was a Coke can sitting on it when I first spotted it, and I had to move the can to take the picture! LOL

  18. I like those bench seat supports!
