Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Down a Dog-Walker

I came across this ladybird (ladybug) in the garden while weeding on Sunday -- the first one I've seen this season. There were also lots of bees out and about, sipping nectar from the forget-me-nots. More signs of spring!

This is going to be an interesting week. Our dog-walker sent us a text on Sunday saying he'd injured the ligaments in his ankle and won't be able to walk the dogs, and the company that employs him apparently doesn't have anyone else available to do it. So Olga is stranded at home. (It seems crazy to me that they can't find a substitute dog-walker, but maybe the labor shortage that's making it hard to fill certain jobs in the USA is also making itself felt here.)

Obviously Olga needs to go out during the day, so Dave and I are talking about alternating coming home around lunchtime and then going back to work for the afternoon. It's going to be a pain in the neck, but I guess this is what people did before there was such a thing as a professional dog-walker. She would actually probably be fine until Dave comes home around 3:30, given that she's older now and not quite so energetic.

In fact, an assistant in Dave's department agreed to walk her yesterday at lunch time (for a fee, of course), but when he got here Olga refused to go! He reported that he instead took her out in the back garden and sat with her for a while, and gave her "cuddles," she seemed fine with that.

This incident may make us re-think whether, as a canine senior citizen, she needs a dog-walker at all.

I'm still working on inventory at work. I'm about halfway through the 900s and I ought to be able to finish the non-fiction books today, unless of course I spend too much time walking the dog!


  1. Enlightening about Olga and her lack of interest in taking a walk yesterday.

    Is that the 900s Dewey Decimal–wise or did you start BC and are you working your way to modern names?

  2. Is that a normal ladybird, it seems to have a lot more spots.
    Poor old Olga, I know how she feels, lol

    1. I think it's a harlequin ladybird, which is becoming the predominant type in and around London. It's an invasive variety, and apparently it comes in a bunch of different patterns.

  3. Yes, maybe specific dog walks have passed. Just a wander at times in a nearby grassy area perhaps.

  4. I think Olga will be fine waiting until you or Dave get home, she will just sleep through the days.

    1. At least for this week. Especially since I leave after Dave and he gets home before me. She'd be alone about seven hours each day.

  5. Replies
    1. Wanna walk Olga? It's just a short plane ride! LOL

  6. I'm sure most dogs prefer cuddles over walks :)

    1. Definitely! At least older dogs do. Younger ones might have trouble making that choice.

  7. Olga probably liked the cuddles more than a walk.

  8. Olga is very lucky to be the dog of Steve and Dave! What a lovely little lady bug.

    1. It was great to see one -- further evidence of seasonal change.

  9. It sounds like Olga would be just fine without a walk in the middle of the day.

    1. She might be. I think she'd just sleep, as River said above.

  10. I agee with River, Olga will be fine. When I was working in NY my dogs went all day by thenselves, usually at least nine hours. My impression was that they were asleep as soon as I was out the door.

    1. Dave used to leave his dogs alone all day too, and they were fine. I think it helps when they have each other's company, though. I feel bad leaving Olga partly because she's by herself.

  11. Maybe you can take Olga to school. There are programs here that allow kids to come and read to dogs for a few minutes every day. It makes reading pleasant and they look forward to it. Olga the Library dog! Park her next to the beanbag chair and watch the magic.

    1. I would LOVE to take Olga to school, and I'm sure she'd love it too, but the school, unfortunately, has a "no dogs" policy. :(

  12. I like the idea of taking her to work. I've known a few dogs who simply slept all day under their human's desk. And they're great for reluctant readers to read to.

    1. Wouldn't that be great? I think the kids would get a kick out of her!

  13. Of course you don't have the option but this sort of thing is part of the reason I no longer have pets. I just enjoy my freedom too much to want to restrict it to take care of a pet. Instead, I just enjoy my time with other people's pets and let them go home with the problems.

    1. I get it, believe me. She does restrict us a lot, particularly when it comes to traveling.

  14. I think I might be a canine senior citizen my own self - ha!

    1. Well, probably not canine, but point taken. :)

  15. I wonder if Olga would use papers put down for her to use if she had to pee or poop before you two get home? If she's never had to use papers, she probably wouldn't know what to do with them!

    1. Yeah, I think she's beyond the paper-training stage. You know what they say about old dogs and new tricks!

  16. Maybe a local neighbor or friend could pop in to check on Olga? Do you have any you could ask?

  17. Don't you just hate it when things like this interrupt your normal routine? I'm sure you will get a new routine worked out.

    1. At least it's only temporary, assuming his ankle heals.

  18. Did you change your comment box, or did blogger do that for you? I guess I should check mine and see if it's different.
    It's odd that Olga didn't want to walk, I thought dogs liked that. Hopefully the dog walker will heal up rapidly and return to duty.

    1. Looks like a global change to the comments box, I got it too.

    2. This comment thing is something new all across Blogger. I don't mind it but it definitely takes some getting used to!

  19. When Olga is alone at home, why not put dog films on the television for her? "A Hundred and One Dalmatians", "Lassie" and has she ever seen "Greyfriar's Bobby"? Failing that, why not ask Sweet Mrs Kravitz to help out?

  20. Will try again today, since yesterday blogger wouldn't let me comment! You'r title had me worried because I thought you were referring to either you or Dave! Olga will probably adjust just fine to whatever changes you make to her schedule.

    1. It worked today! I've had some commenting trouble lately, too. I find if I go away and come back an hour or so later, I can usually comment then.

  21. It's daunting when a service you depend on suddenly isn't there. Yikes. Luckily, Olga is older and it sounds like the modifications to her exercise regime are working fine for her.

    1. It's amazing how thoroughly we all come to depend on services like this. We always remember our dog-walker at Christmas for just that reason!

  22. There's always something, isn't there? The dog we had when I was growing up was home alone for 7 to 8 hours every week day. I think she slept all day, because she would be just getting out of her basket when we got home. You could always try Olga without a walk and see what happens. Still got the camera set up at home? At least you could check on her and know if you actually needed to go home at lunch time.

    1. Yeah, we've still got the "Olga cam"! I just feel bad leaving her for so long with no stimulation.

  23. Your coworker sounds like a solution of sorts. I'm sure Olga loved cuddles in the garden.

  24. I would have thought older dogs would need to go more, not less -- but then I have a cat so what do I know? What type of floor do you have? Lizzie prefer a spot on the carpet near the door to her litterbox for certain things which is not acceptable and apparently not going to change so I put puppy pads there, which seem to do the trick and try to get her on a carry-down-to-the-box 12 hour schedule. Which is fine, till I overnight at Rick's. But if you think you might not be back, the puppy pads are a decent stop. Is there a neighbor who loves her nearby? But yes, the stimulation of someone to love and pet her -- that's a big deal, too. Good luck.
